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Dallas Ray Fogg W/M/61 Hgt. 56 Wgt. 165

On Friday, February 28, 2014 at approximately 12:00 PM, Dallas Fogg was last seen in t e 2800 !lo"# o$ %ar$ord &oad' %e was wearing a blue and bla"# #nit at, a &a(en)s ooded sweats irt, &a(en)s *a"#et, bla"# *eans and gray snea#ers' Dallas Fogg is a diabeti" and may be in need o$ medi"al attention' +nyone w o may a(e in$ormation regarding Dallas Fogg please "onta"t t e ,ort east Distri"t or "all -11'

,ort east Distri"t .onta"t ,umber: 41012-312444

../ 144.00810

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