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Scratch Activities - Week 1

Instructions: 1. You need to complete each of the activities listed below. 2. At the end of each activity you will need to take a screen shot of each completed activity and complete a short write up (approx. 50-100words) about it on your Weebly website. Session: Session 1 Activities:
1. 2. 3. 4. Intro to Scratch Unit What is Scratch? Discussion What is programming Activity 1 - Move, Turn and Point

Objective: To learn how to move a sprite, how to turn, and how to point into a given direction or another sprite. Video Tutorial Part 1: Move and Turn Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment with the size and direction of the steps and turns. Video Tutorial Part 2: Pointing Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment with other directions and sprites. Extensions:

Experiment with step sizes: very small, small, larger, very large. Experiment with all ranges of turns. Experiment by combining move and turn actions simultaneously. Experiment pointing into all range of directions and to other sprites. Experiment combining all actions in this lesson.

Session 2
Note: There are multiple activities in this session

2 - Go and Glide, Changing Positions

Objective: To learn how to control the glide movement of sprites and the change of their position on the stage. Video Tutorial Part 1: Go and Glidemn Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment with the controls of the glide movements. Video Tutorial Part 2: Changing Positions Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by exploring the range of vertical and horizontal coordinates. Extensions:

Experiment by exploring the range of vertical and horizontal coordinates. Experiment with the controls of the Go and Glide and Change and Set controls. Experiment by performing equivalent movements of the sprite with alternative controls. Experiment by moving the sprite around the edge of the stage. Experiment by moving the sprite over the vertical and horizontal axes (x=0, and y=0)

3 - Bouncing, Locating the Sprite

Objective: To learn how to control the bounce of the sprite when it reaches the edges of the stage, and how to report its location and direction. Tutorial Part 1: Bouncing Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. Tutorial Part 2: Locating the Sprite Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. Extensions:

Experiment by having two sprites bouncing off the edges of the stage. Experiment by having tow sprites reporting their location and direction. Experiment by adding sounds when the sprite moves or bounces. Experiment by adding sounds when the sprite crosses some thresholds.

4 - Changing Costumes
Objective: To learn how to select the next costume of the sprite or any of the its predefined costumes, and to change the stage's background. Tutorial Part 1: Change of Costumes Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by exploring the sprites and their costumes in the different Scratch libraries. Tutorial Part 2: Change of Backgrounds Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by exploring the backgrounds and their costumes in the different Scratch libraries. Extensions:

Experiment by applying the techniques of the tutorial to other sprites. Experiment by synchronizing changes of costumes and backgrounds. Experiment by adding sounds when the sprite changes costumes. Experiment by adding sounds when the background changes costumes.

Session 3

5 - Speaking, Thinking and Graphic Effects

Objective: To learn how to display text messages via the sprites (speech and thought), and how to produce graphic effects. Tutorial Part 1: Speaking and Thinking Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings

and parameters used in the tutorial. Tutorial Part 2: Graphic Effects Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. Extensions:

Experiment by having two communicate in words and thougths. Experiment by adding sounds when a sprite speaks or thinks. Experiment by applying multiple graphic effects to a sprite. Experiment by adding sounds when graphic effects are applied.

6 - Size, Presence and Layers

Objective: To learn how to control the size, the visible presence and relative layer location of sprites. Tutorial Part 1: Changing Size Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. Tutorial Part 2: Show and Hide Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. Tutorial Part 3: Controlling Layers Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial.


Experiment by changing the size of two or more sprites at the same time. Experiment by making appear and disappear several sprites. Experiment by controlling the layer relative position of several sprites. Experiment by adding sounds as the sprite change sizes, show or hide, or change layers.

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