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Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky





Sacri icing is an essen!ia" ingredien! in !#e #u$an $akeup% &e are a"" 'orn (i!# !#e urge !o sacri ice% T#e ra''is !e"" us !#a! a person is 'orn (i!# a Ye!zer )oRa# 'u! does no! ge! !#e Ye!zer Tov un!i" #e or s#e is 'nai $i!zva#% T#e Ye!zer )oRa# is usua""y in!erpre!ed as !#e *evi" inc"ina!ion+, 'u! (#a! i! rea""y $eans is !#e urge !o(ards se" -gra!i ica!ion% T#e Ye!zer Tov+ (#ic# is usua""y !rans"a!ed as !#e *good inc"ina!ions+, rea""y $eans !#e a"!ruis!ic !endency o #u$an 'eings% .n !#e S#e$a (e say+ *You s#ou"d "ove !#e /ord your 0od (i!# a"" your #ear!+ (i!# a"" your sou"+ and (i!# a"" your $ig#!%, T#e ra''is in!erpre! !#e e1pression *(i!# a"" your $ig#!, !o $ean *(i!# 'o!# your inc"ina!ions+, (i!# your se" gra!i ying and a"!ruis!ic inc"ina!ions% .n ac!+ !#ey say !#a! in !#e 'eginning o crea!ion (#en 0od re ers !o )is crea!ion as *Tov 23od+, i! $ea!ns !#a! 0od sa( !#a! 'o!# inc"ina!ions+ !#e se" -gra!i ying inc"ina!ion and !#e a"!ruis!ic inc"ina!ion (ere good% &e need 'o!# in order !o unc!ion in !#e (or"d+ and (#en !#e Tora# speaks a'ou! !#e crea!ion o $an i! says *Vayee!zer, and 0od crea!ed% T#e (ord is spe""ed #ere (i!# !(o Yuds+ (#ic# $eans !#a! 0od crea!ed us or )is purposes and or our o(n good (i!# 'o!# !#ese inc"ina!ions% .! is no! !rue !#a! !#e a"!ruis!ic inc"ina!ion is a"(ays !#e 'es! inc"ina!ion% A person can ac! very a"!ruis!ica""y and s!i"" 'e one #undred percen! (rong and go a "o! o da$age% Denying onese" does no! a"(ays "ead !o #appiness or yourse" or or !#e peop"e you are !rying !o #e"p% T#e 4azi s!or$ !roopers !#oug#! !#ey (ere 'eing very a"!ruis!ic (#en !#ey gave up !#eir "ives or )i!"er+ (#en !#ey se" "ess"y !#re( !#e$se"ves in!o 'a!!"e !aking grea! casua"!ies% T#ey (ere o course+ no! ur!#ering good in !#e (or"d% T#ey (ere crea!ing and #e"ping !#e orces o evi"% .n

Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky

A'ra#a$3s !i$e (#en a"" !#e peop"e around #i$ (ere sacri icing !#eir c#i"dren !o 2o"ac# and o!#er pagan gods 5a !er a""+ (#a! cou"d 'e a grea!er or$ o a"!ruis$ !#an !o sacri ice !#a! (#ic# you "ove !#e $os!67+ A'ra#a$ re used !o do !#is and 0od con ir$ed !#a! )e (as rig#! in !#e s!ory o !#e Akeda#% A !er A'ra#a$ !#oug#! 0od #ad co$$anded #i$ !o sacri ice #is son+ 0od e$p#a!ica""y or'ade i!% 8#i"d sacri ice is an a'o$ina!ion+ a #orror% A"!ruis$ is no! a"(ays good and se" gra!i ica!ion is no! a"(ays i$$ora" and (rong% 9eop"e #ave a dis!or!ed sense o (#a! re"igion is% T#ey ee" !#a! i you deny yourse" + you are 'eing re"igious and i you do no! deny yourse" + you are 'eing se" is# and sin u"% T#is is no! !rue% T#e ra''is !e"" !#e s!ory !#a! a !er !#e des!ruc!ion o !#e irs! Te$p"e+ !#e :e(is# peop"e co$p"ained !o 0od% T#ey said+ *0od+ i! is Your au"! !#a! !#e irs! Te$p"e (as des!royed% You gave us !#e Ye!zer )oRa#+ !#e evi" inc"ina!ion% . You #ad no! given us !#e Ye!zer )oRa#+ (e (ou"d no! #ave co$$i!!ed !#e ac!s (#ic# 'roug#! upon us !#e des!ruc!ion o !#e Te$p"e% &e (ou"d no! #ave s!o"en and ro''ed or ki""ed% &e (ou"d no! #ave ac!ed se1ua""y i$$ora" 'y par!icipa!ing in "icen!ious ido" (ors#ip+ e!c%, 0od !o"d !#e peop"e+ *;<+ you are rig#!% . (i"" re$ove ro$ you !#e Ye!zer )oRa#%, A"" o a sudden no'ody go! $arried+ no'ody (as (orking+ no'ody #ad any a$i'i!ion% T#e socie!y s!ar!ed !o a"" apar!% T#e peop"e once again co$p"ained !o 0od+ *=usiness (ere no! opera!ing% 9eop"e cou"d no! ge! enoug# ood and s#e"!er% 8#i"dren (ere no! 'eing 'orn% T#e u!ure (as no! assured% So$e!#ing #ad !o 'e done% 0od again "is!ened !o !#e$ and re!urned !o !#e$ $os! o !#e Ye!zer )oRa#+ no! enoug#+ !#oug# !o cause !#e$ !o again (ors#ip ido"s% T#e poin! o !#is 2idras# is !o !eac# us !#a! a$'i!ion and desire or !#e $a!eria"+ sensua" !#ings in "i e 5 ood+ s#e"!er+ se1+ e!c%7 are no! 'ad% T#ey are necessary or a #u$an 'eing% &i!#ou! a$'i!ion and !#e desire !o $ake a repu!a!ion+ $aking a "iving+ e!c+ no!#ing ge!s done% >ven sc#o"ars (ou"d no! "earn 'ecause !#e ac?uisi!ion o kno("edge is in i!se" + a or$ o se" -gra!i ica!ion%

Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky

A"!ruis$ can 'e evi" as (e"" as goodA so can se" -gra!i ica!ion% .! can 'e good or 'ad depending upon #o( i! is used% &e :e(s #ave never 'e"ieved in se" -denia" or se" -denia"3s sa"e% &e #ave an an!i-asce!ic re"igion% Se" -denia" can "ead !o !erri'"e conse?uences i i! is carried !oo ar% .! rea""y !#en 'eco$es !#e (ors#ip o a person3s (i""po(er% A person can "earn !o s!ee" #i$se" !o a"" sor!s o #orrors% You can s!ee" yourse" 'y (ors#ipping your (i""po(er !o deny co$passion and #u$ani!y% T#a!3s (#a! !#e 4azis did (#en !#ey !#re( :e(is# c#i"dren direc!"y in!o !#e ire !o save a e( cen!s o gas% T#ey denied !#eir o(n ee"ings or !#e sake o !#e Bue#rer% T#e ra''is !e"" us !#a! any'ody (#o denies #i$se" any!#ing (#ic# #e can "ega""y and #a"ac#ica""y enCoy in !#is (or"d #as ac!ua""y co$$i!!ed a sin or (#ic# #ey (i"" 'e #e"d accoun!a'"e% T#e (ors#ip o !#e (i""+ irrespec!ive o i!s $ora" conse?uences+ is a or$ o ido"a!ry% T#e ra''is !e"" us !#a! un!i" a person is =nai 2i!zva# !#ey #ave on"y Ye!zer )oRa#+ !#e urge !o gra!i y !#e$se"ves% 8#i"dren need a "o! o care% T#ey $us! 'e nur!ured% A "i!!"e 'a'y canno! !ake care o i!se" + $uc# "ess o!#ers% Dn!i" a person is =nai 2i!zva# !#ey rea""y concen!ra!e on receiving ro$ o!#ers+ no! on giving !o o!#ers% .! rea""y is no! possi'"e or !#e$+ in $os! ins!ances+ !o do signi ican!"y a"!ruis!ic ac!s% ; course+ !#ere are e1cep!ions+ 'u! !#e gro(ing and $a!ura!ion process !akes up a"" o a young person3s energy% A !er !#eir =nai 2i!zva#+ !#ere is a grea! urge or !eenagers and young adu"! !o 'e a"!ruis!ic% T#ere is a grea! need or !#e$ !o give+ !o sacri ice% T#a!3s (#a! is kno(n as !#e idea"is$ o you!#+ and $any e1per!s say !#a! !#e reason so $any :e(is# youngs!ers are 'eing dra(n in!o cu"!s is 'ecause !#ey are no! 'eing given an oppor!uni!y !o e1press !#eir a"!ruis!ic i$pu"se% T#eir a"!ruis!ic i$pu"se is 'eing s?ue"c#ed 'y a $a!eria"is!ic socie!y (#ic# does no! recognize a"!ruis$ as a va"id e1pression o a person3s persona"i!y% A person is supposed !o Cus! concen!ra!e on !#e$se"ves+ !o ge! a very good pro essiona" educa!ion so !#ey can earn a "o! o $oney% T#ere is in our co$$uni!y Ye!zer Tov

Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky


=ecause o !#is+ $any young peop"e re'e"+ Coin cu"!s+ 'eco$e

radica"s+ e!c% A genera!ion ago $any o !#ese young peop"e (ou"d #ave gone !o .srae" !o 'e 8#a"u!zee$+ pioneers+ or 'eco$e socia" ac!ivis!s #ere in A$erica% Bor so$e reason !#is is no! #appening any $ore% 2ay'er !#eir a$i"ies are discouraging !#e$% ;!#ers used !o go on !o yes#ivas !o dedica!e !#eir "ives !o serving !#eir peop"e 'y serving as ra''is+ can!ors e!c% T#is+ $any !i$es+ !oo+ is no( discouraged% T#is depriva!ion o !#e Ye!zer Tov is a very serious $a!!er (#ic# #as caused a "o! o pro'"e$s !o our genera!ion% &e #ave no! "e! our young peop"e e1press !#eir Ye!zer Tov% &e #ave no! e1p"ained !o !#e$ !#e :e(is# concep! o a"!ruis$% So$e !i$e ago so$eone ca$e !o $e and said !#a! i #er #us'and (ou"d recove ro$ an opera!ion+ s#e (ou"d never (ear Ce(e"ry again% . "ooked a! #er s!unned% *&#a! #as !#a! go! !o do (i!# your #us'and3s recovery6 You $us! 'e"ieve !#a! 0od is a very crue" 0od% Do you 'e"ieve !#a! 0od on"y (i"" #e"p you or your #us'and i you punis# yourse" + i you deny yourse" 6, T#is is no! a :e(is# concep!% &e :e(s do no! 'e"ieve !#a! !#ere is any $eri! in se" -denia" per seA #o(ever+ . !o"d !#is (o$an+ *. you (ou"d #ave said you (ou"d give your Ce(e"ry or i!s va"ue !o c#ari!y i your #us'and recovers+ !#en you (ou"d #ave done a :e(is# a"!ruis!ic ac!% :us! s(earing never !o (ear Ce(e"ry again 'y "eaving i! in a sa e!y deposi! 'o1 does no!#ing% .! is pro'a'"y even a sin% )o(ever+ saying !#a! you (i"" give i!s va"ue !o c#ari!y !o #e"p o!#ers is a grea! $i!zva#%, Sacri ice $us! #e"p peop"e% .! $us! 'e!!er o!#er peop"e3s "ives o!#er(ise sacri ice is o no use% Sacri ice !#en 'eco$es !#e (ors#ip o !#e (i"" and an agen! o evi"+ as i! (as (i!# !#e 4azi s!or$ !roopers% T#is poin! is e$p#asized in !#e Tora# por!ion Tzav (#ere (e "earn a'ou! !#e di eren! sacri ices !#a! (ere o ered (#en !#e Te$p"e s!ood% &e "earn !#a! !#e #ig#es! or$ o sacri ice (as !#e peace o ering+ no! !#e 'urn! o ering% T#e 'urn!

Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky

o ering (as an o ering (#ic# a"" e1cep! !#e skin o !#e ani$a" (as o ered% T#ere (as no o ering in (#ic# !#e (#o"e ani$a" (as consu$ed% Sacri ice s#ou"d never consu$e us en!ire"y% T#e 'urn! o ering (as usua""y a prepara!ory sacri ice or !#e co$$uni!y3s sacri ice and i! (as no! considered !#e #ig#es! or$ o sacri ice% T#e #ig#es! or$ o sacri ice (as !#e peace o ering in (#ic# very "i!!"e (as o ered on !#e a"!er+ 'u! $os! o i! (as ea!en 'y !#e person (#o 'roug#! !#e sacri ice+ 'y !#e pries! and 'y !#e poor% T#e ra''is !eac# us !#a! in 2essianic !i$es a"" !#e sacri ices (i"" cease e1cep! or !#e peace o ering or !#e !#anksgiving o ering% .! (i"" a"(ays 'e con!inued 'ecause 'y s#aring !#ings (i!# o!#ers+ (e give Coy no! on"y !o ourse"ves 'u! a"so !o o!#ers% T#a!3s (#y !o !#is very day (#en a person (an!s !o ce"e'ra!e a #appy occasion #e gives a kiddus#+ no! Cus! so !#a! #e can ea! and 'e #appy+ 'u! so !#a! a"" !#e $e$'ers o !#e co$$uni!y can s#are #is Coy or #appiness (i!# #i$ and 'eco$e #appy !#e$se"ves% To !ake (#a! you #ave and s#are i! (i!# o!#ers+ !o re"ieve !#e p"ig#! o !#e poor+ !o c"o!#e !#e naked+ !o assure educa!ion or deserving youngs!ers+ !#ese are grea! $i!zva#s% To deny yourse" !#ings is no $i!zva# a! a"" i !#e $oney you saved 'y denying yourse" is no! given !o (or!#y causes% Sacri ice or sacri ice3s sake a"one is in $os! ins!ances+ no! on"y no! a $i!zva#+ i! is a sin% .! is i$por!an! !#a! (e !eac# our youngs!ers !#is uni?ue :e(is# concep! o sacri ice% A$'i!ion is good+ 'u! i! is no! every!#ing% &e s#ou"d no! s!op depriving our youngs!ers o !#eir oppor!uni!y !o e1ercise !#eir Ye!zer Tov% &e a"" need !o sacri ice 'u! !o sacri ice in !#e rig#! (ay% T#e denia" o !#e need !o sacri ice 'rings grea! a'erra!ions as does !#e $isuse o !#e desire !o sacri ice% Dn"ess our youngs!ers "earn #o( !o e1ercise !#eir Ye!zer Tov in !#e proper (ay+ !#ey (i"" su er persona"i!y a'erra!ions and !#eir Ye!zer )oRa# (i"" 'e perver!ed !oo and !#eir "ives (i"" 'eco$e co$p"e!e"y se" is#+ se" cen!ered+ un#appy and un u" i""ed% 2ay your youngs!ers and eac# o us a"(ays "ive "ives in (#ic# !#e Ye!zer Tov and !#e Ye!zer )oRa# can ac! in #ar$ony so

Are You DeprivingTzav274 Radinsky

!#a!+ indeed+ as 0od said (#en )e crea!ed us+ *=o!# !#e Ye!zer Tov and !#e Ye!zer )oRa# are Tov 23od+ very good%,

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