INSTRUCTIONS To The Sub and Add Game

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Pieces: 3 cubes (used as the people to move around the board. ! "ame board # number dice !$ addition cards !$ subtraction cards ! spinner ! calculator Pla%ers: 3&' Choose ! person to be the chec(er. The chec(er chec(s all the problems )ith the calculator. The %oun"est pla%er "oes *irst+ then the second %oun"est+ etc. Roll the dice. Then move ho) man% spaces the dice tell %ou to. ,*ter rollin" the dice spin the spinner. Then do )hat the spinner tells %ou to do. I* the spinner sa%s: Spin a"ain+ the spin a"ain. Sta% )here %ou are then obviousl% sta% )here %ou are. -ove bac( ! space do that -ove *or)ard one space do that .ra) an addition card+ dra) one and add the number on the card to the number %our piece is on+ on the board. Then "o to the sum o* the t)o numbers. .ra) a subtraction card+ dra) one and subtract the number *rom the number %our piece is on. Then "o to the di**erence.

I-PORT,NT T/IN0S TO 1NO2 ,3OUT ,..ITION ,N. SU3TR,CTION C,R.S: I* it is impossible to subtract the number on the card *rom the number that %our piece is on move *or)ard ho) man% spaces it sa%s to on the card. I* %ou cannot *ind the sum or di**erence on the board advance ho) man% spaces it sa%s to on the card. I* %ou "et the problem )ron" %ou 4ust sta% )here %ou are. I-PORT,NT: Onl% advance the spaces it sa%s to on the card i* it is impossible to subtract the number or i* the sum or di**erence is not on the board. /O2 TO 2IN: 0et e5actl% on the *inish space *irst b%: Rollin" the dice and e5actl% landin" on *inish. Then )hen %ou spin the spinner i* %ou "et+ .ra) an addition card -ove one ahead or+ Sta% )here %ou are Then %ou )in. I* %ou "et Spin a"ain (there is a chance .ra) a subtraction card or+ -ove bac( one space 6ou do )hat %ou )ould normall% do. There are numbers on start and *inish so %ou can start and *inish there.

C,R.S -,6 7OO1 7I18 T/IS:

S/ORTCUT ,N. 0O 3,C1: I* %ou land on shortcut "o to the "o bac( space but sta% there don9t "o bac(. I* %ou land on the "o bac( space "o bac( to shortcut but don9t ta(e the shortcut.

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