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Arkansas Communication and Theatre Arts Association Storytelling Performer_______________________________________________________Time_________ Title/Author of Selection_________________________________________________________________

Rating of Performance: (Total Points) Superior 100-91 Excellent 90-81 Good 80-71 Fair 70-61 Poor 60-0

Criteria Selection has quality and aesthetic value and is appropriate for children. Introduction is presented containing information necessary to understand story. Title and author are presented in introduction. Motivation for blocking is evident. Actor incorporates various blocking activities. Blocking is appropriate for story and character(s). Actors use movement to physically narrate the story. Actor uses effective facial expressions for story and character(s). Actor demonstrates appropriate body language for story and character(s). Actor demonstrates enthusiasm during performance. Actor demonstrates a variety of emotions and reactions to fit story and character(s). Characterization is fully defined. Characterization is consistent. Characterization is believable. Projection of voice is appropriate for audience and acting area. Articulation and diction are clear. Performer uses character voices that are clear and consistent. Story is memorized. Actor displays confidence throughout performance. Performer enters/exits acting area / round in a professional manner. Time limit, inclusive of introduction, is 4-6 minutes.

0-1 Not Evident

2 Needs Improvement

3 Basic

4 Proficient

5 Advanced

Strengths / Weaknesses:

Total Points_________/100

________________________________________ Judges Signature

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