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Catch Me If You Can Novel Study

ELA 20-2 Mar. 3rd - Apr.16th Miss Tarnowski Kate Andrews HS Novel Study Unit Miss Tarnowskis Website: Class Youtube Playlist: cKrXM&feature=mh_lolz
We will be doing a novel study on Catch Me If You Can by Frank W. Abagnale with Stan Redding for 6 weeks of classes (March 3 April 16). This novel is based on the true story of a real fake, Frank W. Abagnale who was famously known as the Skywayman. Abagnale swindled banks, businesses, hotels and airlines out of millions of dollars in forged checks and all before the age of 21. Abagnales strange and hilarious life story touches on many themes that are relevant and interesting. His tale causes us to question the morality and the law and also how living a life under the dark side of the law impacts an individuals life. I will ask you to question the meaning of justice and you will have to decide for yourself whether Frank Abagnale is a fiend, a villain and an antihero, or whether Frank is more like a modern day Robin Hood; taking from Big Bad Business and giving to himself. Some of the themes explored in Catch Me If You Can are living larger than life, the power of dreams and taking chances, the power of making yourself to be who you want to be, social justice, morality, criminals and deviance, the power of big business, the temptations of money and the fast life and the individual versus society. Despite this novel taking place in the past (the 1950s era between 1948 -1969) it is still meaningful to us today. Abagnale lived as a criminal but in a larger than life way and accomplished a LOT all between the ages of 16 -21. The power, persistence and sheer amount of money that Abagnale swindled people out of is youth is impressive, even if his intentions and actions are pretty immoral. Abagnale shows us that just because we are young it does NOT mean that we are powerless. His adventures show us that the only person that can limit what we accomplish in life is ourselves. The novels shows we can break the law and get away with it too if one is persistent enough, (and if one is lacking a moral compass like the protagonist Frank Abagnale). The power of the individual and the power in having confidence in yourself are the central themes that we will explore using this novel.

Tentative Schedule and Major Assignments

* I reserve the right to speed up or slow down our classes as needed. I will TRY to give you enough time to finish everything IN CLASS TIME, but due to the tight schedule if you dont get enough done in class time it will be homework. I dont believe in surprises, so work that you do in the unit will directly help you on your Unit Exam and Personal Response Essay.
Little Black Logbooks (individual / reading group work) daily in class Logbook checks - Friday March 14 - Thursday March 20 - Thursday April 3 Logbook Sharing - Thursday April 3 Character Sketches (in Little Black Logbooks) Vocabulary (in Little Black Logbooks) Reading Questions & Personal Response Questions (in Little Black Logbooks) In Class Discussions (throughout unit) Reading Comprehension Quizzes (individual, MAY be for marks but mostly a self-check) Chapters 1 & 2 - Friday March 7 Chapters 4 & 5 - Friday March 14 Chapters 6, 7 & 8 - Thursday March 20

Chapters 9 & 10

- Friday April 4

Fakebook Assignment (individual or groups of 2) Create Profiles - Laptops / Library Wednesday March 19 - Lab Thursday March 20 - Laptops / Library Friday March 21 (Due by end of class) The Women Tell All Bachelor Game Show Skits (student picked groups) Production - Wednesday March 26 & Thursday March 27 Presentations - Friday March 28 Essay Workshop - April 7 & 8 In- Class Essay (individual, but may use friend to edit on second day) * You can bring your logbook in as well as your copy of Catch Me If You Can - Writing in the Lab Wednesday April 9 - Finish essay and edit (self- edit / peer-edit) Thursday April 10 Unit Exam Prep. Day Unit Exam Watch Film - Friday April 11 - Monday April 14 - Tuesday April 15 & Wednesday April 16

Big Idea Questions

These are questions to ask yourself when reading the novel. Similar questions may show up on your personal response essay.
Why do we read stories? In what ways are stories like or unlike our lives? Catch Me If You Can explores the possibilities of achieving or creating a new identity. The opening line of the novel says, A mans alter ego is nothing more than his favorite image of himself (Abagnale, 1). What does this quotation and the novel as a whole suggest about the nature of identity? Is there danger in leading a double life or do all people do this to some extent? What are the connections between crime, morality and justice? How can you apply your beliefs about these big ideas to your own life? Why do people lead lives of crime? Do they choose to be bad or are they naturally bad and/or destined / predispositioned to make bad life choices? What do you like and dislike about Frank Abagnales character? Are there things that Frank is/says/does that you would try to emulate in your life? Are there things that you disagree with that Frank is/says/does and how would you avoid bringing these things in to your life? Can we blame Frank for being who he is and doing what he does, or is he doomed to make these mistakes (due to family situation, personality etc.). To what extent do individuals have control over their actions and the free will to determine their life choices and life trajectory (path)? Is Frank Abagnale a fiend, a villain an anti-hero or none of the above? Do you see Frank as a modern day Robin Hood; taking from Big Bad Business and giving to himself? Why/why not? What does the character Frank Abagnale suggest about living larger than life? Why is self-confidence important? What can you achieve if you set your mind to it? Why should we dream big and / or Fake it Till You Make it? What does the novel suggest about how to live a fulfilling and satisfying life? How do you think individuals can find happiness and fulfillment in life and why is this important? Does money make people happy? How much power does money have over people?

How much power does Big Business have over people? How much power does a Corporation have over people?

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