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1. a.) 3rd year HS b.) 4th year HS 2. a.) Male b.) Female 3. a.) Every Class time b.) Every recess time c.) Every lunch break d.) Every dismissal e.) Every weekend 4. a.) Always b.) Sometimes c.) Rarely d.) Never 5. a.) Yes b.) Maybe c.) No 6. a.) Yes b.) No

7. a.) Yes b.) No 8. a.) Yes b.) No 9. a.) 1 time b.) 2-3 times c.) 4-5 times d.) 6-7 times e.) 8-9 times f.) 10 times or more. Please Specify______ 10. a.) Yes b.) No 11. a.) Always b.) Sometimes c.) Never

12. a.) For popularity b.) I just want to c.) For vengeance because they have also backbite me d.) Just for fun e.) To deprive someone f.) My friends do g.) Its normal to society h.) Others: please specify

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