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PROJECT WORK: General information

Project Name: Eating Healthy!

School Name and Class: Naciones Unidas School – 5ºC

Date: From November 3rd to November, 17th

Brief Description: We will help our students create their own ideas about Eating
Healthy, what does it mean, and how can they help other people to see how important it
is. They will have to create an Add (very simple) promoting their ideas, and showing
why it is very good for them not skipping meals, or eating fruits and vegetables, instead
of candies or junk food.

Objective(s): Helping them realise about the importance of eating healthy and making
them analyse what they eat on a regular day, and if that is ok for their health or not.

Required material: “Papelografos”, caturlinas, lapices de colores, brillantina, tijeras,

pegamento, recortes de revistas, papel lustre, plumones.

Group member´s names: Nadia Quiroga, Valeria Romero

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