LIbreOffice - Math Guide

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LibreOffice 4.

0 Math Guide
The LibreOffice Equation Editor

This document is Copyright 20112013 by its contributors as listed below. You may distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the !" eneral #ublic $icense %http&//'( )ersion 3 or later( or the Creati)e Commons *ttribution $icense %http&//creati)'( )ersion 3.0 or later. *ll trademar+s within this guide belong to their legitimate owners.

,ean -ollis .eber -a/el 0ussman $aurent 1alland2#oirier

#lease direct any comments or suggestions about this document to&

This guide is adapted and updated from the 3.3 Math Guide. The contributors to that boo+ are& 4aniel Carrera #eter 6upfer ,ean -ollis .eber *gnes 1el/unce 7an $aurenson 8ichele :arri T, 5ra/ier ,anet 8. 9wisher

*dditional material has been added from the erman Math Handbuch for $ibre;ffice 3.< %translated to =nglish by -a/el 0ussman'. Contributors to that boo+ are& 0egina -enschel isbert 5riege %4maths' Christian 6>hl ,ochen 9chiffers 5lorian 0eisinger

*dditional material has been added from the 5rench How-To Math for $ibre;ffice %translated to =nglish by $aurent 1alland2#oirier'. Contributors to that boo+ are& 1ernard 9iaud 5r?d?ric #arrenin

Publication date and software version

#ublished 3 ,uly 2013. 1ased on $ibre;ffice <.0.<.

Documentation for LibreOffice is a ai!ab!e at http"##www.!!p#documentation

Copyright.............................................................................................................................. 2
Contributors................................................................................................................................. 2 5eedbac+..................................................................................................................................... 2 *c+nowledgments........................................................................................................................ 2 #ublication date and software )ersion......................................................................................... 2

Preface.................................................................................................................................. 6
.ho is this boo+ for@................................................................................................................... A .here to get more help............................................................................................................... A .hat you see may be different.................................................................................................... B .hat are all these things called@................................................................................................. C "sing $ibre;ffice on a 8ac.......................................................................................................... D .ho wrote this boo+@.................................................................................................................. D 5reEuently as+ed Euestions......................................................................................................... D

What is

ath!..................................................................................................................... ""

#etting started....................................................................................................................""
Creating an eEuation as a separate document........................................................................... 11 7nserting a formula into a .riter document................................................................................ 12

$ntering a formula............................................................................................................. "%

The =lements window................................................................................................................ 13 0ight2clic+ %conteFt' menu......................................................................................................... 1G 8ar+up....................................................................................................................................... 1G ree+ characters....................................................................................................................... 1A

Changing a formula........................................................................................................... "&

Choosing the region to alter....................................................................................................... 1C Carrying out changes................................................................................................................. 1C

Formula layout................................................................................................................... "'

1rac+ets are your friends........................................................................................................... 1D 1rac+ets with matrices loo+ uglyH............................................................................................... 1D 7solated and unpaired brac+ets.................................................................................................. 20 0ecogni/ing functions in 8ath................................................................................................... 20 =Euations o)er more than one line............................................................................................ 21 -ow do 7 add limits to my sum/integral@.....................................................................................21 -ow do 7 write a deri)ati)e@....................................................................................................... 22 8ar+up characters as regular characters................................................................................... 22 TeFt in a formula........................................................................................................................ 23 -ow do 7 align my eEuations at the eEuals sign@....................................................................... 23

Changing the appearance of formulas............................................................................ 2(

Changing the font si/e............................................................................................................... 2< Changing the font...................................................................................................................... 2G *dIusting spacing in formulas.................................................................................................... 2A Changing the alignment............................................................................................................. 2C
LibreOffice $.% Math Guide 3

Changing the color..................................................................................................................... 2D

Formulas in Writer documents......................................................................................... 2'

!umbering eEuations................................................................................................................. 2D #osition...................................................................................................................................... 31 8argins...................................................................................................................................... 31 TeFt mode.................................................................................................................................. 31 1ac+ground( borders( and si/e.................................................................................................. 31 Creating a formula library........................................................................................................... 32 5ast insertion of formulas........................................................................................................... 32

Formulas in Calc) *mpress) and +raw..............................................................................%2

raphical properties.................................................................................................................. 32 Combining formulas with teFt..................................................................................................... 33 5ormulas in charts..................................................................................................................... 3<

Customi,ations.................................................................................................................. %(
5ormula editor as a floating window........................................................................................... 3< *dd button to toolbar................................................................................................................. 3G *dd +eyboard shortcut............................................................................................................... 3G Customi/ing the catalog............................................................................................................. 3A Customi/ing operators............................................................................................................... 3C 9pace at the end of a formula.................................................................................................... 3C 4efault layout with style............................................................................................................. 3D *pplication to chemical formulas................................................................................................ <0

$-port and import.............................................................................................................. (.

=Fport as 8ath8$...................................................................................................................... <0 8icrosoft file formats.................................................................................................................. <2 J-T8$...................................................................................................................................... <3 5lat J8$.................................................................................................................................... <3

$-tensions.......................................................................................................................... (%
4maths an eFtension for more than Iust faster formula input.................................................. <3 9ymbolic computation with Cmath;;o and Cmath;;oC*9....................................................<G

/echnical details................................................................................................................ (0
;*979 ;pen 4ocument 5ormat for ;ffice applications..............................................................<G -andling of formulas in 1asic.................................................................................................... <G

ath commands 1 2eference............................................................................................ (&

"nary / binary operators............................................................................................................ <C 0elations.................................................................................................................................... <D 9et operations............................................................................................................................ G0 5unctions................................................................................................................................... G1 ;perators................................................................................................................................... G2 *ttributes................................................................................................................................... G3 1rac+ets..................................................................................................................................... G< 5ormats..................................................................................................................................... GA ;thers........................................................................................................................................ GB
$ LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

Characters ree+................................................................................................................... GC Characters 9pecial.................................................................................................................. GC 0eser)ed words in alphabetic order........................................................................................... GD

*nde-.................................................................................................................................... 62

LibreOffice $.% Math Guide


Who is this book for!
$ibre;ffice 8ath is an eEuation %formula' editor. *nyone who wants to get up to speed Euic+ly with 8ath will find this boo+ )aluable. 7f you ha)e ne)er used $ibre;ffice 8ath before( or you want an introduction to all of its components( you might li+e to read Getting 'tarted with LibreOffice $.% first.

Where to get more help

This boo+( the other $ibre;ffice user guides( the built2in -elp system( and user support systems assume that you are familiar with your computer and basic functions such as starting a program( opening and sa)ing files.

Help system
$ibre;ffice comes with an eFtensi)e -elp system. This is your first line of support for using $ibre;ffice. To display the full -elp system( press () or go to 3elp 4 5ibre6ffice 3elp on the main menu bar. 7n addition( you can choose whether to acti)ate Tips( E*tended tips( and the He!p +gent by going to /ools 4 6ptions 4 5ibre6ffice 4 #eneral on the main menu bar. 7f Tips are enabled( ho)er the mouse pointer o)er any of the icons to see a small boF %tooltip' with a brief eFplanation of the iconKs function. 5or a more detailed eFplanation( select 3elp 4 What7s /his! on the main menu bar and ho)er the pointer o)er the icon.

Free online support

The $ibre;ffice community not only de)elops software( but pro)ides free( )olunteer2based support. 9ee Table 1 and this web page& http&// Tab!e )" (ree support for LibreOffice users Free LibreOffice support
*s+ $ibre;ffice 4ocumentation 8ailing lists 5*Ls Luestions and answers from the $ibre;ffice community http&// "ser guides( how2tos( and other documentation. http&// https&// 5ree community support is pro)ided by a networ+ of eFperienced users http&// *nswers to freEuently as+ed Euestions http&// The $ibre;ffice website in your language. http&// 7nternational mailing lists http&//$ocalM8ailingM$ists 7nformation about a)ailable accessibility options. http&//

7nternational support

*ccessibility options

LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

You can get comprehensi)e online support from the community through mailing lists and the *s+ $ibre;ffice website( http&// ;ther websites run by users also offer free tips and tutorials. This forum pro)ides community support for $ibre;ffice& http&// This site pro)ides support for $ibre;ffice( among other programs& http&//

Paid support and training

*lternati)ely( you can pay for support ser)ices. 9er)ice contracts can be purchased from a )endor or consulting firm speciali/ing in $ibre;ffice.

What you see may be different

$ibre;ffice runs on .indows( $inuF( and 8ac ;9 J operating systems( each of which has se)eral )ersions and can be customi/ed by users %fonts( colors( themes( window managers'.

The illustrations in this guide were ta+en from a )ariety of computers and operating systems. Therefore( some illustrations will not loo+ eFactly li+e what you see on your computer display. *lso( some of the dialogs may be different because of the settings selected in $ibre;ffice. You can either use dialogs from your computer system or dialogs pro)ided by $ibre;ffice %default'. To change to using $ibre;ffice dialogs if settings ha)e been altered& 1' ;n $inuF and .indows operating systems( go to /ools 4 6ptions 45ibre6ffice 4 #eneral on the main menu bar to open the dialog for general options. 2' ;n a 8ac operating system( go to 5ibre6ffice 4 Preferences 4 #eneral on the main menu bar to open the dialog for general options. 3' 9elect -se LibreOffice dia!ogs in Open#'a e dia!ogs and/or( in $inuF or 8ac ;9J operating systems only( .rint dia!ogs to display the $ibre;ffice dialogs on your computer display. <' Clic+ 68 to sa)e your settings and close the dialog.

The icons used to illustrate some of the many tools a)ailable in $ibre;ffice may differ from the ones used in this guide. The icons in this guide ha)e been ta+en from a $ibre;ffice installation that has been set to display the alaFy set of icons. 7f you wish( you can change your $ibre;ffice software pac+age to display alaFy icons as follows& 1' ;n $inuF and .indows operating systems( go to /ools 4 6ptions 45ibre6ffice 4 9iew on the main menu bar to open the dialog for )iew options. 2' ;n a 8ac operating system( go to 5ibre6ffice 4 Preferences 4 9iew on the main menu bar to open the dialog for )iew options. 3' 7n -ser interface / 0con si1e and st2!e select Ga!a*2 3defau!t4 from the options a)ailable in the drop2down list. <' Clic+ 68 to sa)e your settings and close the dialog.
9ome $inuF operating systems( for eFample "buntu( include $ibre;ffice as part of the installation and may not include the alaFy icon set. You should be able to download the alaFy icon set from the software repository for your $inuF operating system.



What are all these things called!

The terms used in $ibre;ffice for most parts of the user interface %the parts of the program you see and use( in contrast to the behind2the2scenes code that actually ma+es it wor+' are the same as for most other programs. * dia!og is a special type of window. 7ts purpose is to inform you of something( or reEuest input from you( or both. 7t pro)ides controls for you to use to specify how to carry out an action. The technical names for common controls are shown in 5igure 1. 7n most cases we do not use the technical terms in this boo+( but it is useful to +now them because the -elp and other sources of information often use them.

(igure )" Dia!og 3from 6a!c4 showing common contro!s 1' 2' 3' <' Tabbed page %not strictly spea+ing a control'. 0adio buttons %only one can be selected at a time'. Chec+boF %more than one can be selected at a time'. 9pin boF %clic+ the up and down arrows to change the number shown in the teFt boF neFt to it( or type in the teFt boF'. G' Thumbnail or pre)iew. A' 4rop2down list from which to select an item. B' #ush buttons. 7n most cases( you can interact only with the dialog %not the document itself' as long as the dialog remains open. .hen you close the dialog after use %usually( clic+ing 68 or another button sa)es your changes and closes the dialog'( then you can again wor+ with your document. 9ome dialogs can be left open as you wor+( so you can switch bac+ and forth between the dialog and your document. *n eFample of this type is the 5ind N 0eplace dialog.

LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

;sing 5ibre6ffice on a


9ome +eystro+es and menu items are different on a 8ac from those used in .indows and $inuF. The table below gi)es some common substitutions for the instructions in this chapter. 5or a more detailed list( see the application -elp. indo!s or Linu"
/ools 4 6ptions menu selection 8ight-c!ic9 6tr! 36ontro!4 (& ())

Mac e#ui$alent
5ibre6ffice 4 Preferences 6ontro!:c!ic9 36ommand4 'hiftOO(& OT

*ccess setup options ;pens a conteFt menu "sed with other +eys ;pens the !a)igator ;pens the 9tyles and 5ormatting window

Who wrote this book!

This boo+ was written by )olunteers from the $ibre;ffice community( as listed on the Copyright page. #rofits from sales of the printed edition will be used to benefit the community.

Fre<uently asked <uestions

3ow is 5ibre6ffice licensed! $ibre;ffice is distributed under the ;pen 9ource 7nitiati)e %;97' appro)ed $esser eneral #ublic $icense %$ #$'. The $ #$ license is a)ailable from the $ibre;ffice website& http&// ay * distribute 5ibre6ffice to anyone! Yes. 3ow many computers may * install it on! *s many as you li+e. ay * sell it! Yes. ay * use 5ibre6ffice in my business! Yes. *s 5ibre6ffice available in my language! $ibre;ffice has been translated %locali/ed' into o)er <0 languages( so your language probably is supported. *dditionally( there are o)er B0 spe!!ing( h2phenation( and thesaurus dictionaries a)ailable for languages( and dialects that do not ha)e a locali/ed program interface. The dictionaries are a)ailable from the $ibre;ffice website at& 3ow can you make it for free! $ibre;ffice is de)eloped and maintained by )olunteers and has the bac+ing of se)eral organi/ations. 3ow can * contribute to 5ibre6ffice! You can help with the de)elopment and user support of $ibre;ffice in many ways( and you do not need to be a programmer. To start( chec+ out this webpage& http&//
.reface ;

ay * distribute the P+F of this book) or print and sell copies! Yes( as long as you meet the reEuirements of one of the licenses in the copyright statement at the beginning of this boo+. You do not ha)e to reEuest special permission. 7n addition( we reEuest that you share with the proIect some of the profits you ma+e from sales of boo+s( in consideration of all the wor+ we ha)e put into producing them.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

What is


8ath is $ibre;fficeKs component for writing mathematical and chemical eEuations. 7t is most commonly used as an eEuation editor for teFt documents( but it can also be used with other types of documents or stand2alone. .hen used inside .riter( the eEuation is treated as an obIect inside the teFt document.


The eEuation editor is for writing eEuations in symbolic form( as in eEuation 1. 7f you want to e)aluate a numeric )alue( see the 6a!c Guide.

df ( * ) =ln ( * )+ tan1 ( * 2) d* or
!-3 + -2 ; !-+ < + ;-


#etting started
You can create an eEuation %formula' as a separate document or insert it into a document in .riter or another component of $ibre;ffice.

Creating an e<uation as a separate document

To create an eEuation as a separate document( open the 8ath component of $ibre;ffice using one of these methods&

;n the menu bar( choose File 4 :ew 4 Formula. ;n the standard toolbar( clic+ the triangle to the left of the :ew icon and choose Formula. 5rom the 9tart Center( clic+ Formula.
*n empty formula document opens %see 5igure 2'.

(igure <" +n empt2 formu!a document

Getting started


The upper area is the pre)iew window( where the eEuation will appear during and after input. The lower area is the eEuation editor( where the mar+up code for the eEuation is entered. The floating =lements window will also appear.

*nserting a formula into a Writer document

To insert a formula into a .riter document( open the document and then choose *nsert 4 6b=ect 4 Formula from the menu bar. The formula editor opens at the bottom of the .riter window( and the floating =lements window appears. You will also see a small boF with a gray border in your document( where the formula will be displayed( as shown in 5igure 3.

(igure 3" Equation Editor= E!ements window= and !ocation of resu!ting equation in >riter


7f the =lements window is missing( show it with 9iew 4 $lements.

.hen you are done entering the formula( you can close the editor by pressing the Esc +ey or by clic+ing an area outside the formula in the main document. * double2clic+ will open the editor again( so you can edit the formula. 5ormulas are inserted as ;$= obIects. 7n a .riter document( the formula is anchored as a character( so it is embedded in the continuous teFt. You can( as with any other ;$= obIect( change the anchor and ma+e the formula floating. 7n Calc( 7mpress( and 4raw documents( formulas are embedded as floating ;$= obIects. 7f you freEuently need to insert formulas( it is ad)isable to add the 5ormula button to the 9tandard toolbar or create a +eyboard shortcut. 9ee P*dd button to toolbarQ or P*dd +eyboard shortcutQ on page 3G.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

$ntering a formula
The eEuation editor uses a mar+up language to represent formulas. 5or eFample( ?beta creates the ree+ character beta % '. This mar+up is designed to read similar to =nglish whene)er a possible. 5or eFample( a o er b produces a fraction& . b You can enter a formula in three ways&

9elect a symbol from the =lements window. 0ight2clic+ on the eEuation editor and select the symbol from the conteFt menu. Type mar+up in the eEuation editor.
The conteFt menu and the =lements window insert the mar+up corresponding to a symbol. This pro)ides a con)enient way to learn the $ibre;ffice 8ath mar+up.


Clic+ on the document body to eFit the formula editor. 4ouble2clic+ on a formula to enter the formula editor again.

/he $lements window

The simplest method for entering a formula is the =lements window.

(igure $" '2mbo!s are di ided into categories The =lements window is di)ided into two main parts.

The top shows the symbol categories. Clic+ on these to change the list of symbols. The bottom shows the symbols a)ailable in the current category. /ip
You can hide or show the =lements window with 9iew 4 $lements.

%"ample &' G <

5or this eFample we will enter a simple formula& G < . ;n the =lements window& 1' 9elect the top2left button of the categories %top' section. 2' Clic+ on the multiplication symbol.

Entering a formu!a


(igure &" 'e!ecting the mu!tip!ication s2mbo! .hen you select the multiplication symbol on the =lements window( two things happen& The eEuation editor shows the mar+up& R@S times R@S

The body of the document shows a gray boF li+e this&

(igure ," 8esu!t of se!ecting the mu!tip!ication s2mbo! The R@S symbols shown in 5igure A are placeholders that you can replace by other teFt( for eFample 5 and 4. The eEuation will update automatically( and the result should resemble 5igure B.


4uring edition of a formula( reser)ed placeholders are indicated by sEuares in the formula and <?> in the command window. You can na)igate through these placeholders than+s to F4 and Shift+F4.


To +eep the eEuation from updating automatically( select 9iew 4Auto;pdate display. To update a formula manually( press (; or select 9iew 4 ;pdate.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

(igure 5" 8esu!t of entering & and $ ne*t to the times operator

2ight1click >conte-t? menu

*nother way to access mathematical symbols is to right2clic+ on the eEuation editor. This pops up the menu shown in 5igure C. The items in this menu correspond to those in the =lements window( with some eFtra commands.

(igure 7" 8ight-c!ic9 3conte*t4 menu

!either the window elements( nor the conteFt menu contains a complete list of commands. 5or some seldom2used commands( you must always enter the mar+up. * complete list of commands can be found in *ppendiF * to this manual( page <C.


You can type the mar+up directly in the eEuation editor. 5or eFample( you can type 5 times 4 to obtain G < . 7f you +now the mar+up( this can be the fastest way to enter a formula.


The formula mar+up resembles the way the formula reads in =nglish.

Entering a formu!a


1elow is a short list of common eEuations and their corresponding mar+up. (isplay a =b a2 )ommand
aTb aW2 int f%F' dF a RT b a times b


sErt UaV aMn sum aMn infinity F cdot y


f ( * ) d*
a b
a b


#reek characters
ree+ characters % = = = ( etc' are common in mathematical formulas. These characters are not a ai!ab!e in the E!ements window or the right-c!ic9 menu. 5ortunately( the mar+up for ree+ characters is simple& Type a X sign followed by the name of the character( in =nglish.

To write a !owercase character( type the name of the character in lowercase. To write an uppercase character( type the name of the character in uppercase. To write in italic( add an i between % sign and the name of the character.
* complete table of eFamples. Lo!ercase %alpha %beta ree+ characters is pro)ided on page GC. 9ee the table below for some

*ppercase %ALPHA %BETA

Italic lo!ercase %ialpha %ibeta

Italic uppercase %iALPHA %iBETA

%gamma %psi %phi


%igamma %ipsi %iphi





*nother way to enter ree+ characters is by using the 9ymbols catalog window. Choose /ools 4 Catalog. This window is shown in 5igure D. "nder '2mbo! set( select #reek and double2clic+ on a ree+ letter from the list. The mar+up name of the character is shown below the list window.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

(igure ;" '2mbo!s cata!og= used for entering Gree9 characters and some specia! s2mbo!s

%"ample +' 3.1<1GD

5or this eFample we will suppose that&

.e want to enter the abo)e formula %the )alue of pi rounded to G decimal places'. .e +now the name of the ree+ character %pi'. 1ut we do not +now the mar+up associated with the symbol.
@tep "& Type % followed by the teFt pi. This displays the @tep 2& ;pen the =lements window %9iew 4 $lements'. @tep %& The symbol is a relation( so we clic+ on the 0elations button. 7f you ho)er the mouse o)er this button you see the tooltip 8e!ations %5igure 10'. 5igure 11 shows the =lements window after clic+ing the 0elations button. The symbol we want is circled. ree+ character .

(igure )%" Too!tip indicates the 8e!ations button (igure ))" +fter se!ecting 8e!ations @tep (& Clic+ on the a b symbol. The eEuation editor now shows the mar+up %pi<?> simeq <?>.
Entering a formu!a )5

@tep 0& 4elete the R@S teFt( press the ($ +ey and type 3.14159 at the end of the eEuation. .e end up with the mar+up %pi simeq 3.14159. The result is shown in 5igure 12.

(igure )<. (ina! resu!t

Changing a formula
You can change a formula at any time. To switch into edit mode( double2clic+ on the formula.

Choosing the region to alter

To get to the appropriate section in the mar+up code( do any one of the following&

7n the eEuation editor( clic+ on the location. 9elect an area of the mar+up code that you wish to change. Clic+ on an element in the pre)iew areaY the cursor will automatically mo)e to the
corresponding point in the eEuation editor.

4ouble2clic+ on an element in the pre)iew areaY the corresponding section in the eEuation
editor will be selected. To be able to wor+ in the upper %pre)iew' area in the stand2alone 8ath window %5igure 2'( the formula cursor must be acti)ated. "se the (ormu!a 6ursor button on the Too!s toolbar.

Carrying out changes

You can change an eEuation by o)erwriting selected teFt or by inserting new mar+up code at the cursor position.
$ibre;ffice also pro)ides a means of carrying out alterations directly in the pre)iew area. This is still under de)elopment and therefore counts as PeFperimentalQ. 7n order to ma+e use of it( you must first carry out the following configuration change& go to /ools 4 6ptions 4 5ibre6ffice 4 #eneral and chec+ the boF for $nable e-perimental >unstable? features. The acti)ation of this option ma+es it impossible( by clic+ing on a formula element( to gain access to the corresponding position in the mar+up code.



LibreOffice $.% Math Guide


The use of eFperimental features can lead to program crashes and/or loss of data. ;nly ma+e the abo)e change if you can accept this ris+.

Formula layout
The most difficult part of using $ibre;ffice 8ath comes when writing complicated formulas. This section pro)ides some ad)ice.

Arackets are your friends

$ibre;ffice 8ath +nows nothing about order of operation. You must use brac+ets to state the order of operations eFplicitly. Consider the following eFamples. Mar,up 2 over x + 1 -esult 2 +1 * 1 2 Mar,up 2 over " x + 1! -esult 2 * +1 1 2

" 1 over 2

1 over 2!

7n the first eFample( 8ath has recogni/ed that the 2 before and the - after the over belong to the fraction( and has represented them accordingly. 7f you want -B" rather than - to be the denominator( you must brac+et them together so that both will be placed there. 7n the second eFample( 8ath has recogni/ed the minus sign as a prefiF for the " and has therefore placed it in the numerator of the fraction. 7f you wish to show that the whole thing is negati)e( with the minus sign in front of the fraction( you must put the fraction in brac+ets in order to signify to 8ath that the characters belong together. The braces belong solely to the layout of the mar+up code and are not printed. 7f you wish to use braces in the formula( use the commands lbrace and rbrace. Compare the following eFamples& Mar,up x over "x + 1! -esult * *+1 Mar,up x over lbra#e "x + 1 rbra#e -esult * { * +1 }

Arackets with matrices look uglyC

5or bac+ground( we start with an o)er)iew of the matriF command. Mar,up matrix a $ b $$ # $ % ! -esult a b c d


0ows are separated by two ZKs and entries within each row are separated by one Z.

(ormu!a !a2out


The first problem people ha)e with matrices is that brac+ets do not scale with the matriF& Mar,up & matrix a $ b $$ # $ % ! ' -esult (a b) c d

$ibre;ffice 8ath pro)ides scalable brac+ets. That is( the brac+ets grow in si/e to match the si/e of their contents. "se the commands !eft3 and right4 to ma+e scalable brac+ets. Mar,up le(t& matrix a $ b $$ # $ % ! right' -esult

( )
a b c d


"se !eft@ and rightA to obtain sEuare brac+ets. The list of all a)ailable brac+ets is on page G<. 7f you want all brac+ets to be scalable( go to Format 4 @pacing. Then in the 'pacing dialog( choose the category Brac9ets and chec+ the option @cale all brackets.


These scalable brac+ets may also be used with any element( such as fraction( sEuare root( and so on.

*solated and unpaired brackets

8ath eFpects that for e)ery opening brac+et there will be a closing one. 7f you forget a brac+et( 8ath places an in)erted Euestion mar+ by the corresponding brac+et. The in)erted Euestion mar+ disappears when all the brac+ets are matched. 9ometimes forgetting a brac+et causes the whole structure of the formula to fall apart. -owe)er( an unpaired brac+et is sometimes necessary. 7n such cases( you ha)e two options. .ith non2scalable brac+ets( use a preceding bac+slash [ to indicate that the following character should not be regarded as a brac+et but as a literal character. 9o the half2open inter)al [a;b[ is represented by \[a;b\[ \ try comparing this with [a;b[ 9calable brac+ets can also be unpaired. The same half2open inter)al is represented by le(t ) a* b right ) 5or scalable brac+ets( you can also use the command none to replace a non2eFistent paired brac+et.

*= * for * 0 * for * ! 0
can be represented by
abs x + le(t lbra#e sta#, x -(or- x .+ / $ 0x -(or- x 1 /! right 2o2e

2ecogni,ing functions in


7n the basic installation( 8ath outputs )ariables in italics. 7f you enter a function( 8ath usually recogni/es it and outputs it normally. 7f 8ath fails to recogni/e a function %a list of recogni/ed functions begins on page <C'( you can inform 8ath about it. =nter the mar+up code func before the function( and the following teFt will be recogni/ed as a function.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

9ome functions recogni/ed by 8ath need to be followed by numbers or )ariables. 7f these are missing( 8ath puts an in)erted red Euestion mar+ in their place( which you can only remo)e by correcting the formula& enter a )ariable or a number( or a pair of empty braces U V as a placeholder.


You can na)igate through errors using (3 and 'hift:(3.

$<uations over more than one line

9uppose you want to ma+e an eEuation co)ering more than one lineY for eFample& * =3 2 =1

Your first reaction would be to simply press the Enter +ey. -owe)er( if you press the Enter +ey( although the mar+up goes to a new line( the resulting eEuation does not. You must type the newline command eFplicitly. This is illustrated in the table below. Mar,up x + 3 4 + 1 x + 3 2e5li2e 4 + 1 -esult

* =3 2 =1
* =3 2 =1

7f you want to continue the calculation on a new line without writing a complete new eEuation( this is not directly possible( because 8ath eFpects a term on the left hand side of an eEuals sign. You can substitute&

=mpty Euotes ]]. This will automatically cause the line to be left2Iustified. =mpty braces U V. The line will then be centered. 9paces characters ^ or _. The line will be centered with the spaces.
The alignment of eEuals signs under each other is described on page 23. *s well( spacing between elements in formulas is not set by space characters in the code. You need to use special mar+up to add spaces& 6 %gra)e' for a small space( 7 for a large space. *nother solution would be to add space characters between Euotes( to be considered as teFt. 9pace mar+up at the end of a formula are ignored by default %see P9pace at the end of a formulaQ on page 3C'.

3ow do * add limits to my sumDintegral!

The sum and int commands %see complete list on page G2' can %optionally' ta+e the parameters from and to. These are used for lower and upper limits respecti)ely. These parameters can be used singly or together. Mar,up
s8m (rom , + 1 to 2 a9, i2t (rom / to x (&t' %t or i2t9/:x (&t' %t


9 =1

f ( t ) dt


0 f (t ) dt

(ormu!a !a2out


i2t (rom ;e ( s8m to i2(i2it4 2: 02!





5or more details on integrals and sums( see page G2.

3ow do * write a derivative!

.riting deri)ati)es essentially comes down to one tric+& Te!! LibreOffice it is a fraction. 7n other words( you ha)e to use the o er command. Combine this with either the letter d %for a total deri)ati)e' or the partia! command %for a partial deri)ati)e' to achie)e the effect of a deri)ati)e.


!otice that we ha)e to use braces %sEuiggly brac+ets' to ma+e the deri)ati)e.

%x! partial 4! partial t:2!

%(! over

df d* #f #2 #2 f #t 2

partial (! over partial:2 (! over

To write function names with primes( as is usual in school notation( you must first add the signs to the catalog. "sing single and double Euotes is typographically ugly. 9ee PCustomi/ing the catalogQ on page 3A.

arkup characters as regular characters

Characters that are used for controlling mar+up cannot be entered directly as normal characters. The characters concerned are& E( F( G( H( I( M( J and K. 9o( for eFample( you cannot write 2E L ...2 or "K L 2.06cm. Two methods are a)ailable to o)ercome this limitation&

"se double Euotes to mar+ the character as teFt( for eFample 2KEKL ...2. ;b)iously this is
not possible for the double2Euote character itself.

*dd the character to the catalog. 9ee PCustomi/ing the catalogQ on page 3A.
7n some cases you can use commands&

lbrace and rbrace gi)e you literal braces {}. mline gi)es you the )ertical line( for eFample 2 mline % for ( 23 )
Con)ersion into a character entity as in html or the use of an escape character is not possible in 8ath.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

/e-t in a formula
To include teFt in a formula( enclose it in straight double2Euotes&
abs x + le(t lbra#e matrix x $ -(or - x .+ / $$ 0x $ -(or - x 1 /! right 2o2e

*= * for * 0 * for * ! 0
*ll characters eFcept double Euotes are permissible in teFt. "nfortunately the 9pecial characters dialog is not a)ailable. 7f necessary( you can write the teFt in a teFt document and copy it into the eEuation editor )ia the clipboard. 7n this way smart Euotes can be inserted( as shown below.

(igure )3" 'mart quotes inc!uded b2 cop2 and paste from >riter. TeFt is shown in the font that was selected from the /e-t list in the Fonts dialog %compare with the section PChanging the fontQ on page 2G'. To use a font from the lower window of the eEuation editor( set the attribute @erif( @ans or Fi-ed before the teFt. 1y default( teFt is left2Iustified. You can change the Iustification with alignc or alignr %see PChanging the alignmentQ on page 2C'. Commands are not interpreted within teFt. "se Euotes to brea+ up the teFt if you wish to use special formatting commands. -I2 - #olor bl8e bol% -isos#eles- -tria2gles< the base a2gles are e=8al-

7n isosceles triangles( the base angles are eEual

3ow do * align my e<uations at the e<uals sign!

$ibre;ffice 8ath does not ha)e a command for aligning eEuations on a particular character( but you can use a matriF to do this( as shown below. Mar,up
matrix alig2r x+4 $ alig2r x ! $ !+ ! $ alig2l 2 $$ !+ ! $ alig2l 204

-esult *+ 2 * = 2 = 2 2

The empty braces around T are necessary because T is a binary operator and thus needs an eFpression on each side. You may replace them with space characters %^ or _'.

(ormu!a !a2out


You can reduce the spacing around T if you change the inter2column spacing of the matriF& 1' .ith the eEuation editor open( choose Format 4 @pacing from the menu bar. 2' 7n the 9pacing dialog %5igure 1<'( clic+ the Category button and select atrices in the drop2down menu. 3' =nter .E for Column spacing and clic+ 68.

(igure )$" 6hanging spacing in a matri* formu!a

Changing the appearance of formulas

Changing the font si,e
This is one of the most common Euestions people as+ about $ibre;ffice 8ath. The answer is simple( but not intuiti)e& 1' 9tart the formula editor and choose Format 4 Font si,e. 2' 9elect a larger font si/e under Base si1e %top2most entry'.

(igure )&. Edit Base si1e 3top4 to ma9e a formu!a bigger The result of this change is illustrated in 5igure 1A.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

(igure ),. 8esu!t of changing the base font si1e

The change in font si/e applies only to the current formula. To change the font si/e generally( clic+ on the +efault button and then 68. * general change in the font si/e might( for eFample( ma+e your wor+ easier when you are preparing a big presentation and want all the formulas in it to ha)e a base si/e of 2Cpt\but do not forget to set the font si/e bac+ to its original )alue when the wor+ is finished. .arning& this modifies only the current formula and future formulas you will write. To modify all formulas already eFisting in the document( you need to use a macro %see page <G'.


The si/e of a subset of characters in a formula may be modified using the size command. 5or instance& b size 5{a} & b a . 7n $lements window( last but one icon of +ttributes tab gi)es the size command. The )alue Iust after size may be absolute %numeric )alue' or relati)e to the conteFt %base si/e by default'& + ( !3( "#( or $# for instance.

Changing the font

The fonts used in formulas can be changed using Format 4 Fonts. The (ormu!a fonts section of the (onts dialog %5igure 1B' refers to the four specified formula elements. The font for operators( relationships and brac+ets is not affected( as these elements normally come from the ;pen9ymbol font. 9imilarly elements from the catalog %see PCustomi/ing the catalogQ on page 3A' continue to be displayed in the font specified there.

(igure )5" (onts dia!og The 6ustom fonts section determines which font will be used when the attribute font serif( font sans or font fi-ed is specified.

6hanging the appearance of formu!as


To change a font( first clic+ on the

odify listboF.

Choose the type of entry you wish to modify. The (onts dialog opens( showing all the fonts a)ailable on your system.

(igure )7" (ont dia!og 7f you enter an initial character in the upper teFt boF( the list will Iump to that place. 1y entering a few additional characters( you can specify the eFact font that you want. 7f you do not +now its name( use the scrollbar to scroll through them. Clic+ on any name and the boF below will show a pre)iew. `ariables should be written in italics( so ma+e sure that the 0ta!ic option is selected. 5or all other elements( use the basic %0oman' form. The style can be easily altered in the formula itself by using the commands italic or bold to set these characteristics and nitalic or nbold to unset them. .hen you ha)e chosen a new font for a formula( the old font remains in the list alongside the new one and can be selected again. This applies only to the current sessionY the old font is not stored permanently. You can choose whate)er fonts you li+e( but if you are eFchanging documents with someone else( you should choose fonts that are present on your colleagueKs computer.

Ad=usting spacing in formulas

To increase or decrease spacing in formulas( do the following& 1' o to Format 4 @pacing. 2' 7n the 'pacing dialog( clic+ the triangle neFt to Category( and choose an entry from the list.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

3' Choose appropriate spacing )alues %the types of spacing that can be set depend on the category' and clic+ 68.

(igure );" 'pacing dia!og


Changes in spacing apply only to the current formula. To change spacing generally( clic+ on the +efault button and then 68.

9pacing changes are possible for the categories shown in the following table. )ategory

Possible ad.ustment

Character spacing 7ndeFes

$ine spacing

0oot spacing

9uperscript 5ractions


!umerator 5raction bars


=Fcesslength $imits

$ine thic+ness

"pper limit 1rac+ets

$ower limit

=Fcess si/e


6hanging the appearance of formu!as



$ine spacing 9ymbols

Column spacing

#rimary height ;perators

8inimum spacing

=Fcess si/e 1orders






Changing the alignment

The alignment settings determine how formula elements located abo)e one another are aligned hori/ontally relati)e to each other. "se Format 4 Alignment to choose between Left( 6entered or 8ight on a global basis.

(igure <%" +!ignment dia!og -ere again you can use the +efault button to ma+e the change apply to all formulas and not Iust the current one. The following eFample shows the effect in different situations. /lignment

%"amples * 2 D * * 2 D *

( )
100 B 100 B

c 2=a 2+ b 22 a b cos c 2 a2 b2 cos = 2 a b c 2=a 2+ b 22 a b cos c 2 a2 b2 cos = 2 a b

centered %4efault'

( )


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide


%"amples * D *

( 100 7)

c 2=a 2+ b 22 a b cos c 2 a2 b2 cos = 2 a b

7t is not possible to align formulas on a particular character. 4efault settings of alignment do not apply to teFt elementsY they are always aligned left. 7n the following eFamples( the default alignment is right but the first eFample begins the second line with teFt %albeit empty teFt' and is therefore aligned left. Mar,up )ode 1+2+3+>! over ? + 2 over 2e5li2e --+2+1 over 1?/ 1+2+3+>! over ? + 2 over 2e5li2e !+2+1 over 1?/ @/+A/+B/+C/! -esult 1 +2 + 3 + < 2 + G A0 + B0 + C0 + D0 1 =2 + 1G0 1 +2 + 3 + < 2 + G A0 + B0 + C0 + D0 1 =2 + 1G0


7ndependent of the default alignment( it is possible to align formulas eFplicitly using the commands alignl( alignc and alignr. This attribute also wor+s for teFt elements.

Changing the color

"se the command %&'&( to change the color of a subset of a formula& %&'&( (e) *+, gi)es +B6 . There are eight colors to choose between& -hite( b'a%.( %/a0( ma1e0ta( (e)( b'2e( 1(ee0( /e''&-. You may gi)e a color to a subset of a formula if it is gathered between { } or other parentheses. 5or instance& * + %&'&( 1(ee0 {, 3} 4 gi)es + B6 D E . 7f se)eral colors are used( the one the more inside the formula is applied( as in this eFample & %&'&( b'2e {* + %&'&( /e''&- , 3} gi)es + B6 D . 7t is not possible to select bac+ground color& it is always transparent in 8ath. The bac+ground color of the whole formula is then the same as the one of the document or frame %in a teFt document for instance'. 7n .riter( you can use obIect properties %right2clic+ S 6b=ect' choose a bac+ground color for the whole formula %see P1ac+ground( borders( and si/eQ on page 31'.

Formulas in Writer documents

:umbering e<uations
=Euation numbering is one of .riterKs best hidden features. The steps are simple( but obscure& 1' 9tart a new line. 2' Type f0 and then press (3. The fn is replaced by a numbered formula& E =mc 2
(ormu!as in >riter documents


!ow you can double2clic+ on the formula to edit it. 5or eFample( here is the 0iemann :eta function& $ ( 1 )=

1 n1


You can reference an eEuation %Pas shown in =Euation %2'Q' with these steps& 1' Choose *nsert 4 Cross1reference from the menu bar. 2' ;n the 6ross-references tab %5igure 21'( under T2pe( select Te*t. 3' "nder 'e!ection( select the eEuation number. <' "nder 0nsert reference to( select 8eference. G' Clic+ *nsert. 4oneH 7f you later add more eEuations to the paper before the referenced eEuation( all the eEuations will automatically renumber and the cross2references will update.


To insert the eEuation number without parentheses around it( choose Cumbering instead of 8eference under 0nsert reference to.

(igure <). 0nserting a cross-reference to an equation number The *utoTeFt inserted as a result of the abo)e procedure consists of a 1F2 table. The left cell contains the formula and the right one the number. The number is an automatic counter named TeFt. You can edit the *utoTeFt if( for eFample( you prefer sEuare rather than round brac+ets( or if you want formula and number to be separated by tabs rather than formatted as a table. 0ead the section on P"sing *utoTeFtQ in Chapter 3 in the >riter Guide %.or+ing with TeFt'.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

!ormally a formula is anchored +s character in a .riter document. 1ut as with any other ;$= obIect( you can change the anchoring mode to position the formula where you want it. 5or more information( see Chapter 11 of the Getting 'tarted guide % raphics( the allery( and 5ontwor+'. 1y default( formula obIects anchored +s character are automatically aligned )ertically to the baseline of the surrounding teFt. To align the formula manually( go to /ools 4 6ptions 4 5ibre6ffice Writer 4 Formatting Aids and unchec+ the option ath baseline alignment. This setting is stored with the document and applies to all formulas within it. !ew documents use the current setting from this dialog.

*n inserted 8ath obIect has margins to left and right of it( separating it from surrounding teFt. 7f you do not want this( it is best to alter the frame style for formulas( as this will apply simultaneously to all eFisting formulas and those still to be inserted in the document. #roceed as follows& 1' #ress F"". The 't2!es and (ormatting dialog opens. 2' Clic+ on the (rame 't2!es tab. 3' 5ind the (ormu!a frame style and right2clic+ on it. <' Choose Modif2 from the conteFt menu. The (rame 't2!e dialog opens. G' 9witch to the >rap tab of the dialog. Change the )alues for Left and 8ight in the 9pacing section to 0.00. A' Clic+ 68 to close the dialog. This changes the spacing for all formulas that ha)e not had their spacing adIusted manually. You can find more information on using styles in P4efault layout with styleQ on page 3D and in Chapter 3 of the Getting 'tarted guide %"sing 9tyles and Templates'.

/e-t mode
$arger formulas should always be in a paragraph of their own( separated from the teFt. .hen you use formula elements in running teFt( they can often be higher than the letter height. -owe)er( if it is necessary to place a formula within running teFt( switch into the eEuation editor and go to Format 4 /e-t mode. 8ath will try to shrin+ the formula to fit the letter height. The numerators and denominators of fractions are shrun+( and the limits of integrals and sums are placed beside the integral/sum sign.

* formula in a separate paragraph&

i =2 2 and the same formula embedded in teFt mode& G i= 2 i

Aackground) borders) and si,e

.ith regard to formatting( formulas are treated as obIects of the (rame 't2!e type with the 5ormula frame style. 1ac+ground color and borders can be set using this style or directly with Format 4 FrameD6b=ect( or by right2clic+ing the formula and choosing 6b=ect from the conteFt menu. 7n the basic installation( formulas ha)e a transparent bac+ground and no borders. The si/e of a formula cannot be adIustedY in a .riter document it depends directly on the way the formula is constructed %see PChanging the font si/eQ on page 2<'.
(ormu!as in >riter documents 3)

Creating a formula library

.hen you use the 8ath component of $ibre;ffice directly with File 4 :ew 4 Formula( you create documents with the file suffiF .odf( each containing a single formula. You can use these to build up a library of freEuently2used formulas. =mbedded formulas can also be stored as separate 8ath documents by right2clic+ing on the formula and choosing @ave copy as from the conteFt menu. To insert such a 8ath document into a .riter document( use *nsert 4 6b=ect 4 65$ 6b=ect. 9elect the option 6reate from fi!e and enter the pathname of the file or browse for it using your systemKs file manager by pressing the @earch button.


You cannot insert the document by dragging and dropping with the mouse( nor by using *nsert 4 File.

5ormulas cannot be stored in the gallery because they are not in graphical format. You can( howe)er( store a formula as *utoTeFt. .rite the formula in a separate paragraph( select it( and go to $dit 4 Auto/e-t. 5or further information see P"sing *utoTeFtQ in Chapter 3 in the >riter Guide %.or+ing with TeFt'.

Fast insertion of formulas

7f you already +now the mar+up of your formula( there is a faster method to build your formula& 1' .rite the formula mar+up in .riter. 2' 9elect this mar+up. 3' 7nsert the formula using the toolbar button( the menu( or a +eyboard shortcut %see P*dd +eyboard shortcutQ on page 3G'. This method a)oids opening and closing the 8ath window and sa)es a reasonable amount of time.

Formulas in Calc) *mpress) and +raw

#raphical properties
5ormula obIects ha)e similar properties in Calc( 7mpress( and 4raw. They are always inserted with a transparent bac+ground and without borders. 7n 4raw and 7mpress( they are assigned the Defau!t graphical styleY there is no assigned style for them in Calc and properties must be specified directly. The properties shown in the 9tyles and 5ormatting window( the conteFt menu( and the Format 4 #raphic menu are limited( when not a)ailable at all.

Line0 /rea0 1hado!

You can set )alues but the settings are completely ignored.

2e"t attributes
*ll teFt attributes( such as font and alignment( refer not to the formula teFt but to the teFt element present in all graphical obIects. 5or a selected obIect( this can be accessed )ia the (< +ey. 5or further information( read the P.or+ing with teFt in 4rawQ in Chapter 10 %*d)anced 4raw TechniEues' of the Draw Guide.

* formula can be positioned anywhere you li+e. "se the mouse( the arrow +eys( or the #osition and 9i/e dialog a)ailable from Format 4 Position and @i,e.


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

7n documents a formula is not represented directly but replaced by a graphic. The si/e of this graphic is initially protected. To change the si/e( open the #osition and 9i/e dialog and( on the first page( in the .rotect section( unchec+ the @i,e chec+boF. This acti)ates the 'i1e section directly abo)e. =nter your modifications. .hen the dialog is closed( the si/e will immediately be protected again. Changing the si/e does not affect the formula itself but only its graphical representation. 7n particular the basic font si/e of the formula %see PChanging the font si/eQ on page 2<' does not change. To re)ert to the si/e determined by the formula content( use the Origina! 'i1e option in the conteFt menu. This allows si/ing errors that are sometimes caused by inserting a formula from a different module to be corrected.

-otation0 shear0 and flipping

0otation( shearing( and flipping %creating mirror images' are not possibleY the corresponding dialog options are inacti)ated. 7f you need to do this( con)ert the formula to a GD0 metafi!e graphic. ;nce you ha)e done this( it is not a formula any more but an image. Copy the formula onto the clipboard. Choose $dit 4 Paste @pecial or( on the 9tandard Toolbar( use the #aste menu %a)ailable from the small triangle to the right of the #aste icon' and choose the option #+* etafile.

Combining formulas with te-t

9ince a formula is an ;$= obIect( you cannot insert it into the content of a spreadsheet cell( graphic or presentation obIect. Thus( unli+e in .riter( you cannot integrate formulas with running teFt. -ere are some alternati)es&

2e"t elements !ithin the formula

You can write the teFt directly into the formula. 5or eFample& The illustration of a parallelogram suggests the relationship% +B =% 6D &% +6 =% B6 . 1ut this does not constitute a proof. The corresponding mar+up teFt is&
-The ill8stratio2 o( a parallelogram s8ggests the- 2e5li2e -relatio2ship - 5i%eve# AB + 5i%eve# DE %lrarro5 5i%eve# AD + 5i%eve# BD -F- 2e5li2e -B8t this %oes 2ot #o2stit8te a proo(F-

$ines are not wrapped automaticallyY you must use the newline command. You can use Format 4 Fonts to match the teFt to its surroundings. 9ee PChanging the fontP on page 2G.

Grouping formulas !ith graphic ob.ects

5ormulas can easily be combined with other obIects into a group( which is not possible in teFt documents. 7n the following eFample( teFt boFes are combined with formulas and rectangles are used to highlight parts of the formula.

(ormu!as in 6a!c= 0mpress= and Draw


Now, the quadratic complement is introduced 2 2 2 = x 6x + 3 3 7 and then elements are gathered = x 26x + 32 32 7 =( x 3 ) 16 Formulas in riter OL% ob.ects

To be able to use all the facilities possible in teFt documents( create the formula and its teFt in .riter. Choose a page si/e that roughly matches your e)entual obIecti)e. 4o not write more than one page because page selection causes problems later. 9a)e the document. 7n 7mpress %or 4raw or Calc'( use *nsert 4 6b=ect 4 65$ 6b=ect and then choose the option 6reate from fi!e. The formula is embedded as an ;$= obIect in a document that is itself an ;$= obIect. *s a result( the formula cannot be modified in 7mpress. 5or that reason( you should always acti)ate the option Lin9 to fi!e. Then if you need to ma+e a change( open the teFt document and edit teFt and formula there. 7n 7mpress( use $dit 4 5inks and then the ;pdate button to display the stored )ersion of the teFt document. 4o not try to modify the formula in 7mpressY it causes the representation to become faulty.

Formulas in charts
* chart is itself an ;$= obIect. Therefore you cannot call up the eEuation editor within it. There is no freestanding module of $ibre;ffice that creates charts( so you cannot use anything similar to the abo)e method using .riter either. -owe)er you can create a formula outside the charts editor( copy it to the clipboard( acti)ate the chart for editing( and paste in the formula from the clipboard. This automatically con)erts the formula into a metafile graphic. 7f you wish to ma+e further modifications( you must discard it and repeat the procedure.

-ere are a few ways to customi/e your use of 8ath.

Formula editor as a floating window

The formula editor can co)er a large part of the .riter window. To turn the formula editor into a floating window( do this& 1' -o)er the mouse o)er the editor frame( as shown in 5igure 22. 2' -old down the 6ontro! +ey and double2clic+.

(igure <<" Turning the formu!a editor into a f!oating window


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

5igure 23 shows the result. You can doc+ the floating window again by using the same steps. -old down the 6ontro! +ey and double2clic+ the window frame.

(igure <3" (ormu!a editor as a f!oating window

Add button to toolbar

* Formula button is by default present on the *nsert toolbar in >riter and 0mpress. You can add it to other toolbars& 1' 9iew 4 /oolbars 4 Customi,e or right2clic+ at the beginning of a toolbarand choose Customi,e toolbar. Choose the /oolbars tab and the toolbar you wish to modify. 2' 9elect the position where you want to insert the button. 3' Clic+ on Add. <' 9elect the *nsert category( then the Formula command corresponding to icon %the command corresponds to an eEui)alent of a spreadsheet formula'.

(igure <$" +dd a button to insert a formu!a G' Clic+ on Add. You can continue to add buttons or clic+ on Close. A' ;n the Customi/e dialog( use the arrows to mo)e buttons up or down the list before )alidating with 68.

Add keyboard shortcut

You can add a +eyboard shortcut to insert a formula& 1' 8enu /ools 4 Customi,e( 8eyboard tab.



2' 9elect the le)el of the shortcut& LibreOffice to benefit from it in all components %if the shortcut is not used in this component' or only in the current component. 3' 9elect the *nsert category( then the Formula command %the one not corresponding to F# shortcutY that command corresponds to the eEui)alent of a spreadsheet formula'. <' 9elect the +eys to apply( then clic+ on odify. G' #roceed the same way for other shortcut with the same le)el( then )alidate with 68. 7f using your shortcut causes a formula bar to appear %as in Calc'( that means you chose the wrong (ormu!a command.

(igure <&" +dd a 9e2board shortcut

Customi,ing the catalog

7f you need to use a symbol that is not a)ailable in 8ath( you can add it to the catalog. The following eFample shows the procedure for symbols that are used in mar+ing school wor+. 1' o to /ools 4 Catalog or clic+ on the catalog button to open the 9ymbols catalog %5igure D'. 2' Clic+ the $dit button. The =dit symbols window %5igure 2A' opens. 3' The symbols are arranged in so2called symbol sets. 7n the lower part of the window( choose an a)ailable set for your new symbol from the 9ymbol set list( for eFample the 'pecia! set. ;r you can type the name of a new symbol set directly into the boF.
3, LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

<' 5rom the 5ont list( choose a font that contains the desired symbol. .hen you ha)e selected a font( its characters appear in the font summary window. You can scroll through it using the scrollbar at the side( or use the 9ubset list to go straight to the place you need. To follow this eFample( choose the font DeDaEu 'ans and the subset Genera! punctuation. G' Clic+ on the desired symbol %here "F2032'. 7t appears enlarged in the right2hand pre)iew boF %see 5igure 2B'. 8a+e sure that the symbol set is set to @pecial. A' 7n the 9ymbol field( enter a name for the symbol( for eFample prime. B' 7f the name is not already in use( the Add button becomes acti)e. Clic+ on it. C' You can immediately add more symbols. 7n the eFample( the P"O2033Q symbol( named dblprime( and the P"O203<Q symbol( named triprime( are added. %9ee 5igure 2C.' D' Clic+ 68 to close the dialog.

(igure <," Edit '2mbo!s dia!og

(igure <5" Edit '2mbo!s dia!og" characters se!ected !ow the 9ymbol set )iew area shows the new symbol. 7t can be selected Iust li+e the other symbols( either from here( or by writing them directly into the eEuation editor in the form Xprime.


9ymbols % ree+ or 9pecial'( in contrast to commands( are case sensiti)e %lowercase uppercase'.



There are numerous free fonts containing a great number of mathematical symbols. The P9T7J1Q font is worthy of special mention here. 7t was de)eloped specially for writing mathematical/technical teFts. The 4eIa`u2 and $ucida3 fonts also ha)e a wide range of symbols.

(igure <7" 6ata!og with new s2mbo!


8any symbols occur in more than one font. 7f you want to eFchange documents with others( ta+e care to use a font that is installed on their machine.

7n the basic $ibre;ffice installation( only those user2defined symbols that actually occur in the document are stored with it. 9ometimes it is useful to embed all the user2defined symbols( for eFample when the document is going to be further edited by another person. o to /ools 4 6ptions 4 5ibre6ffice ath and on the @ettings page( unchec+ the option $mbed only used symbols >smaller file si,e?.This setting is only a)ailable when you are wor+ing on a 8ath document.

Customi,ing operators
* name( to be recogni/ed as a function to be written with regular font not italic( must be preceded by mar+up code f20%. *n operator( to be enlarged and to accept limits as integral or sum( must be preceded by mar+up code &pe(. 7t is possible to use a letter( a name or a personal symbol %see PCustomi/ing the catalogQ on page 3A'. ( +i is written &pe( F f(&m {i i0 5} *6i.
i '0

You can modify the beha)ior of an operator or change one of your personal symbols in an operator( using mar+up codes b&pe(( to create a binary operator( and 2&pe(( to create a unary operator.

@pace at the end of a formula

The gra)e accent ^ inserts a small additional space into the formulaY the tilde _ inserts a larger one. 7n the basic installation( these symbols are ignored when they occur at the end of a formula. -owe)er( when wor+ing with running teFt( it may be necessary to include spacing at the end of formulas as well. This customi/ation is only a)ailable when you are wor+ing with a 8ath document( and not when you are embedding a 8ath obIect.
1 5ont files for 9T7J are a)ailable from http&// 2 5ont files for 4eIa`u 9ans are a)ailable from http&//www.deIa) 3 $ucida 9ans belongs to the ,0= pac+age( which is probably already on your computer. 37 LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

;pen a 8ath document with File 4 :ew 4 Formula. ;pen the customi/ation dialog with /ools 4 6ptions and choose 5ibre6ffice ath. ;n the @ettings page( unchec+ the option *gnore M and N at the end of the line.

+efault layout with style

7n .riter( formulas are formatted according to the frame style (ormu!a. 7n the 9tyle and 5ormatting window %displayed with ())'( clic+ on the third button( (rame 't2!es. 0ight2clic+ on Formula and select odify. 1y this means( you can directly modify all formulas in your document( regarding spacing %page 31' or bac+ground %page 31'( eFcept if you manually modify formula formatting. (igure <; " Modif2 (rame 't2!e (ormu!a To apply this style in all your new .riter documents( you must include the Formula style in your default template. To do so& 1' Create a new .riter document and modify the Formula frame style as you wish. 2' 9a)e the document with File 4 @ave as /emplate. 3' To define this template as your default template( select File 4 :ew 4 /emplates. 7n the Template 8anager dialog( open the folder containing the template that you want to set as the default( then select the template. Choose the @et As +efault button abo)e the list of templates %5igure 30.' !ew teFt documents will be based on this template.

(igure 3%" 'etting a defau!t temp!ate using the Temp!ate Manager dia!og To return to the default template supplied when $ibre;ffice was installed( go to the Template 8anager dialog %5igure 31'( clic+ the Action enu icon on the right( point to 2eset +efault /emplate on the drop2down menu( and clic+ /e-t +ocument.



(igure 3)" 8esetting the defau!t temp!ate

Application to chemical formulas

8ath was designed to build mathematical formulas( but it can also be used to write chemical formulas. 7n chemistry( formulas loo+ li+e -2;& names are usually non2italic uppercase. To write chemical formulas with 8ath( begin with setting non2italic for )ariables %see PChanging the fontQ on page 2G'. 1elow are some eFamples of chemical formulas. )onstruction
8olecules 7sotopes 7ons

%"ample -2 9;<
23C D2

%ntry 76# S864 %please note the spaceH' 9 's2b 9# 's2p #3: S864;{#!{}} or S864;{#<!<}


9;2 <

Cotes & 's2b or 's2p are abre)iations for !eft subscript and !eft superscript. =mpty braces after #! are necessary to a)oid errors as there is no right member after the minus sign. 5or re)ersible reactions( there is no satisfactory double arrow in 8ath. 7f you ha)e a font with a correct symbol( use the method described in PCustomi/ing the catalogQ on page 3A. 5or eFample( 4eIa`u fonts ha)e these double arrows . ;therwise( you can find a special character in a document and copy it( for instance in this formula& C+ ; C; ]]. You will find other double arrows here& http&//de) from character F021C<.

$-port and import

$-port as ath 5

7n addition to eFporting documents as #45s( as described in Chapter 10( #rinting( =Fporting( and =mailing( of the Getting 'tarted guide( 8ath offers the possibility of eFporting formulas as 8ath8$. "nfortunately browsers do not follow this standard perfectly. 7f there are subseEuent faults in display( the fault lies with your browserH


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

*s an eFample( ta+e this formula& Mar,up -esult $ ( 1 )= %Geta &G' + s8m (rom 2 + 1! to i2(i2it4 1 over 2:G!! 2e5li2e le(t&matrix a $ b $$ # $ %!right' 2e5li2e -Text- 2e5li2e i2t9/:x (&t' %t 2e5li2e x + 3 4 + 1 a b c d TeFt
* n= 1

( )

1 n1

0 f ( t ) dt

* =3 2 =1 This formula combines )arious possibilities that 8ath offers( which ma+es it useful for testing. 7f you are wor+ing in a separate 8ath document( go to File 4 @ave as to open the 'a e as dialog. Choose 8ath8$ from the list of a)ailable file formats( to sa)e your formula as 8ath8$.

5or an embedded formula( choose @ave copy as from the conteFt menu.

This formula was subseEuently tested in se)eral browsers.

5irefoF 1<.0.1

;pera 12.00

7nternet =Fplorer D

E*port and import


Chromium 13 and

oogle Chrome 20.0

9afari G.1 only opens the file manager to sa)e the data.

icrosoft file formats

The options in /ools 4 6ptions 4 5oadD@ave 4 icrosoft 6ffice control how the import and eFport of 8icrosoft ;ffice file formats is carried out in regard to formulas.

7f a$b is chec+ed( $ibre;ffice con)erts 8icrosoft formulas into nati)e format when a document is loaded. This is possible if the formulas were created with 8athType4 %up to )ersion 3.1' or with the 8icrosoft =Euation =ditor. The latter is a reduced( older )ersion of 8athType licensed by 8icrosoft and included in the 8icrosoft ;ffice pac+age. 5ormulas created by newer )ersions of 8athType or by the new 8icrosoft formula editor P;88$5 =Euation =ditorQ %8icrosoft ;ffice 9uite 2010 and to some eFtent 200B' cannot be con)erted. 7f a document created in 8icrosoft ;ffice 2010 and containing an ;88$ formula is sa)ed into a .doc file format( 8icrosoft ;ffice con)erts the formula into a graphic. ;nly this graphic is then accessible to $ibre;ffice. 7f you load a .docF document that contains ;88$ formulas( these fail in con)ersion whether a$b is chec+ed or not. 7nside 8icrosoft ;ffice( formulas created with 8athType or 8icrosoft =Euation =ditor are treated as ;$= obIects. 7f a$b is not chec+ed( $ibre;ffice maintains this. 4ouble2clic+ing on the obIect launches 8athType and new formulas can be inserted using *nsert 4 6b=ect 4 65$ 6b=ect. This setup is to be recommended if you ha)e 8athType installed and wish to use it to create and edit formulas.

7f a9b is chec+ed( $ibre;ffice con)erts the formula into a form that can be read and modified by 8icrosoft =Euation =ditor and 8athType. .hen a9b is not chec+ed( the formula is treated as an ;$= obIect on con)ersion into a .doc format( and remains lin+ed to $ibre;ffice. * double2clic+ on the obIect in .ord will therefore attempt to launch $ibre;ffice. 7f you sa)e in the .docF format( formulas are not con)erted( whether a9b is chec+ed or not.

Opening Open(ocument te"ts in Microsoft

ord +0&0

.hen you use 8icrosoft ;ffice 2010( it is possible to open $ibre;ffice files in .odt format. 8icrosoft ;ffice 2010 reports an error but ne)ertheless displays a PrepairedQ document. 7n this document( any original formulas are con)erted to ;88$. 7f you sa)e it again in .odt format( 8icrosoft ;ffice 2010 con)erts the formulas into 8ath8$( and these formulas can then be edited in
4 http&// 5 ;ffice 8ath 8ar+up $anguage $< LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

$ibre;ffice. Ta+e care that symbols that belong together are enclosed in grouping brac+ets( e)en if these are not necessary for display in $ibre;ffice itself. This enables $ibre;ffice to correctly translate the formula into 8ath8$. 5or eFample( use s2m f(&m {i=1} t& 0 {i;#} rather than s2m f(&m i=1 t& 0 i;#. 7n this procedure( the annotation element is lost. *s a result( $ibre;ffice no longer shows the original 8ath mar+up code in the eEuation editor( but instead generates a new mar+up code from the internal 8ath8$ notation.

O3/ 5
The J-T8$ file format is a)ailable only as an eFport format. 5or this reason you will find the option under File 4 $-port rather than File 4 @ave as. 7f this option is missing in your setup( you can install the necessary filter %run $ibre;ffice 9etup( select odify( and then select 6ptional Components 4 O@5/ @ample Filters'. The replacement graphic for the formula is embedded in the file( but the original 8ath mar+up code( included as an annotation element in 8ath8$( is absent in this case %compare with the section on P=Fport as 8ath8$Q on page <0'. .hether the document is correctly displayed depends on the browser. 5irefoF shows the document correctly including the formulas. ;pera and 7nternet =Fplorer ha)e some problems with the embedded graphic. The older filter P-T8$ 4ocument %;pen; .riter'%.html'P does not sa)e formulas at all but uses only a poorly resol)ed graphic in .gif file format.

Flat O 5
This format can be both read and sa)ed by $ibre;ffice. 7f the option is not present under File 4 @ave or File 4 @ave as( you can install the necessary filter. 7n this format( the whole content of the document( including the template( is sa)ed within an J8$ document. 7n other words( it is not a compressed folder( as is usually the case for sa)ed ;pen4ocument files. *ny formulas are included as 8ath8$ elements( similar to the results of eFporting as 8ath8$. -owe)er indi)idual formulas are not sa)ed( only the whole document including the formulas. This format is suitable for direct entry into an eFternal )ersion control system.

7f you use 8ath freEuently( it may be interesting to install one of these two eFtensions( which ease formula editing. 1oth programmers do not compete( but help one each other when it is possible. -owe)er( Dmaths are 6mathOOo cannot be simultaneously installed. They are both complementaryY you may install them on separate logins to test them before choosing.

+maths P an e-tension for more than =ust faster formula input

4maths is a mathematical macro pac+age for $ibre;ffice .riter( which can be installed as an eFtension. 7t can be downloaded from http&// *fter installing 4maths( close and reopen $ibre;ffice. .riter now shows a new menu %5igure 32'( a new %customi/able' toolbar with 3A buttons %5igure 33'( a new toolbar with 2A buttons for use with dmath %5igure 3<'( a new toolbar with 10 buttons for use with *-math34 %5igure 3G'( and two short toolbars to switch the longer ones on and off and to access a few further functions %5igure 3A'.



(igure 3<" Dmaths menu

(igure 33" 6ustomi1ab!e Dmaths too!bar

(igure 3$" Gdmath too!bar

(igure 3&" +Hmath3D too!bar

(igure 3," Too!bars for switching on and off further functions 4maths offers numerous tools for creating mathematical documents&

9ingle2clic+ creation of 8ath formulas from teFt input %orange symbols' Creation of 8ath formulas using an input dialog %)iolet symbols' Tagging teFt %blue symbols' Changing the properties of eFisting formulas %green symbols' 4rawing graphics( grids( statistical diagrams and geometrical figures %cyan symbols' 4rawing and modification of geometric obIects %gray $ibre;ffice 4raw' dmath toolbar( also a)ailable in

4rawing 34 obIects %*-math 34 toolbar with wire models'

The menu pro)ides access to further add2ons( configuration( and a detailed Dmaths He!p Guide. 4maths was initially created by the 5rench mathematician( 4idier 4orange( but is now a)ailable in erman( =nglish( and 9panish as well as 5rench. The original website is
$$ LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

@ymbolic computation with Cmath66o and Cmath66oCA@

6mathOOo is a program that( than+s to word processing( allows you to enter mathematical eFpressions using same syntaF as with a high school calculator. 6mathOOo6+' eFtension enables symbolic computation as with Jcas6 directly from word processingY formating and layout of the result is built with 6mathOOo. This eFtension can be downloaded from the *pache ;pen;ffice eFtension website( http&//eFtensions.ser);;o or from Christophe 4e)allandKs website http&//cde) 4irect lin+ to the page is http&//cde)

/echnical details
6A@*@ 6pen +ocument Format for 6ffice applications
The ;45 specification does not lay down a completely new standard for 8ath formulas but ta+es o)er the 9tandard 8athematical 8ar+up $anguage %8ath8$' de)eloped by the .orld .ide .eb Consortium %.3C' for representing formulas on websites %compare http&//$2220031021'. ;f the two types pro)ided( #resentation mar+up and Content mar+up( ;45 uses the former. 7t therefore describes the representation of a formula rather than its mathematical meaning. The 8ath8$ mar+up language differs from the one used in the eEuation editor. 9o( for eFample( in the formula i0t f(&m {i=1} t& 3 {f>t? {0ita'i% )}t}( the parts f(&m... t& are not translated but con)erted into 8ath8$ similarly to i0t6{i=1};3. The original formula in the eEuation editor is a 9tar8ath7 G.0 encoding. To pre)ent it from being lost( it is stored as an annotation element. ;ther applications do not need either to e)aluate nor to sa)e this element( nor do they themsel)es create it. 7n $ibre;ffice a formula is always associated with a replacement graphic. 7n the container formats .odf( .odt( and so on these graphics are stored in a separate folder and are internally lin+ed to their document. -owe)er if you use the file format ;pen 4ocument %5lat J8$' or eFport to J-T8$( these graphics must be embedded. 5or this purpose they are encoded in 1*9=A<.

3andling of formulas in Aasic

This section is not an introduction to 1asic but simply describes some specific aspects of formulas. You can get more specific information about types and ser)ices at http&// 7f you loo+ up the notations shown here in the indeF( you will Euic+ly get to the rele)ant descriptions.

Formulas in a

riter document

7n a .riter document( all ;$= obIects( including formulas( belong to a collection of type 'wFTe*tEmbeddedObDects&
oD8rre2tDo2troller + @his,&mp&0e0tFgetD8rre2tDo2troller&' oTextEo#8me2t + oD8rre2tDo2trollerFMo%el oEmbe%%e%HbIe#ts + oTextEo#8me2tFEmbe%%e%HbIe#ts

This collection is numbered continuously from 0. You can find a gi)en obIect by&
2E2%I2%ex + oEmbe%%e%HbIe#tsFDo82t01 f&( 2I2%ex+/ t& 2E2%I2%ex oMathHbIe#t + oEmbe%%e%HbIe#tsFgetB4I2%ex&2I2%ex' 6 http&// 7 $ibre;ffice is based on the 9tar;ffice suite( de)eloped by 9tar4i)ision. Technica! detai!s $&

To determine if this obIect is actually a formula( test whether it supports a ser)ice that is supported by formulas&
oMo%el + oMathHbIe#tFMo%el if oMo%elFs8pportsServi#e&-#omFs82FstarF(orm8laFJorm8laProperties-' the0

*lternati)ely test if the C$974( which e)ery ;$= obIect possesses( is that belonging to a 8ath obIect&
if oMathHbIe#tFDLSIE + -/ABBAABA0?>JD0>?AJ0B??10@1>AeAA@aCCA- the0

"sing the model( you can then alter the properties of the formula( for eFample the basic font si/e&
oMo%elFBaseJo2tHeight + 12

To ma+e this change )isible( the formula must be redrawn. The 4Ate0)e),&0t(&'8Be(4mbe))e)8bCe%t property pro)ides some methods that specifically apply to ;$= obIects&
oKDHEH + oMathHbIe#tFExte2%e%Do2trolHverEmbe%%e%HbIe#t oKDHEHF8p%ate&'

*s an illustration( here is a macro modifying all formatting of all formulas already written in a document&
S2b Dha2geJormatJorm8le oD8rre2tDo2troller + @his,&mp&0e0tFgetD8rre2tDo2troller&' oTextEo#8me2t + oD8rre2tDo2trollerFMo%el oEmbe%%e%HbIe#ts + oTextEo#8me2tFEmbe%%e%HbIe#ts 2E2%I2%ex + oEmbe%%e%HbIe#tsFDo82t01 f&( 2I2%ex+/ t& 2E2%I2%ex oMathHbIe#t + oEmbe%%e%HbIe#tsFgetB4I2%ex&2I2%ex' oMo%el + oMathHbIe#tFMo%el if &0&t isL8ll&oMo%el'' the0 if&0&t isEmpt4&oMo%el'' the0 if oMo%elFs8pportsServi#e&-#omFs82FstarF(orm8laFJorm8laProperties-' the0 M or i( oMathHbIe#tFDLSIE + -/ABBAABA0?>JD0>?AJ0B??10@1>AeAA@aCCA- the2 oMo%elFBaseJo2tHeight + 11 poli#eDomm82e+ -Liberatio2 Seri(M Nariables oMo%elFJo2tLameNariables+ poli#eDomm82e oMo%elFJo2tNariablesIsItali#+tr8e oMo%elFJo2tNariablesIsBol%+(alse M J82#tio2s oMo%elFJo2tLameJ82#tio2s + poli#eDomm82e oMo%elFJo2tJ82#tio2sIsItali#+(alse oMo%elFJo2tJ82#tio2sIsBol%+(alse M L8mbers oMo%elFJo2tLameL8mbers+ poli#eDomm82e oMo%elFJo2tL8mbersIsItali#+(alse oMo%elFJo2tL8mbersIsBol%+(alse M Text oMo%elFJo2tLameText+ poli#eDomm82e oMo%elFJo2tTextIsItali#+(alse oMo%elFJo2tTextIsBol%+(alse M Op%ate oKDHEH + oMathHbIe#tFExte2%e%Do2trolHverEmbe%%e%HbIe#t oKDHEHF8p%ate&' e0)if M i( (orm8la e0)if M i( 2ot empt4 e0)if M i( 2ot 28ll 0eAt 2I2%ex @his,&mp&0e0tFre(ormat&' M Met P Io8r to8s les QlQme2ts %8 %o#8me2t 40) S2b


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

Chec+ help page8 on (ormu!a.roperties to +now all other properties you can modify.

Formulas in a (ra!4Impress4)alc document

7n a 4raw( 7mpress or Calc document( ;$= obIects are similarly treated as graphics. *fter you ha)e accessed a particular obIect( test if it is an ;$= obIect( and then if it is a formula. The core of your macro is then something li+e&
if oShapeFs8pportsServi#e&-#omFs82FstarF%ra5i2gFHLE2Shape-' the0 if oShapeFDLSIE + -/ABBAABA0?>JD0>?AJ0B??10@1>AeAA@aCCA- the0 oMo%elJorm8la + oShapeFMo%el oMo%elJorm8laFBaseJo2tHeight + 12

7n this case an eFplicit update is not necessary.

8 http&// Technica! detai!s $5

ath commands 1 2eference

;nary D binary operators
Osign sign O/ sign /O sign *ddition O 9ubtraction %' 4ot product 8ultiplication %J' 8ultiplication %asteris+' 4i)ision %as a fraction' 4i)ision %as an operator' 4i)ision %with a slash' Concatenation 4i)ision %with a wide slash' .ide bac+slash 1oolean not 1oolean and 1oolean or 1ac+slash 4irect sum

)ommand +1 "1 +"1 or pl8smi28s 1 "+1 or mi28spl8s 1 a + b a " b a #%ot b a times b a R b a over b a %iv b a S b a #ir# b a 5i%eslash b a 5i%ebslash b 2eg a a a2% b or a T b a or b or a U b a bslash b a opl8s b a omi28s b a otimes b a o%ot b a o%ivi%e b 8oper mo2Hp b a boper mo2Hp b

(isplay +1

1 (1 or (1 )1 or )1
a+ b

a b

a b
a*b a b a +b

a ,b

a -b
a b b a .a a /b or a /b a 0b or a 0b

a1 b
a 2b

a 3b
a 4b

Tensorial product

a 5b
a 6b

Customi/able unary operator Customi/able binary operator

monOp b a monOp b


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

7s eEual 7s not eEual $ess than $ess than or eEual to `ery small reater than reater than or eEual to `ery big *pproFimately 9imilar to 9imilar to or eEual Congruent #roportional #arallel ;rthogonal to 4i)ides 4oes not di)ide Toward *rrow left 4ouble arrow left and right *rrow right #recedes 9ucceeds #recedes or eEual to 9ucceeds or eEual to #recedes or eEual to 9ucceeds or eEual to 4oes not precede 4oes not succeed 4efinition 7mage from ;rigin from

a + b a 1. b or a 2e= b a 1 b or a lt b a 1+ b a lesla2t b a ll b or a 11 b a . b or a gt b a .+ b a gesla2t b a gg b or a .. b a approx b a sim b a sime= b a e=8iv b a prop b a parallel b a ortho b a %ivi%es b a 2%ivi%es b a to5ar% b a %larro5 b a %lrarro5 b a %rarro5 b a pre# b a s8## b a pre##8rl4e= b a s8###8rl4e= b a pre#sim b a s8##sim b a 2pre# b a 2s8## b a %e( b a tra2sl b a tra2sr b

(isplay a =b

a 7b or a 7b a ! b or a ! b a b a 8b a 9 b or a 9 b a : b or a : b a b a ;b a < b or a < b a =b
a >b

a b
a ?b



aC b a b

a &b

a Fb

a Gb
a Hb

a Ib
a Jb

a Kb a Lb

a Mb
a Nb


Math commands - 8eference


@et operations
7s in 7s not in ;wns 7ntersection "nion 4ifference Luotient 9ubset 9ubset or eEual to 9uperset 9uperset or eEual to !ot subset !ot subset or eEual !ot superset !ot superset or eEual =mpty set *leph 9et of natural numbers 9et of integers 9et of rational numbers 9et of real numbers 9et of compleF numbers

)ommand a i2 B a 2oti2 B A o52s b or A 2i b A i2terse#tio2 B A 82io2 B A setmi28s B A slash B A s8bset B A s8bsete= B A s8pset B A s8psete= B A 2s8bset B A 2s8bsete= B A 2s8pset B A 2s8psete= B empt4set aleph setL setV setW set; setD


aQB + R b or + R b

+S B
+T B

+1 B
+, B

+U B
+V B

+W B
+X B

+Y B
+Z B

+[ B
+\ B ]





LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

*bsolute )alue 5actorial 9Euare root nth root #ower =Fponential !atural logarithm =Fponential function $ogarithm 9ine Cosine Tangent Cotangent -yperbolic sine -yperbolic cosine -yperbolic tangent -yperbolic cotangent *rcsine *rccosine *rctangent *rccotangent *rea hyperbolic sine *rea hyperbolic cosine *rea hyperbolic tangent *rea hyperbolic cotangent

)ommand abs a! (a#t a! s=rt a! 2root 2! a! a: b! (82# e: a! l2&a' exp&a' log&a' si2&a' #os&a' ta2&a' #ot&a' si2h&a' #osh&a' ta2h&a' #oth&a' ar#si2&a' ar##os&a' ar#ta2&a' ar##ot&a' arsi2h&a' ar#osh&a' arta2h&a' ar#oth&a'



n a

ea ln ( a ) eFp ( a)
log ( a )

sin ( a )
cos ( a )

tan (a )
cot ( a )

sinh ( a )
cosh ( a )

tanh ( a )
coth (a )

arcsin ( a )
arccos ( a )

arctan ( a)
arccot ( a )

arsinh ( a )
arcosh ( a )

artanh( a )
arcoth ( a)

Math commands - 8eference


*ll operators can be used with the limit functions %PfromQ and PtoQ'. Operation
$imit $ower limit "pper limit 9um #roduct Coproduc 7ntegral 4ouble integral Triple integral Contour integral 4ouble cur)ed integral Triple cur)ed integral $ower bound shown with summation symbol "pper bound shown with product symbol "pper and lower bounds shown with integral Customi/ed operator

)ommand lim a! limi2( a! lims8p a! s8m a! pro% a! #opro% a! i2t a! ii2t a! iii2t a! li2t a lli2t a llli2t a s8m (rom pro% to i2t (rom a 3! b 3! r r9/! to r9t!

(isplay lim a

lim inf a
lim sup a

a ea fa a ga ha ia ja ka

er a
r0 rt

oper Hp (rom / to 1 a

Op a


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

*cute accent ra)e accent 0e)erse circumfleF 1re)e Circle 4ot 4ouble dot Triple dot $ine abo)e `ector arrow Tilde CircumfleF .ide )ector arrow .ide tilde .ide circumfleF $ine o)er $ine under $ine through Transparent %useful to get a placeholder of a gi)en si/e' 1old font !ot bold font 7talic font9 !ot italic font 5ont si/e 5ont si/e 5ont si/e 5ollowing item in sans serif font 10 5ollowing item in serif font

)ommand a#8te a grave a #he#, a breve a #ir#le a %ot a %%ot a %%%ot a bar a ve# a til%e a hat a 5i%eve# ab# 5i%etil%e ab# 5i%ehat ab# overli2e ab# 82%erli2e ab# overstri,e ab# pha2tom a bol% a 2bol% a ital -a- or itali# -a2itali# a siGe 1@ =v siGe +12 =v siGe R1F? =v (o2t sa2s =v (o2t seri( =v


l a
m a

n a
o a p a a q

a r
a s

a t
% a

a u
v a
% abc

u abc v abc



a a or a



9 "nEuoted teFt that is not a command is considered to be a )ariable. `ariables are( by default( italici/ed. 10 There are three custom fonts& sans serif %without +ic+s'( serifs %with +ic+s'( and fiFed %non2proportional'. To change the actual fonts used for custom fonts and the fonts used for )ariables %unEuoted teFt'( numbers and functions( use Format 4 5onts %see page 2G'. Math commands - 8eference &3

5ollowing item in fiFed font 8a+e color of following teFt cyan 11 8a+e color of following teFt yellow 8a+e color of following teFt white 8a+e color of following teFt green 8a+e color of following teFt blue 8a+e color of following teFt red 8a+e color of following teFt blac+ 8a+e color of following teFt magenta 8a+e color green returns to default color blac+ 1race items to change color of more than one item

)ommand (o2t (ixe% =v #olor #4a2 =v #olor 4ello5 =v #olor 5hite =v #olor gree2 =v #olor bl8e =v #olor re% =v #olor bla#, =v #olor mage2ta =v #olor gree2 K =v #olor gree2 K =v!

(isplay qv





Fq Fq

roup brac+ets %used for program control' 0ound 1rac+ets 9Euare 1rac+ets 4ouble 9Euare 1rac+ets 1races *ngle 1rac+ets ;perator 1rac+ets "pper half sEuare brac+ets $ower half sEuare brac+ets 9ingle line 4ouble line 9calable round brac+ets %add the word PleftQ before a left brac+et and PrightQ before a right brac+et' 9Euare brac+ets scalable %as abo)e'

)ommand a! &a' )bX l%bra#,et # r%bra#,et lbra#e 5 rbra#e la2gle % ra2gle la2gle a mli2e b ra2gle l#eil a r#eil l(loor a r(loor lli2e a rli2e l%li2e a r%li2e le(t & sta#, a $ b $ G! right ' le(t ) a over b right X



wb x
yc z {w }
{d |

{ a b | }a ~


a b 1

a b

11 5or all coloring( the color will apply only to the teFt immediately following the command until the neFt space is encountered. 7n order to ha)e the color apply to more characters( place the teFt you want in color in curly brac+ets. &$ LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

4ouble sEuare brac+ets scalable 1race scalable *ngle brac+et scalable ;perator brac+ets scalable "pper half sEuare brac+ets scalable $ower half sEuare brac+ets scalable $ine scalable 4ouble line scalable "npaired brac+ets %add le(t before left brac+et and right before right brac+et' 7solated brac+et ;)er brace scalable "nder brace scalable

)ommand le(t l%bra#,et a over b right r%bra#,et le(t lbra#e a over b right rbra#e le(t la2gle a over b right ra2gle le(t la2gle a over b mli2e # right ra2gle le(t l#eil a over b right r#eil le(t l(loor a over b right r(loor le(t lli2e a over b right rli2e le(t l%li2e a over b right r%li2e le(t la2gle a over b right r(loor le(t lbra#e sta#, a+2$b+3! right 2o2e the bra#e is above! overbra#e a the bra#e is belo5! 82%erbra#e (!


yz {} { | { | }~ AA {
a b a b a b a c b a b a b a b a b a b =2 {a b= 3

the brace is abo e thebrace is be!ow


Math commands - 8eference


0ight superscript 0ight subscript $eft superscript $eft subscript Center superscript Center subscript !ew line 9mall gap %gra)e' $arge gap %tilde' !o gap !ormal `ertical stac+ of 2

)ommand a: b! a9 b! a ls8p b! a ls8b b! a #s8p b! a #s8b b! asl%,(Io 2e5li2e sa%,(I st8(( 6st8(( st8((7st8(( 2ospa#e x+4 bi2om a! b! sta#, a $ b $ G! matrix a $ b $$ # $ % ! sta#, Hello 5orl% $ alig2l&a'! sta#, Hello 5orl% $ alig2#&a'! sta#, Hello 5orl% $ alig2r&a'! matrix a $ -+- $ alig2l b! $$ ! $ -+- $ alig2l #+1! ! sta#, alig2l a! + b $ alig2l pha2tom a! + #+1! ! x + 4 !

(isplay ab



as!d9fDo sad9fD

stuff stuff
stuff stuff *+ 2 *+ 2 a b a b 1 a b c d He!!o wor!d (a) He!!o wor!d ( a) He!!o wor!d (a) a Tb T c +1

`ertical stac+( more than 2


*lign character to left %teFt is aligned center by default' *lign character to center *lign character to right

=Euations aligned at cTc %using cmatriFc'

=Euations aligned at cTc %using cphantomc'

a Tb T c +1


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

7nfinity #artial !abla There eFists There does not eFist 5or all - bar $ambda bar 0eal part 7maginary part .eierstrass p 0e)ersed epsilon $eft arrow 0ight arrow "p arrow 4own arrow 4ots at bottom 4ots at middle 4ots )ertical 4ots diagonal upward 4ots diagonal downward

)ommand i2(i2it4 or i2(t4 partial 2abla exists 2otexists (orall hbar lamb%abar re im 5p

(isplay or #


le(tarro5 rightarro5 8parro5 %o52arro5 %otslo5 %otsaxis %otsvert %ots8p or %ots%iag %ots%o52


Math commands - 8eference



7n locali/ed )ersions of .riter( the mar+up names of ree+ and special characters are locali/ed. 7f this document is not locali/ed to the same language( then the names below ma2 not wor9 for input. You may still use the 9ymbol catalog %5igure D' to select the desired character by its glyph. This will also display the charactercs locali/ed mar+up name. ;nce entered( the characters will display properly in any language. Contrary to commands( special characters are case sensiti)e.

Characters P #reek
7talic characters can be obtained by adding an i after the per cent character. 5or instance( %iPI instead of %PI . X*$#-* X:=T* X$*814* X#7 X#-7 Xalpha X)arepsilon Xiota XFi X)arrho Xphi X1=T* X=T* X *88* XT-=T*



X7;T* XJ7
XT*" X;8= * Xdelta Xtheta Xmu X)arpi Xtau Xpsi


X8" X0-;

X97 8*



$ Xgamma Xeta Xlambda Xpi

X/eta X+appa Xomicron Xsigma X)arphi

Xepsilon X)artheta Xnu

Xrho Xupsilon Xomega


Characters P @pecial
9ome special characters correspond to the same symbol as an operator but there is no syntaF )erification %presence of left or right elements'. %pertho8sa2% %2oeleme2t Q %a2% / %i%e2ti#al ? %te2%to %i2(i2ite %or 0 %stri#tl4greatertha2 < %eleme2t ' %a2gle %2ote=8al 7 %stri#tl4lesstha2 9


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

2eserved words in alphabetic order

* reser)ed word is an eFpression with a particular use and is controlled by $ibre;ffice. You cannot use it as a )ariable name. To be able to use these words without interference from 8ath( you need to place them between <. The commented list follows.
6 Y small space. 9ee dgra)eK operator. : Y superscript. 9ee dhatK and dwidehatK operators. 9 Y subscript 0 Y subtraction 0+ Y c2Oc sign with c2c o)er cOc F Y pointY need a character before & Y opening parenthesis ' Y closing parenthesis ) Y opening sEuare brac+et X Y closing sEuare brac+et Y opening brac+et for grouping characters ! Y closing brac+et for grouping characters R Y product S Y di)ision on one line Z Y before a brac+et %sEuare brac+et( parenthesis or brace'( treat it as a normal character. 9ee dbslashK and dsetminusK operators. T Y 1oolean operator candc $ Y separation between elements in a table $$ Y separation between lines in a matriF % Y indicate special name %displayed if name not recogni/ed' %% Y comment + Y addition +0 Y cO2c sign with cOc o)er c2c 1 Y operator less than 1[. Y indicate placeholder around operators built with models. 4isplayed as a small sEuare in the formula. ($ and MaD:($ +eys to na)igate through them. 11 Y operator much less than 1+ Y operator less or eEual 1. Y operator different + Y operator eEuality . Y operator greater than .+ Y operator greater or eEual .. Y operator much greater than U Y logical operator or 7 Y large space. 9ee operator dtildeK. abs Y function absolute )alue a#8te Y acute accent for one character aleph Y 1 letter of -ebrew alphabet %cardinal number'.

alig2l Y left alignment alig2m Y %centered )ertical alignment' 12 alig2r Y right alignment alig2t Y %top )ertical alignment' 12 a2% Y logical operator and approx Y sign approFimately( two _ one o)er each ar##os Y function arc cosine ar##ot Y function arc cotangent ar#osh Y area hyperbolic cosine ar#oth Y area hyperbolic cotangent ar#si2 Y function arc sine ar#ta2 Y function arc tangent arsi2h Y function area hyperbolic sinus arta2h Y function area hyperbolic tangent ba#,epsilo2 Y upside down epsilon. bar Y add bar to neFt character. bi2om Y put 2 elements one o)er each bla#, Y blac+ color for ccolorc bl8e Y blue color for ccolorc bol% Y bold font boper Y neFt character is treated as a binary operator %unchanged si/e' breve Y half circle turned up bslash Y operator [( as difference #%ot Y operator c.c for multiplication #he#, Y upside down circumfleF accent #ir# Y croundc operator for composition of functions #ir#le Y add a circle o)er neFt character #olor Y set color& blac+( blue( cyan( green( magenta( red( white( yellow #opro% Y coproduct %upside down e' or direct sum #os Y function cosine #osh Y hyperbolic cosine #ot Y cotangent #oth Y hyperbolic cotangent #s8b Y centered subscript #s8p Y centered superscript #4a2 Y cyan color for ccolorc %%%ot Y add three points o)er& triple deri)ati)e in physics %%ot Y add two points o)er& double deri)ati)e in physics %e( Y eEual sign with 4=5 o)erwritten %iv Y di)ide sign c&c with c2c in the middle %ivi%es Y operator f %9heffer bar'( same as logical sign dorK %larro5 Y left double arrow %lrarro5 Y left and right double arrow %eEui)alent'

alig2b Y %bottom )ertical alignment' 12 alig2# Y centered hori/ontal alignment

12 These obsolete shortcuts are for alignbottom( align-mid and align-top( %)ertical alignments'. Math recogni/es them( but nothing is changed. Math commands - 8eference


%ot Y add a point o)er& deri)ati)e in physics %otsaxis Y align ... hori/ontally in the middle %ots%iag Y align three points with a O<Gg slop %ots%o52 Y align three points with a 2<Gg slop %otslo5 Y align ... on the bottom %ots8p Y align three points with a O<Gg slop %otsvert Y align )ertically 3 points %o52arro5 Y down arrow %rarro5 Y right double arrow %imply' empt4set Y empty set e=8iv Y eEui)alent %eEual sign with three stri+es' exists Y there eFist %re)ersed =' exp Y eFponential function (a#t Y factorial function %add cHc after' (ixe% Y font attribute (o2t Y select a font (orall Y whate)er %upside down *' (rom Y goes with ctoc for limits of integrals( sums( etc. (82# Y transforms a )ariable in function ge Y greater or eEual( hori/ontal dTK sign gesla2t Y greater or eEual( obliEue dTK sign gg Y much greater then cSSc grave Y add a gra)e accent gree2 Y green color for ccolorc gt Y operator plus grand Eue hat Y add a circumfleF accent hbar Y stri+ h %h'( reduced #lanc+Ks constant %di)ided by h' iii2t Y triple integral( three times integral sign ii2t Y double integral( twice integral sign im Y function imaginary part i2 Y is element of i2(i2it4 Y infinity symbol i2(t4 Y infinity symbol i2t Y simple integral i2terse#tio2 Y intersection operator ital Y italici/ed font itali# Y italici/ed font lamb%abar Y stri+e lambda la2gle Y R to open cR...Sc %angular brac+et operator& langle ... mline ... rangle' lbra#e Y )isible left brace cUc l#eil Y left sEuare brac+et without bottom l%bra#,et Y double left sEuare brac+et l%li2e Y left double line %norm' cffc le Y less or eEual( hori/ontal dTK sign le(t Y neFt character is treated as an opening brac+et le(tarro5 Y left arrow lesla2t Y less or eEual( obliEue dTK sign l(loor Y left sEuare brac+et without top lim Y limit operator

limi2( Y inferior limit operator lims8p Y superior limit operator li2t Y line integral %with a circle' ll Y much lower than operator lli2e Y left bar to open absolute )alue cfc lli2t Y double line integral %with a circle' llli2t Y triple line integral %with a circle' l2 Y function natural logarithm log Y function decimal logarithm ls8b Y left subscript ls8p Y left superscript lt Y operator less than cRc mage2ta Y magenta color for ccolorc matrix Y defines a matriF mi28spl8s Y cOc sign( plus under c2c mli2e Y )ertical line cfc %angular brac+et operator& langle ... mline ... rangle' 2abla Y nabla operator( upside down i. 2bol% Y not bold font. 2%ivi%es Y does not di)ide operator( / )ertically stro+ed 2eg Y operator no 2e= Y operator different 2e5li2e Y new line 2i Y in)erted sign is element of 2itali# Y not italic font 2o2e Y combined with cleftc or crightc to indicate in)isible left or right brac+et 2oti2 Y is not element of operator 2root Y nth root 2s8bset Y is not strictly include in operator 2s8bsete= Y is not include or eEual in operator 2s8pset Y re)ersed is not strictly include in operator 2s8psete= Y re)ersed is not include or eEual in operator o%ivi%e Y operator / in a circle o%ot Y operator c.c in a circle omi28s Y operator cc in a circle oper Y transforms neFt )ariable in a large operator with limits %li+e j' opl8s Y direct sum operator( O in a circle or Y logical operator or( upside down W ortho Y orthogonal operator( perpendicular symbol otimes Y tensor product operator( F in a circle over Y di)ision operator( to write di)ision with hori/ontal fraction bar overbra#e Y put neFt element o)er pre)ious one with an hori/ontal brace overli2e Y add an hori/ontal bar o)er neFt element overstri,e Y stri+e2through characters o52s Y re)ersed is element of parallel Y parallel operator cffc partial Y round d for partial deri)ati)e pha2tom Y in)isible element( to let empty space


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

pl8smi28s Y operator cO2c with cOc o)er pro% Y product operator( e prop Y proportional operator ra2gle Y cSc to close cR...Sc %angular brac+et operator& langle ... mline ... rangle' rbra#e Y )isible right brace r#eil Y right sEuare brac+et without bottom r%bra#,et Y double right sEuare brac+et r%li2e Y right double line %norm' cffc re Y real part function re% Y red color for ccolorc r(loor Y right sEuare brac+et without top right Y neFt character is treated as a closing brac+et rightarro5 Y right arrow rli2e Y right bar to close absolute )alue cfc rs8b Y subscript rs8p Y superscript sa2s Y font option seri( Y font option setD Y set of compleF numbers setmi28s Y operator [( subtraction of sets setL Y set of natural numbers setW Y set of rational numbers set; Y set of real numbers setV Y set of integers sim Y operator eEui)alent( write one _ sime= Y operator similarly eEual( write a double _ si2 Y function sine si2h Y function hyperbolic sine siGe Y change font si/e slash Y operator slash c/c s=rt Y operator sEuare root sta#, Y define a stac+ of elements separated with cZc

s8b Y subscript s8bset Y strictly include operator s8bsete= Y include or eEual operator s8m Y sum operator( j s8p Y superscript s8pset Y re)ersed strictly include operator s8psete= Y re)ersed include or eEual operator ta2 Y tangent function ta2h Y hyperbolic tangent function til%e Y add a tilde c_c o)er neFt character times Y multiplication operator( cJc to Y goes with cfromc for limits of integrals( sums( etc. to5ar% Y arrow to the right tra2sl Y 2 small Ioined circles( the one of the left is filled %sign of correspondence 7mage from' tra2sr Y 2 small Ioined circles( the one of the right is filled %sign of correspondence ;rigin of' 82%erbra#e Y put neFt element under pre)ious one with an hori/ontal brace 82%erli2e Y add an hori/ontal bar under neFt element 82io2 Y union operator( " 8oper Y neFt character is treated as a unary operator %unchanged si/e' 8parro5 Y up arrow ve# Y add a small arrow o)er neFt character 5hite Y white color for ccolorc 5i%ebslash Y operator with a big c[c 5i%ehat Y add an hat o)er neFt element 5i%eslash Y di)ision operator with a big c/c 5i%etil%e Y add a tilde on neFt element 5i%eve# Y add an arrow o)er neFt element 5p Y .eierstrass p function 4ello5 Y yellow color for ccolorc

Math commands - 8eference


brac+ets %8ath' 1D brac+ets commands %8ath' G< function commands %8ath' G1

-elp system A

characters special %8ath' GC characters ree+ %8ath' GC chemical formulas <0

7nternational 9upport A

licensing of $ibre;ffice D limits to sum/integral 21 mathematical and chemical eEuations 11 mathematical mar+up 1G mathematical symbols 13 matriF mar+up %8ath' 1D miscellaneous commands %8ath' GB

deri)ati)e mar+up %8ath' 22 4ocumentation A

eEuation numbering 2D eEuation editor 11 brac+ets 1D deri)ati)e mar+up 22 =lements window 13 eEuations o)er more than one line 21 floating window 3< font si/e 2< formula layout 1D limits to sum/integral 21 mar+up 1G matriF mar+up 1D right2clic+ menu 1G

numbering eEuations 2D

;pen 9ource 7nitiati)e %;97' D

relational operator commands %8ath' <D

support B

formats commands %8ath' GA formula editor 9ee& eEuation editor 3< formula layout 1D

unary / binary operator commands %8ath' <C "ser guides A


LibreOffice $.% Math Guide

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