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This B.S.

Script Breakdown is a page by page guide New scene: BLUE of where the scene breaks, themes reoccur, events occur

Dark/Light Reference: YELLOW

Jail Reference: ORANGE

Terminology: RED

Female reference: MAGENTA

Freedom Reference: BROWN

Religion Reference: GRAY

Reference of need: Reference to a BLACK dream: DK BLUE

Note Significance: Song: Purple GREEN


MEANINGS In Yoruba mythology, OGUN is the god of Iron and OSHOOSI is the Yoruba warrior and the free spirit, ELEGBA is the trickster god .



Ogun is a hard worker; Oshoosi is a dreamer; Elegba is a struggler

Refer to the folder "Character name meanings" for more information on their name significances.

Mention of Lord God Oshoosi's nickname is "Osi"; Oshoosi is a hothead; Ogun is the authority figure; The use of the word "Nigga" is out of anger, another name for "asshole"; Ogun is hardened (we'll find out why pg. 74) Oshoosi doesn't sleep well at night (at night you're lonely, at night sexuality seems to be a non-issue) Oshoosi equates laziness to longevity Mention of female as in Life; Ogun hires "Ass" Oshoosi First mention of Ogun's Truck (which later is a symbol of Oshoosi's freedom) Ogun promises he'll kick Oshoosi out; Ogun reveals to the FIRST mention audience Aunt Oshoosi's fresh out Elegua doesn't like of jail them; Oshoosi doesn't value work

"Nigga" in this particular play is another word for asshole


"Girl" or "lady" is a woman of Value, Oshoosi seems reference to a child-like and Mention of female as woman's vagina is entitled: " me "girl" just a woman a damn car..." fulfilling a physical need/degradation

Mention of dark skin vs. light skin: Ogun and Oshoosi have different fathers. Ogun has a redder father, making him lighter; Oshoosi has a darker father. Even more interesting: Oshoosi is appalled that he takes better care of himself than Ogun even though Ogun is lighter skinned. This implies that Lighter skinned ppl take better care of themselves.


Mention of Truck


Elegba loves Oshoosi

Mention of female as SCENE 2 "lover"

Oshoosi sings a song: "Wanna get to know you" (2004) by G-Unit: http://www. v=VeIeRkNfh5Q



Elegba enters for the first time; Elegba provides Oshoosi w/ affection, calls him Jail reference "Brother;" we find out that Oshoosi worked on cars in jail All they did in prison was wait, cry, wait

Brother is another word for "best friend." Word of endearment versus kin

15 Elegba and Oshoosi were brothers in need Ogun hates the nickname "Size #1;" Elegba corrects Ogun on the "converse" vs. "conversate" Ogun tells Oshoosi that he didn't really make friends in the pen

They talk about the Sex is not about Mention of female as loneliness and preference, but about "pussy" looming of rape in need jail




19 Elegba talks about Live vs. dead talk: his job at a funeral "...good to remember home death..." First physical contact (between Oshoosi and Elegba)

Riding/owning a car is the ultimate freedom


21 22



SCENE 3 "Blocka" is an urban reference to the Mention of female as sound of gunshots, "pussy" and but said in an excited "coochie" positive light. Similar to "Hell Yeah!" "Clydesdale legs" refers to the strong beautiful legs of a Mention of female as Clydesdale horse, "girl" which are muscular/strong & thick.

Reference to "OYA" & "SHANGO" from the first play in the trilogy "In the Red and Brown Water"


The reference to Oya being infertile and sacrificing her ear as a sign of commitment

"The Yoruba of southwest Nigeria believe that infertility can be due to spiritual problems from which orthodox medical treatment is not appropriate."

Oya, in Yoruba mythology was a goddess co-wife to Shango. She tricks his main wife that by cutting off her ear and feeding it to Shango, it will secure his attention. But Shango instead puts Oba in exile. Likewise, in the first play of this trilogy, Ogun's ex-girlfriend Oya cuts off her ear and gives it to Shango as a sign of commitment.

See "Misc." Folder for article on Infertility among Yoruba women and the Oba Ear. This is significant because this is the very reason that ultimately permanently tore Oya from Ogun.


Ogun tries to talk to Oshoosi about his heartbreak over Oya and Oshoosi makes a joke about it. They don't know how to be brothers in the close friend sense. "Ingratful" is a colloquial term of ungrateful. Everything Oshoosi does is loud (eat, sleep, pee, etc.) Oshoosi is angry at Ogun's constant mention of his time in Jail. Oshoosi explains to Ogun that not every man's castle is typical/conventional. In other words, Oshoosi believes Ogun's car shop is his castle; Oshoosi wants to take a lady to the Bayou. Reference to literal and metaphorical jail reference to Oshoosi's attempt to distance himself from jail SCENE 4





Question Posed: Mention of a female What makes a man a as a "lady" king?






Reference to Oshoosi orders Ogun mentioning jail is a to stop mentioning painful memory for jail to him. Oshoosi. Oshoosi has a dream. Oshoosi dreams of those hot nights in jail, of the needs he had. Elegba talks of the deep intimacy him and Oshoosi had Elegba talks about darkness and how it breeds fear and the need to quench that fear. Elegba used to sing to Oshoosi and cradle him w/ his comfort.



37 38 39



Elegba says his and Oshoosi's harmony (meaning their singing and fulfillment of a need in the darkness of jail) made light despite the darkness. "That M&M kind of Smile" Oshoosi wakes from his nightmare Elegba and Ogun coaxes Oshoosi to "step on" to work Elegba, Oshoosi, and Ogun sing the "Georgy Georgy song" Oshoosi's mad Ogun doesn't wake him up for work, walks to the car shop and quits/Ogun fires him





Elegba brings the car to Ogun's shop Elegba tells Ogun he can pay him for looking at the car Elegba offers Oshoosi the car The car runs well but is useless to Elegba because he is w/o a license Ogun, Oshoosi & Elegba connect over the repetitive sayings of the racist sheriff The audience finds out the sheriff is African American; the sheriff makes fun of his own dark skin, as if being dark is a deterrent The sheriff talks to the Witt boys Ogun & Oshoosi seem to have a hard time distinguishing themselves from each other. The sheriff calls them both the same name: "Size;" Elegba tells the Sheriff that he wasn't "let" out of jail, he earned his release from jail since he served his sentence.

Meaning to Oshoosi's anger: Oshoosi's afraid of being left alone. Meaning: Oshoosi had a need/desire to have a car, Elegba fulfills it

48 49



This is the first time we see the 3 men on the same page



The Witt boys are white boys, seemingly related



"Rehabitulated" means to be fully recovered or to be reformed Even though Oshoosi and Elegba see having a car as the ultimate freedom, the sheriff Elegba's monologue makes it clear that recounting the Elegba should only sheriff warning him get around via foot. to stay clean or he'll So, it seems like the be put back in jail sheriff wants to take his freedom away, which is arguably trying to keep him in a metaphorical jail. It's clear that the The sheriff gives the sheriff believes white Witt boys a whites are more ride in his car deserving of freedom Elegba officially gives Oshoosi the car First time Ogun dreams; Ogun dreams that Oshoosi ACT 2, SCENE 1 is confused but (9th scene overall) Elegba drags him away Ogun can't help Oshoosi being dragged away by Elebga ACT 2 SCENE 2 (10th overall) Oshoosi talks of getting an education; The first time Ogun Oshoosi wants to calls Oshoosi his find something he brother as a term of loves the way Ogun endearment loves fixing cars Oshoosi took an aptitude test in jail and it claimed he "Fecundity" means was sensitive to "fruitfulness or people's needs and fertility, as of the therefore should a Earth" - dictionary. social worker; pics com of Madagascar inspire Oshoosi Oshoosi says while reading a book in The audience sees jail, he saw a man Oshoosi have that looked like him confidence in his and it occurred to intelligence; he says himself that there is he also wants to go so much he can learn to Mexico outside is current area. Oshoosi's smoke weed; Oshoosi and First mention of Elegba want to pick love; and mention of up females at the a female as "woman" movies mention of females as "thong" and "panty line"























Elegba shows up with the car and Oshoosi jokes about the possibility of being arrested just for honking a car horn Elegba calls on Oshoosi outside of his window; when Ogun confronts Elegba, Elegba is insistent that he talk with Oshoosi Elegba claims him and Oshoosi have a secret from Ogun Elegba is scared that the law is coming after Oshoosi Elegba tells Ogun a story about Oshoosi Elegba calls Oshoosi wailing for Ogun the most beautiful when he first came man to jail Oshoosi loved Ogun for him to be wailing for his brother like that; Elegba also tells Ogun not to be threatened by his relationship with Oshoosi because he can't replace Ogun The police looks for a Size brother Ogun's monologue about always being compared to his younger brother. He was blamed for not being as holy as Oshoosi and then blamed for not being a good example for Oshoosi. This seems like a The image of their reference to Jesus mother holding carrying our sins on Ogun's hand as a his back and being little boy inspires sacrificed because of him. Ogun feels like it, just like Ogun Oshoosi's sins are his eventually sacficice to carry on his back. himself to save Oshoosi (pg. 97) Ogun makes Oshoosi say he "fucked up." Oshoosi tells Ogun the story of the previous night's events. They went to the bayou, picked up Mention of a female girls, Elegba claims "pussy" to need a ride to his cousin Nia's house; Oshoosi sneezes and almost crashes the car

ACT 2 SCENE 3 (11th scene overall)

ACT 2 SCENE 4 (12th scene overall)

Mention of Teddy Pendergrass song "Come go with me": com/watch? v=uzYM01Smsug




Elegba tells Oshoosi to stop the car and just sit. Oshoosi claims its nice to just be still. While sitting in the car with Elegba, Oshoosi's penis becomes erect, then Mention of dreams Elegba touches Oshoosi's head, then shoulder, then down to his thigh. Oshoosi is confused by Elegba but The police officer Elegba tells him it's shines his light just like old times. The police officer searches the car without a warrant; Oshoosi knows this is wrong; Oshoosi keeps telling Elegba to tell the police officer the drugs aren't his; Elegba won't speak up and the police officer assumes it's Oshoosi's. Elegba has jailed himself and therefore there is no fight left in him. Oshoosi runs to keep from being put back in jail. He expects Ogun to help him. Ogun and Oshoosi recount the day their mother died. Arguable the funniest moment of play is ironically about the saddest day of Ogun and Oshoosi's lives; Oshoosi makes fun of Ogun's reaction to the sad news." Aunt Elegua resents having to take Ogun and Oshoosi in but she got welfare checks for both of them. Ogun always made sure Oshoosi had a Christmas Ogun says Oshoosi's nice to everyone; Oshoosi says he's too tired to fight it off anymore Ogun asks Oshoosi to sing for him "Provocation" means something that provokes, arouses, or stimulates merriam-webster dictionary; In other words, Oshoosi knows that the police had no reason or was not provoked to search his car. This implies the police officer searched the car based on a racist assumption there were drugs in the car.


82 - 83


ACT 2 SCENE 5 (13th scene overall) Their mother's name is Yemoja. In Yoruban Mythology, "Yemoja" is the mother goddess, patron deity of women as well as the mother of all saints.





Ogun sings Otis Redding's "Try a little Tenderness": com/watch? v=UnPMoAb4y8U



Oshoosi puts on the actual Otis Redding song; says every man needs a copy of that song They sing the "Otis Redding" song together

Oshoosi plays Otis Redding's "Try a little Tenderness": com/watch? v=UnPMoAb4y8U



Ogun tells Oshoosi not to dance like the Temptations

The song group "The Temptations" who sang songs such as "My girl" & "Ain't too proud to beg." Here is a video of The Temptations performing live so you can see their moves: http://www. v=4P1x7Yy9CXI







Elegba shows up for a moment, unknowingly to Ogun. Elegba's appearance instantly makes Oshoosi tired, and he stops singing Ogun is left alone, the music shuts off Ogun wants Oshoosi to drive away before the courthouse opens the law comes looking for Oshoosi. Ogun's packed all of Oshoosi's stuff Ogun tells Oshoosi to run to Mexico and that in his absence Ogun will only deny Oshoosi as his brother 3x Ogun tells Oshoosi to ONLY STOP IF HE NEEDS TO Ogun tells Oshoosi to go find himself

SCENE 6 (14th scene overall)

This seems like a religious reference to Peter denying him knowing Jesus 3x


reference to page 64, "I need to be out there looking for the me's."

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