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Simple DIY Hydroponics net pot/basket from recycled bottles

intro step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 step 7


introSimple DIY Hydroponics net pot/basket from recycled bottles

!i"#$ si%p&e$ e's( 'n) "ost e**e"ti+e ,'( to %'#e (o!r o,n net pot-.'s#et *or (o!r /()roponi"s 0'r)en o!t o* !se)-re"("&e) p&'sti" .ott&es 'n) n(&on %es/ s/o,er spon0es1 2n&i#e t(pi"'& net pots-.'s#ets$ t/e openin0 is t(pi"'&&( s%'&&er$ so t/e ,'ter e+'por'tion is re)!"e)1 T/e )esi0n is '&so %ore *&e3i.&e *or )i**erent si4e) o* /o&es to s!spen) t/ese n(&on net pots1

bottle opening is used to suspend over the holes in a aeroponics/hydroponics setup. I demonstrated here without going through a hole so that you can see what it should look like cross section. You should typically fit this pot over the holes in your hydroponic setup and then fill the plants, followed by carefully filling the growing medium around it.

step 1Material and tools

M'teri'&s 'n) too&s5 M'teri'&s5 11 A re"("&e) p&'sti" .ott&e$ one ,it/ ' p&'sti" /oop 'ro!n) t/e ne"# &i#e %ost so)' .ott&es1 21 A n(&on %es/1 6o! "'n *in) it 's p'"#'0in0 %'teri'&s1 7ere I !se ' "/e'p n(&on %es/ s/o,erin0 spon0e I 0ot *ro% 8'&0reens1 3 *or 921 Too&s5 A s"issor1

step 2Cut the mesh

:!t t/e tie t/'t /o&)s t/e n(&on s/o,er spon0e to0et/er$ 'n) (o! s/o!&) 0et ' &on0 n(&on %es/ t!.e1

step 3 ie one end of the nylon mesh tube

:!t o!t ' se"tion o* t/e n(&on %es/ t!.e1 Tie one en) o* t/e n(&on %es/ t!.e to "&ose it1 T/is ,i&& .e t/e .otto% o* (o!r .'s#et1

step ! ake off the plastic rin" around the root of the bottle openin"#
T'#e o** t/e p&'sti" rin0 'ro!n) t/e .'se o* t/e .ott&e openin01 Be "'re*!& not to )e*or% it .e"'!se ,e;&& p!t it .'"# &'ter1

step $Cut out soda bottle top

:!t so)' .ott&e top to o.t'in t/e t/re')e) .ott&e openin01

step %Insert bottle openin" to the nylon mesh tube

Insert .ott&e openin0 to t/e n(&on %es/ t!.e so t/'t t/e open en) o* t/e n(&on %es/ t!.e ,r'ps 'ro!n) t/e openin0 o* t/e .ott&e openin01 Point .ott&e openin0 into t/e insi)e o* t/e %es/ t!.e1 :'re*!&&( rep&'"e t/e .ott&e "'p rin0 o+er t/e %es/1 Be s!re to not )'%'0e t/e %es/1 T/e .ott&e "'p rin0 s/o!&) se"!re t/e %es/ in p&'"e1

step &Done'
An) t/'t;s it< 6o! 're no, re')( to p!t in (o!r see)&in0s$ p&'nts$ 0ro,in0 %e)i!%1 T/is set!p "'n *it %'n( )i**erent si4e) /o&es$ 's &on0 's (o! #eep eno!0/ .ott&e .o)( to *it into t/e /o&es1

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