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CONTAINER SALES Advance tax 0.1% is not calculating on commercial invoice report of CONTAINER sales Sales-> customer invoice view-> frame title is as supplier invoice When we click on any record in invoice view frame supplier name is empty rather it should be customer name There is different fright amount on frame and report Product wise sales report and invoice data has dichotomy No of units calculated on SO view frame are not correct it does not show fraction values Daily Summary Product Family Wise report missing value of truck Daily Summary Product Wise report is not opening Product Wise Sales Summary report and invoice data has dichotomy Customer Wise Sales Book and invoice data has dichotomy Sales Analysis Summary list price value is not correct Invoice wise summary list price value is not correct Station wise report List Price value is not correct moreover Decimal values are not showing in total amounts Tableware When we new product no check on product packing attributes When product remarks are entered while genrating SO does not appear in DC frame when SO is loaded Station name on Gate Pass report is not correct On tableware invoice creation form all fields are editable which should not be On tableware invoice creation freight value showing of FG Formatting work is requird in sales tax invoice

no of sheets 1 128




480 120

48 48 28

sr mtr 2.2326

0.108839 108.8392

3429.274 *

3 28

1440 3360 4800

10 20 1

480 960 28


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