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Shivaram.D Mobile: +9849528399 E-Mail :dusarishivaram1985 !mail."om

#areer $b%e"&ive: To be associated with a progressive organization that gives me scope to update knowledge and skills in accordance with the latest trends and be a part of a team that dynamically works hard towards the growth of the organization

Edu"a&io'al (uali)i"a&io':
Intermediate (C.E.C) from .! "unior College with #$% . .C from &ew 'akatiya (igh chool with )*%

*e"h'i"al (uali)i"a&io':
C+,- (Computer +perating -nd ,rogramming -sst) from govt . I.T.I College

+or, E-.erie'"e:
.orked as a ,rocessing -ssociate in -/is 0ank for one year

1uick learner Communication skills Can deal with conflict with positive attitude

2eading 0ook 3istening music

,age 4

0erso'al De&ails: 1ame 2a&her3s 1ame Da&e o) 4ir&h Mari&al S&a&us 1a&io'ali&5 6a'!ua!es ,'o7' De"lara&io': I here by declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. : 5. hiva 2am : Chandraiah : 4)6*)6478# : ingle. : Indian. : English9 Telugu : (indi.

,lace; 5ate; 8D. Shiva Ram9

,age <

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