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Scaling you map drawings Reference: Course Web Site Section 2.

7 of the Location Map Tutorial Week 7

In AutoCAD !ou can scale !our "ra#in$ in t#o #a!s. %ou can either pro&i"e a scale factor at plot ti'e or !ou can &ie# !our "ra#in$ throu$h a paper space &ie#port. (ie#ports are con&enient because the! pro&i"e instant fee"back re$ar"in$ ho# !our "ra#in$ fits on !our "ra#in$ sheet. To use a paper space &ie#port !ou 'ust )oo' in on !our 'o"el space at a pre"eter'ine" scale. In 'o"el space on the co''an" line t!pe Z *for ZOOM) an" select s *for SCALE).

All+Center+D!na'ic+,*/+/.0+Win"o#+1Realti'e2: s

%our 'ap scalin$ is specifie" usin$ the 3/.4 option.

What is a Map Scale? %our #ere instructe" to scale !our location 'ap at a scale of 5:6777 What "oes this 'ean8 9or a "ra#in$ scale" at 5:6777 5 '' of !our plotte" 'ap represents 6777 '' of the real #orl". Also 5 inch of !our plotte" 'ap represents 6777 inches of the real #orl".

What is the AutoCAD Scale


9or !our 5:6777 scale location 'ap #e #ante" to specif! a "ra#in$ scale such that 5 '' of paper space #as e:ui&alent to 6777 '' of the real #orl". ;ut<. a "ra#in$ unit in our AutoCAD 'o"el space represente" a unit of 5 'etre not 5 ''. As a result in AutoCAD #e #ante" a scale such that 5 '' in paper space #as e:ui&alent to 6 'etres of 'o"el space. =n the co''an" line #hen pro'pte" for the scale factor #e specifie" the follo#in$:

,nter scale factor:


This instructe" AutoCAD to set up a "ispla! such that 5 unit of !our paper space #as e:ui&alent to 6 units of 'o"el space *5'' > 6 'etres or 5'' > 6777 ''0

Ad%usting your Map Display When the ti'e ca'e to re?si)e one of !our 'ap "ra#in$s !ou nee"e" to: 50 use the )oo' scale factor to force AutoCAD to properl! si)e !our "ra#in$ an" use the pan co''an" to position !our "ra#in$ #ithin the &ie#port.


So'e e-a'ples Scale actor 5+6-p 5+2-p 7.6-p 7.2-p 2-p 6-p &lotting Scale 5:6777 5:2777 5:2777 5:6777 5:677 5:277

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