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This project is aimed at developing an online leave management system that is of importance to either an organization or a college. The Leave Management System (LMS) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group !ept. This system can be used to automate the "or#flo" of leave applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features li#e email notifications$ cancellation of leave$ automatic approval of leave$ report generators etc in this system. There are registered people in the system. Some are approvers. %n approver can also be a re&uestor. In an organization$ the hierarchy could be 'ngineers Managers (usiness Managers Managing !irector etc.In a college$ it could be Lecturer )rofessor *ead of the !epartment !ean )rincipal$ etc. The design of our project is aimed at developing an online leave management system that is of primary importance to a college. The order of

#304,DV Arcade, Opp. Agrawala Sweets, Street No. 10, Himayath Nagar, Hydera ad! "00 0#$ %h& 040!3#4# '143.

hierarchy that "e have follo"ed is L'+T,-'- *'%! ./ T*' !')%-TM'0T)-I0+I)%L.

Purpose of the Project: The present era is technically far advanced. 1ith the rapid gro"th in technology$ the life style of a human being is changing on a very high pace. This advanced technology provides an average human being "ith opportunity of leading a comfortable life. .ne of the greatest technical advancements is the advent of computers. The computers in the present "orld find applications in almost all the fields of education$ business$ sciences$ engineering$ etc. *ence computers have become an important asset of every human being. .ne of the major applications of computers is in the field of internet. In the present day internet has become the most important and fastest means of communication and information e2change. 'ven the business firms use the facilities of internet and intranet "ith in their organization to e2change the information among various departments and also among industries. *ence the #no"ledge of computers is most e2tensively demanded in the present competitive "orld.
#304,DV Arcade, Opp. Agrawala Sweets, Street No. 10, Himayath Nagar, Hydera ad! "00 0#$ %h& 040!3#4# '143.

1ith this point of interest of using the internet "ith in the organization for information e2change$ this project aims at developing a suitable online leave management system "hich facilitates the employees of an organization (educational institution of particular interest) to apply for leaves to their respective superiors and receive the reply from them. )reviously this "as a process "hich re&uired the employee to "rite his re&uest on a paper and send it to their superiors through proper channel and "ait for a "ritten statement from his superior$ "hich "as very much time consuming. This project aims at reducing the paper "or# and provides the employee "ith the ease of applying leaves directly to their superiors and receive reply from them. This entire process is carried out using internet "hich is an added technical advantage. EXISTING SYSTEM In many of the organizations and colleges "e do not have any soft"are to apply the leave. %ll the "or# has to be done manually. %n employee "ho "ants to apply leave has to fill the leave form and hand it over to his superior. The superior then has to verify the employee3s leave balance in some files and then ta#e a decision of "hether to approve or reject that application. Then the employee has to go to the superior to #no"
#304,DV Arcade, Opp. Agrawala Sweets, Street No. 10, Himayath Nagar, Hydera ad! "00 0#$ %h& 040!3#4# '143.

the status of his leave application. This all loo#s simple. (ut there is a possibility that the employee has no time to hand over the application to his superior or the superior not being available due to some reason. These situations put the employee in a dilemma. .ur Leave management system provides a solution for this. ,sing this soft"are the employee fills the readymade form available and sends it to his superior through the soft"are. The superior receives the application$ does the automatic verification and sends his approval rejection bac# to the employee through the soft"are itself. The employee can then see the reply for his leave application in the system. The soft"are has simplified the "or#. SOFTWA E E!"I EMENTS: # .perating System 4 1indo"s 5) 1eb Server !atabase /ront 'nd 4 %pache Tomcat 6.7 4 MS %++'SS 4 *TML$ 8ava Server )ages

$A %WA E E!"I EMENTS: # )+ "ith 9:( *ard dis#

#304,DV Arcade, Opp. Agrawala Sweets, Street No. 10, Himayath Nagar, Hydera ad! "00 0#$ %h& 040!3#4# '143.

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#304,DV Arcade, Opp. Agrawala Sweets, Street No. 10, Himayath Nagar, Hydera ad! "00 0#$ %h& 040!3#4# '143.

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