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Questionnaire: Music Magazine

For my AS media assignment it was required of me to produce a questionnaire to get research and opinions from my target audience, helping me product an attractive music magazine. I would very much appreciate it if you were to fill out my questionnaire and hand it back to me in order for me to gather the results.

. !hat gender are you" Female #ale

$. !hat is your age" %nder & ' ( $& $' ( )& )' ( *& *' and over

3. What music is your favourite to listen to? +ip,+op -op .ock /ountry /lassical 0thers 1please specify2 333333333333

*. 4escribe your opinion of pop music" 1-lease circle2 56citing Se6y +appy %p,beat /olourful #eaningful $ $ $ $ $ $ ) ) ) ) ) ) * * * * * * & & & & & & 4ull 7on,se6y 4epressing Slow -ain #eaningless

&. !hat shade of colours would you most e6pect in a pop magazine" -astels 1e.g. light blue, light pink2 8right9s 1 e.g light yellow, light pink2 4arks 1e.g dark red, dark blue2

By Ellie Hawkins

'. !here do you most hear about your music news" 1-lease tick2 #usic #agazine .adio Internet :; 0thers 1please specify2 333333333333

<. !ould you be interested in a website that is linked to a music magazine" =es 7o

>. +ow important is the model on the front cover of the magazine" 1-lease circle2 Insignificant $ ) * & ;ery important

?. !hat kind of images would you like the music magazine to contain" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A. !hich of the following artists would mostly likely make you want to buy a music magazine" /ody Simpson /her Bloyd :aylor Swift Custin 8ieber . !hich is your favourite pop band out from the following" 0ne 4irection :he !anted Bittle #i6 :he Saturdays

By Ellie Hawkins

$. In a music magazine what do you prefer to see" Interviews Articles .eviews 7ot Fussed

). !hat would you most like to read about in a music magazine" Interviews with popular music artist 1e.g. their lifestylesDgossip2 #ake up tips .ecent /harts +its .ecent fashion *. 4o you prefer more te6t or more images in a magazine" :e6t Images Eood balance of both

By Ellie Hawkins

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