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4th March, 2014.

Dear Parents, On Thursday year 6 will be having the first of three sessions with Global renewable in school. The second session is a visit to the site at Leyland. Where the children will see what happens to their household rubbish, and just how important it is to recycle and make changes to the way we live now. You child will require a packed lunch. The lunch will need to be as recyclable as it possibly can be as each classes waste will be weighed. It is honestly one of the best trips to go on and highly beneficial. (We have to book a year in advance for this trip). The company provide the transport and the visit is free of charge. Thank you Miss Keelan and Miss Adams . Childs name class I give permission for my child to take part in the trip to the global renewable site in Leyland on Thursday 13th March. o My child will bring a pack lunch on this day.

Signed ............................................................................................................ Date.............................. Print .........................................................................

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