Nonsense Dialogue

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Nonsense Dialogue
Nonsense dialogue is a series of random lines that have no connected meaning. Your jo ! as an actor! is to ma"e sense of these lines so that the# ma# e delivered in a meaningful scene. Movement $ill e a crucial factor in this %&ro lem solving' endeavour. Through movement! #ou $ill esta lish the %$ho'! %$hat'! and %$here' of the scene. You ma# also find it hel&ful to add non(s&ea"ing characters. The &ur&ose of this e)ercise is to hel& #ou discover the relationshi& et$een $ords and stage movement. Some $ords seem to call for s&ecific %necessar# actions'! ut more often! the actor must &rovide logical %inter&retive actions'. *# &artici&ating in these e)ercises! it should ecome clear that! at times! actions can s&ea" louder than $ords+ Ta"e a loo" at the follo$ing nonsense dialogue, The stars shine like torches in the night. Tony pulled the fire alarm and ran. May I have some baby powder, please? hy doesn!t anyone care about baby seals? "ometimes I don!t understand you. I want you out of here by the time I count to ten# -o$ can #ou ma"e sense of this N.NSENSE/+ 0ossi le settings might include, A classroom 1 the teacher is teaching and $riting on the oard $hile some students are $his&ering and &assing notes. A &art# $ith multi&le discussions ha&&ening in different grou&s. A &s#chiatric hos&ital. A room $ith the television turned on. In a car 1 a famil# travels $ith the radio on! changing the stations. In the audience of a movie theatre 1 t$o movie(goers are anno#ed # %tal"ers' sitting near them. $se the lines provided to you to turn a nonsense dialogue into a meaningful scene.

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