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Dear Ms.

Recent developments affecting the Company necessitated organizational restr ct ring. !his res lted to yo r position "eing directly affected. #t is $ith deep regret that $e inform yo that effective <date>, yo r services $ill "e terminated. %e are really sorry to lose yo as an employee of the Company.. &n "ehalf of the Management, let me e'tend the Company(s deepest and sincerest appreciation for all the hard $or) yo have rendered and the passion yo have sho$n. %e $ill never forget the commenda"le partnership $e have shared thro gho t these years.
*indly see <name>, + pervisor for , man Reso rces, on or "efore <date> so yo can complete the necessary e'it and clearance proced re. All accr ed "enefits d e yo as mandated "y

la$ and nder Company "enefit program, if any, $ill "e settled pon yo r clearance of all acco nta"ilities. %e $ish yo $ell in yo r f t re endeavors.

<NAME> ,ead of , man Reso rces

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