Soa & Bpel Question

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Question :What is SOA? Answer :: SOA stands for service oriented architecture.

Before we define SOA lets first define a service. In real world service is what we pay for and we get the intended service. For instance you go to a hotel and order food. Your order first goes to the counter and then it goes to the kitchen where the food is prepared and finally the waiter serves the food. So in order to order a item from a hotel you need the three logical departments services to work together !counter" kitchen and waiter#. In .... Question :In SOA do we need to build systems from scratch? Answer :: $o. If you need to integrate or make an e%isting system as a &usiness service" you 'ust need to create loosely coupled wrappers which will wrap your custom systems and e%pose the systems functionality in generic fashion to the e%ternal world. Question :Can you explain business layers and plumbing layers in SOA? Answer :: In SOA we can divide any architecture in two layers. (he first which has direct relevance to &usiness as it carries out &usiness functions. (he second layer is a technical layer which talks a&out managing computer resources like data&ase" we& server etc. (his division is needed to identify a service. Question :Can you describe the complete architecture of SOA? Answer :: (he main goal of SOA is to connect disparate systems. In order that these disparate system work they should messages to each other. )SB !)nterprise service &us# acts like a relia&le post office which guarantees delivery of messages &etween systems in a loosely coupled manner. )SB is a special layer which delivers messages &etween applications. In the figure we have shown a huge plump pipe. Its not hardware or some wire etc. Its a group of components software which helps you to send and receive m .... Question :What are ends contract address and bindings? Answer :: (hese three terminologies on which SOA service stands. )very service must e%pose one or more ends &y which the service can &e availa&le to the client. )nd consists of three important things where" what and how. * +ontract !,hat# +ontract is an agreement &etween two or more parties. It defines the protocol how client should communicate with your service. (echnically" it descri&es parameters and return values for a method. * Address !,here# An Address indicates where we can find this s .... Question :What is relation between SOA and web ser!ice ? Answer :: SOA is a thinking" its an architectural concept and we& service is one of the technical approach to complete it. ,e& services are the preferred standards to achieve SOA. * In SOA we need the services to &e loosely coupled. A we& service communicates using SOA- protocol which is ./0 &ased which is very loosely coupled. It answers the what part of the service. * SOA services should &e a&le to descri&e themselves.,S10 descri&es how we can access the service. * SOA services are located in a .... Question :What are the main benefits of SOA ? Answer :: SOA helps create greater alignment &etween I( and line of &usiness while generating more fle%i&ility 2 I( fle%i&ility to support greater &usiness fle%i&ility. Your &usiness processes are changing faster and faster and glo&al competition re3uires the fle%i&ility that SOA can provide.

SOA can help you get &etter reuse out of your e%isting I( investments as well as the new services you are developing today. SOA makes integration of your I( investments easier &y making use of well2defined interfa .... Question :"ow do you transform an #nterprise business in a SOA ? Answer :: (ransforming an enterprise &usiness to Service Oriented Architecture includes o&taining standardi4ed service contract" service re2usa&ility" service a&straction" service loose coupling" service compos2 a&ility and so on. Of course SOA is an architectural model agnostic to technology platforms and every enterprise can pursue the strategic goals associated with service2oriented computing using different technologies. 5owever in the current marketplace" ,e& Services are pro&a&ly the technology pl .... Question :"ow can you achie!e loose coupling in a soa ? Answer :: One strategy for achieving loose coupling is to use the service interface !the ,S10 for a SOA- ,e& Service# to limit this dependency" hiding the service implementation from the consumer. 0oose coupling can &e addressed &y encapsulating the service functionalities in a manner that limits the impact of changes to the implementation on the service interface. 5owever" at some point you will need to change the interface and manage versioning without impacting service consumers" in addition to managin .... Question :$o you recall any pattern which could be use to le!erage loose coupling ? Answer :: (he /ediation pattern" using an enterprise service &us !)SB#" will help in achieving this. /ediation will take loose coupling to the highest level. It will esta&lish independence &etween consumers and providers on all levels" including message formats" message types !including SOA-" 6)S(" ./0" &inary# and transport protocols !including 5((-" 5((-S" 7/S#. Architecturally speaking this means the separation of concerns &etween consumers and providers on the transport" message type" and messag .... Question :%he Ser!ice of a SOA should be engineered as stateless or stateful ? Answer :: Service should &e stateless. It may have a conte%t within its stateless e%ecution" &ut it will not have an intermediary state waiting for an event or a call2&ack. (he retention of state2related data must not e%tend &eyond a re3uest response on a service. (his is &ecause state management consumes a lot of resources" and this can affect the scala&ility and availa&ility that are re3uired for a reusa&le service. Question :What is composition of a Ser!ice ? Answer :: +omposition is the process &y which services are com&ined to produce composite applications or composite services. A composite application consists of the aggregation of services to produce an enterprise portal or enterprise process. A composite service consists of an aggregation of services that produces another reusa&le service. Its 'ust like com&ining electronic components to create a computer mother&oard" and then using that mother&oard in a computer. (hink of the mother&oard as a reusa&le c .... Question :"ow do I integrate my &egacy applications with SOA ? Answer :: 0egacy applications are fre3uently at the core of your I( environment. ,ith the right skills and tools" you need to identify discrete elements within your legacy applications and 8wrap8 them in standards2&ased interfaces and use them as services within your SOA. Question :"ow does the #S' fits in this picture ? Answer :: (he )nterprise Service Bus is a core element of any SOA. )SBs provide the 8any to any8 connectivity &etween services within your own company" and &eyond your &usiness to connect to your trading

partners. But SOA does not stop at 'ust implementing an )SB. 1epending on what your goals are" you may want to use an )SB to connect other services within your SOA such as information services" interaction services and &usiness process management services. Additionally" you will need to consider developme .... Question :What are the common pitfalls of SOA ? Answer :: One of the most common pitfalls is to view SOA as an end" rather than a means to an end. 1evelopers who focus on &uilding an SOA solution rather than solving a specific &usiness pro&lem are more likely to create comple%" unmanagea&le" and unnecessary interconnections &etween I( resources. Another common pitfall is to try to solve multiple pro&lems at once" rather than solving small pieces of the pro&lem. (aking a top2down approach9starting with ma'or organi4ation2wide infrastructure investmen .... Question :What is the difference between ser!ices and components? Answer :: Services are logical grouping of components to achieve &usiness functionality. +omponents are implementation approaches to make a service. (he components can &e in 7A:A" +;" +<< &ut the services will &e e%posed in a general format like ,e& Services. Question :What is the most important s(ill you need to adopt SOA ? technical or cultural ? Answer :: Surely cultural. SOA does re3uire people to think of &usiness and technology differently. Instead of thinking of technology first !e.g." If we implement this system" what kinds of things can we do with it=#" practitioners must first think in terms of &usiness functions" or services !e.g." /y company does these &usiness functions" so how can I set up my I( system to do those things for me most efficiently=#.It is e%pected that adoption of SOA will change &usiness I( departments" creating service2 .... Question :Is SOA really needed on your opinion? Answer :: SOA is not for everyone. ,hile SOA delivers significant &enefits and cost savings" SOA does re3uire disciplined enforcement of centrali4ed governance principals to &e successful. For some organi4ations" the cost of developing and enforcing these principals may &e higher than the &enefits reali4ed" and therefore not a sound initiative. Question :What is SOA )o!ernance ? Answer :: Service2Oriented Architecture !SOA# governance is a concept used for activities related to e%ercising control over services in an SOA. Question :Is it possible to use *S SQ& Ser!er as dehydration store with SOA Suite ? If yes how? Answer :: Yes" it is possi&le. (o automatically maintain long2running asynchronous processes and their current state information in a data&ase while they wait for asynchronous call&acks" you use a data&ase as a dehydration store. Storing the process in a data&ase preserves the process and prevents any loss of state or relia&ility if a system shuts down or a network pro&lem occurs. (his feature increases &oth B-)0 process relia&ility and scala&ility. You can also use it to support clustering and fail .... Question :What are the !arious elements in WS$&? Answer :: :arious elements are: (ypes" messages" operation" port" &indings and Services. (ypes> a container for data type definitions using some type system !such as .S1#. /essage> an a&stract" typed definition of the data &eing communicated. Operation> an a&stract description of an action supported &y the service. -ort (ype>an a&stract set of operations supported &y one or more endpoints.

Binding> a concrete protocol and data format specification for a particular port type. -ort> a s .... Question :Why do we need to ha!e messages in WS$& ? Why operations and types are not enough to describe the parameters for a web ser!ice ? Answer :: /essages consist of one or more logical parts. )ach part is associated with a type from some type system using a message2typing attri&ute. (he set of message2typing attri&utes is e%tensi&le. * (he element descri&es the data &eing e%changed &etween the ,e& service providers and consumers. * )ach ,e& Service has two messages: input and output. * (he input descri&es the parameters for the ,e& Service and the output descri&es the return data from the ,e& Service. * )ach message contains .... Question :What is structure of SOA+ message? Answer :: (he structure of a SOA- message: A SOA- message is encoded as an ./0 document" consisting of an element" which contains an optional element" and a mandatory element. (he element" contained within the " is used for reporting errors. (he SOA- envelope (he SOA- is the root element in every SOA- message" and contains two child elements" an optional and a mandatory . (he SOA- header (he SOA- is an optional su&2element of the SOA- envelope" and is used to pass application2related informati .... Question :What are components in Oracle SOA Suite? Answer :: (he components of Oracle SOA suite ??g are : ?. B-)0 @. /ediator A. 5uman (ask B. Businees 6ules C. Spring +onte%t Question :#xplain about Web ser!ice? Answer :: ,e& service is type of software system which is used for e%change the data and use information from one machine to another machine through network. Denerally ,e& services &ased on the standards such as (+- I-" 5((-" 7ava" 5(/0 and ./0. ,e& services are pure %ml &ased which is used for e%change information through Internet to direct application to application interaction. (hese systems include programs" o&'ects" messages or documents. Question :$ifference between #S' and *ediator? Answer :: In ?Eg for routing" separate router need to keep along with )SB for routing and filter e%pressions.,here as in ??g mediator contains routing rules and filter e%pressions itself. Question :What is *ediator? Answer :: (he /ediator is in charge of interconnecting" within an SOA composite application" components that e%pose different interfaces. In addition" the /ediator can perform duties such as filtering and making routing decisions. (he composite editor in 71eveloper gives you the fle%i&ility to define the interface now" to choose an e%isting

interface" or to define the interface later as you wire components to the /ediator. (ransforming data from one representation to another is" along with routing" .... Question :What is Web ser!ice? Answer :: ,e& services are application components" which are self2contained and self2descri&ing and provide services &ased on the open protocol communication !i.e SOA- FI" 5((- over the net#. Question :What is SCA? Answer :: Service +omponent Architecture !S+A# provides a programming model for &uilding applications and systems &ased on a Service Oriented Architecture. S+A is a model that aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service components and for the access methods which are used to connect them. Question :Is Oracle SOA same as Oracle ,usion *iddleware? Answer :: $o &ecause SOA is one of the part in Fusion middleware and SOA &ehaves like user interface where as Fusion is &ig platform Question :What are principles of SOA? Answer :: * loose coupling Question :What is SOA? Answer :: Service Oriented Architecture !SOA# is used to develop )nterprise applications &y using a collection of services which communicates each other. Service2Oriented Architecture !SOA# is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of interopera&le services. Question :What is '+#&? Answer :: ,ithin the enterprise" B-)0 is used to standardi4e enterprise application integration as well as to e%tend the integration to previously isolated systems. Between enterprises" B-)0 ena&les easier and more effective integration with &usiness partners. B-)0 stimulates enterprises to further define their &usiness processes" which in turn leads to &usiness process optimi4ation" reengineering" and the selection of the most appropriate processes" thus further optimi4ing the organi4ation. 1efinitions o .... Question :What Is Oracle -$e!eloper? Answer :: Oracle B-)0 -rocess /anager provides support for using Oracle 71eveloper to graphically design B-)0 processes. Oracle 71eveloper is an integrated development environment !I1)# for &uilding applications and ,e& services using 7ava" ./0" and SG0 standards. Oracle 71eveloper supports the entire development life cycle with integrated features for designing" coding" de&ugging" testing" profiling" tuning" and deploying applications. A visual and declarative development approach and the Oracle Appl .... Question :What are two ways of combining Web ser!ices? Answer :: ,e& services can &e com&ined in two ways: * Orchestration * +horeography Question :#xplain Orchestration and Choreography.

Answer :: In orchestration" which is usually used in private &usiness processes" a central process !which can &e another ,e& service# takes control of the involved ,e& services and coordinates the e%ecution of different operations on the ,e& services involved in the operation. (he involved ,e& services do not 8know8 !and do not need to know# that they are involved in a composition process and that they are taking part in a higher2level &usiness process. Only the central coordinator of the orchestration is .... Question :What are ad!antages of Orchestration o!er Choreography from the perspecti!e of composing Web ser!ices to execute business processes? Answer :: From the perspective of composing ,e& services to e%ecute &usiness processes" orchestration is a more fle%i&le paradigm and has the following advantages over choreography: Question :What are two different ways of describing business processes that are supported by '+#&? Answer :: B-)0 supports two different ways of descri&ing &usiness processes that support orchestration and choreography: * )%ecuta&le processes allow you to specify the e%act details of &usiness processes. (hey follow the orchestration paradigm and can &e e%ecuted &y an orchestration engine. * A&stract &usiness protocols allow specification of the pu&lic message e%change &etween parties only. (hey do not include the internal details of process flows and are not e%ecuta&le. (hey follow the choreograp .... Question :What is the use of '+#& business process? Answer :: In a typical scenario" the B-)0 &usiness process receives a re3uest. (o fulfill it" the process invokes the involved ,e& services and then responds to the original caller. Because the B-)0 process communicates with other ,e& services" it relies heavily on the ,S10 description of the ,e& services invoked &y the composite ,e& service. Question :&ist of all primiti!e acti!ities supported by '+#& business process. Answer :: -rimitive activities represent &asic constructs and are used for common tasks" such as the following: * Invoking other ,e& services" using * ,aiting for the client to invoke the &usiness process &y sending a message" using !receiving a re3uest# * Denerating a response for synchronous operations" using * /anipulating data varia&les" using * Indicating faults and e%ceptions" using * ,aiting for some time" using * (erminating the entire process" using Question :What are two configuration settings for auditing? Answer :: audit0evel: * off 2 a&solutely no logging performed whatsoeverH may result in a slight performance &oost for processing instances. * minimal 2 all events are loggedH however" no audit details are logged. * production 2 all events are logged. (he audit details for assign activities are not loggedH the details for all other nodes are logged. * development 2 all events are loggedH all audit details for all activities are logged. audit1etail(hreshold: (he ma%imum si4e !in &ytes# .... Question :What are two modes of in!ocation that are supported by '+#& Console? Answer :: B-)0 +onsole supports two modes of invocation: an 5(/0 Form view and an ./0 Source mode. (he ./0 Source mode" shown &elow" allows you to enter ./0 source data directly into a te%t form and that source is passed" as is" to initiate the B-)0 process. (o simplify the use of this mode" you can configure

default ./0 data in the deployment descriptor of the process" which will &e pre2loaded into the ./0 data field . Alternatively" the 5(/0 Form view in the B-)0 +onsoleIs Initiate ta& will automa .... Question :What are Alerts for stuc( '+#& messages? Answer :: An alert is displayed when there are stuck messages for asynchronous B-)0 processes. A glo&al time threshold is used identify stuck messages. Alerts are displayed at multiple levels: * soa2infra * +omposite * Flow (race !-SB# Question :"ow many tables are used for mediator instance trac(ing? Answer :: (here are in total C ta&les which are used &y mediator instance tracking: * /ediatorJinstance 2 One row for each mediator message flow. * /ediatorJcaseJinstance 2 One row for each mediator case !K routing rule#. If a mediator component has two routing rules then this should have @ records for that mediator instance. * /ediatorJcaseJdetail 2 +aptures mediator audit trail for each mediator routing rule. $um&er of records may vary &ased on the nature of mediator component. )g: if med .... Question :What are !arious sources of faults in '+#&? Answer :: Business processes specified in B-)0 will interact with partner processes through operation invocations on ,e& services. (he communication &etween ,e& services is usually over internet connections that are not highly relia&le. ,e& services can also raise faults due to logical and e%ecution errors. (herefore" B-)0 &usiness processes need to handle faults appropriately and may also need to signal faults themselves. Faults in B-)0 can &e from various sources: * A B-)0 process can e%plicitly s .... Question :"ow can a business process signal a fault explicitly? Answer :: A &usiness process sometimes needs to signal a fault e%plicitly. (herefore" B-)0 provides the activity" which has the following synta%: B-)0 does not re3uire definition of fault names prior to their use in the activity. (his fle%i&le approach can &e error2prone" &ecause there is no compile2time checking of fault names. In the case of typos" misspelled faults will not &e handled &y the designated fault handler. Faults can also have an associated varia&le that contains fault data. If such a .... Question :"ow can we handle faults in '+#&? Answer :: ,hen a fault occurs within a &usiness process" the process may not complete successfully. !But it can complete successfully if the fault is handled within a scope" which ena&les you to divide a comple% process into several partsH more on scopes later.# (he &usiness process can handle the fault through one or more fault handlers. ,ithin a fault handler" the &usiness process defines custom activities that should recover from the fault and possi&ly reverse the partial !unsuccessful# work of the act .... Question :What is Scopes in '+#&? "ow can it be useful in handling faults? Answer :: Scopes are hierarchically organi4ed parts into which a comple% &usiness process can &e divided. (hey provide &ehavioral conte%ts for activities. In other words" scopes ena&le you to define different fault handlers for different activities !or sets of activities gathered under a common structured activity such as or #. In addition to defining fault handlers" you can declare varia&les that are visi&le only within a scope. Scopes also let you define local correlation sets" compensation handlers" an ....

Question :What is Inline ,ault handling? Answer :: In B-)0 processes" invocation of operations on ,e& services can &e particularly error2prone. (here are numerous situations9such as &roken connections" unavaila&ility of ,e& services" or changes in the ,e& services ,S109that can prevent a B-)0 process from successfully invoking a partner ,e& service operation. Such faults can &e handled in the section of the corresponding scope. Question :What are two types of #!ents supported by '+#&? Answer :: Although fault handlers and scopes improve the ro&ustness of B-)0 processes considera&ly" you can also manage events. B-)0 supports two types of events: ?. /essage events are triggered &y incoming messages through operation invocation on port types. @. Alarm events are time2related and are triggered either after a certain duration or at a specific time. Question :#xplain the use of *essage #!ent and Alarm #!ents? Answer :: /anaging message events is particularly important when the &usiness process is waiting for call&acks from partner ,e& services. activity" lets you wait for only a single !e%actly specified# message on a port type. Often" however" it is more useful to wait for more than one message" of which only one will occur. Alarm events are useful when you want the process to wait for a call&ack for a certain period of time" such as ?C minutes. If no call&ack is received" the process flow continues as des .... Question :#xplain /+ic(0 acti!ity of '+#&. Answer :: B-)0 provides the activity" through which you can specify that the &usiness process should await the occurrence of one event in a set of events. )vents can &e message events handled with the activity or alarm events handled with the activity. For each event" you specify an activity or a set of activities that should &e performed. (he synta% of the activity looks like this: ... ... ... Question :"ow can we use +ic( as Initial acti!ity? Answer :: You can use the activity instead of the initial activity. You can specify several operations" and receiving one of these messages will result in the creation of a &usiness process instance. (hen you have to use a special form of the activity. You specify the createInstance attri&ute for the activity" &ut you can specify only eventsH events are not permitted in this specific form. (o understand the use of this special form of the activity" consider the &ookstore ,e& service" implemented as a s .... Question :Can we use #!ent handlers in Scopes? Answer :: )vent handlers can also &e defined in scopes. (he event handlers associated with the scopes are ena&led when the associated scope starts" and the event handlers associated with the glo&al B-)0 process are ena&led as soon as the process instance is created. Question :"ow 1*& $ata Wor(s in '+#&? Answer :: In a B-)0 process" every piece of data is in ./0 forms. (his includes the messages passed to and from the B-)0 process" the messages e%changed with e%ternal services" and local varia&les used &y the process. You define the types for these messages and varia&les with the ./0 schema" usually in the ,S10

file for the flow" the ,S10 files for the services it invokes" or the .S1 file referenced &y those ,S10 files. (herefore" all varia&les in B-)0 are ./0 data" and any B-)0 process uses much of its c .... Question :What is 2se of assign acti!ity in '+#&? Answer :: You use the assign activity to copy data from one ./0 varia&le to another" or to calculate the value of an e%pression and store it in a varia&le. A copy element within the activity specifies the source and target of the assignment !what to copy from and to#" which must &e of compati&le types. (he formal synta% as shown in the Business -rocess )%ecution 0anguage for ,e& Services Specification is as follows: standard2elements < from2spec to2spec (his sy .... Question :"ow can you assign 'oolean !alues to a field in 1+ath expression ? Answer :: In this e%ample of assigning Boolean values" the .-ath e%pression in the from clause is a call to .-athLs Boolean function true" and the specified approved field is set to true. (he function false is also availa&le. (he .-ath specification recommends that you use the 8true!#8 and 8false!#8 functions as a method for returning Boolean constant values. If you instead use 8&oolean!true#8 or 8&oolean!false#8" the true or false inside the Boolean function is interpreted as a relative element ste .... Question :"ow can you assign the current !alue of a date or time field by using the Oracle '+#& 1+ath function getCurrent$ate getCurrent%ime or getCurrent$ate%ime ? Answer :: You can assign the current value of a date or time field &y using the Oracle B-)0 .-ath function get+urrent1ate" get+urrent(ime" or get+urrent1ate(ime" respectively. In addition" if you have a date2time value in the standard .S1 format" you can convert it to characters more suita&le for output &y calling the Oracle B-)0 .-ath function format1ate. In the ne%t e%ample" the format1ate function converts the date2time value provided in .S1 format to the string L7un ?E" @EECL !and assigns it to the .... Question :&ist some bpelx extension types to perform !arious operations on 1*& data in assign acti!ities. Answer :: You may want to perform various operations on ./0 data in assign activities. (he following &pel% e%tension types provide this functionality: * &pel%:append * &pel%:insertBefore * &pel%:insertAfter * &pel%:remove * &pel%:rename and .S1 (ype +asting * &pel%:copy0ist Question :#xplain bpelx:append extension in an assign acti!ity. Answer :: (he &pel%:append e%tension in an assign activity ena&les a B-)0 process to append the contents of one varia&le" e%pression" or ./0 fragment to another varia&leLs contents. (he from2spec 3uery within &pel%:append yields 4ero or more nodes. (he node list is appended as child nodes to the target node specified &y the to2spec 3uery.

(he to2spec 3uery must yield one single 02:alue element node. Otherwise" a &pel:selectionFailure fault is generated. (he to2spec 3uery cannot refer to a partner li .... Question :#xplain bpelx:insert'efore extension in an assign acti!ity. Answer :: (he from2spec 3uery within &pel%:insertBefore yields 4ero or more nodes. (he node list is appended as child nodes to the target node specified &y the to2spec 3uery. (he to2spec 3uery of the insertBefore operation points to one or more single 02:alue nodes. If more than one node is returned" the first node is used as the reference node. (he reference node must &e an element node. (he parent of the reference node must also &e an element node. Otherwise" a &pel:selectionFailure fault is gener .... Question :#xplain bpelx:insertAfter extension in an assign acti!ity. Answer :: (he &pel%:insertAfter e%tension in an assign activity ena&les a B-)0 process to insert the contents of one varia&le" e%pression" or ./0 fragment after another varia&leLs contents. (his operation is similar to the functionality descri&ed for 8&pel%:insertBefore8" e%cept for the following: * If multiple 02:alue nodes are returned &y the to2spec 3uery" the last node is used as the reference node. * Instead of inserting nodes &efore the reference node" the source nodes are inserted after th .... Question :#xplain bpelx:remo!e extension in an assign acti!ity. Answer :: (he &pel%:remove e%tension in an assign activity ena&les a B-)0 process to remove a varia&le. $ode removal specified &y the .-ath e%pression is supported. $odes specified &y the .-ath e%pression can &e multiple" &ut must &e 02:alues. $odes &eing removed from this parent can &e te%t nodes" attri&ute nodes" and element nodes. (he .-ath e%pression can return one or more nodes. If the .-ath e%pression returns 4ero nodes" then a &pel:selectionFailure fault is generated. (he synta% of &pel%:t .... Question :#xplain bpelx:rename and 1S$ %ype Casting. Answer :: (he &pel%:rename e%tension in an assign activity ena&les a B-)0 process to rename an element through use of .S1 type casting. (he synta% of &pel%:target is similar to and a su&set of to2spec for the copy operation. (he target must return a list of one more element nodes. Otherwise" a &pel:selectionFailure fault is generated. (he element nodes specified in the from2spec are renamed the G$ame specified &y the element(o attri&ute. (he %si:type attri&ute is added to those element nodes to cast th .... Question :What are two audit trial tables used in '+#&? Answer :: (here are @ audit trail ta&les used in B-)0: auditJtrail and auditJdetails. All audit trail events are inserted into auditJtrail. auditJdetails is used for the details section of an event !ie. payload#H if a payload e%ceeds a certain si4e" it is inserted into auditJdetails instead of &eing inlined in the auditJtrail event. Question :"ow can you increase performance in '+#& ? Answer :: ,e can increase the performance &y writing inde%es and se3uences. !Or# Do to application server 2 +onfigurations 2 +hange .ml file Question :What are predefined errors in '+#&?

Answer :: ; +ustom errors ; (imed out errors ; B-/ errors ; :alidation )rrors Question :What is '+#& +rocess in SOA ? Answer :: !Business -rocess )%ecution 0anguage# B-)0 -rocess is a language used for the composition" orchestration and coordination of we&servics. In this post we will e%plain B-)0" define the B-)0 role with regard to Service Oriented Architecture and e%plain the process2oriented approach to SOA and the role of B-)0. In B-)0 the )nterprise application and information systems have &ecome more more fundamental assets to companies. (he +ompanies are trust on them to &e a&le to perform &usiness operations. .... Question :What is '+#&? "ow does it relate to Web ser!ices and ser!ice3oriented architecture 4SOA5? Answer :: (here is a constant pressure for &usinesses to interconnect their applications. (his is what is driving the adoption of we& services and SOA as an enterprise &lue print for reducing the cost and comple%ity of integration initiatives. /aking we& services work is a two2step process: first you pu&lish and then you orchestrate. -u&lish means taking a part of a e%isting system and e%posing it as a service. Orchestrate means composing multiple discrete services into an end2to2end process flow. B-)0 is .... Question :What is6was the moti!ation behind '+#&? "ow does it differ from other6past attempts6technologies aimed at the integration6business process problem? Can you tal( briefly about the e!olution of '+#&? Answer :: Orchestrating a set of services into an end2to2end process flow entails a new set of technical re3uirements !&inding to heterogeneous system" synchronous and asynchronous message e%change patterns" data manipulation" flow coordination" e%ception management" undeterministic events" compensating transactions" side2&y2side versioning" in2flight instance management and auditing#. (he goal of B-)0 is provide a richer and yet simpler a&straction standard for addressing those re3uirements. Although it .... Question :What is orchestration? What does it mean to build composite applications? Why would anyone want to? Answer :: )%isting systems are not going away. Yet enterprises need to &uild new applications that can leverage the functionality encapsulated in those e%isting systems. (he notion of a composite application is &ased around the idea of &uilding new applications &y wiring together e%isting &uilding &locks. Orchestration plays an important role in this picture &ecause it is the glue that coordinates the e%ecution of each discrete service. A good orchestration server needs to &e relia&le" scala&le and render .... Question :What exactly is Oracle '+#& +rocess *anager? What is it composed of? "ow does it relate to the rest of the stac(? Answer :: (he Oracle B-)0 -rocess /anager is a new addition to the Oracle product portfolio. It ena&les enterprises to model" deploy and manage B-)0 processes. It comprises an easy2to2use B-)0 modeler" a scala&le B-)0 engine" an e%tensi&le ,S10 &inding framework" a monitoring console and a set of &uilt2in integration services !transformation" user task" 'ava em&edding#. It makes B-)0 ,e& service orchestration a first class citi4en of the 7ava platform. Question :Why is nati!e '+#& important? What is the disad!antage of products that only import6export '+#&?

Answer :: 5istorically every time a standard has &een adopted !SG0" 7@))" 01A-" S/(- -O- I/A-" 5(/0" etc.#" native solutions have won. It is &ecause native solutions are less comple%" faster and offer richer functionality. It is also &ecause re2architecting an engine around a new a&straction is very difficult" especially if you have an e%isting install &ase that you need to maintain and evolve in parallel. Question :"ow will Oracle 'usiness Integration ta(e ad!antage of '+#& and '+#& +rocess *anager going forward? Answer :: SOA" B-)0" and composite applications &ring us one step closer to 8real2time enterprise.8 ,e &elieve that rich &usiness activity monitoring is the ne%t step as it provides details visi&ility into the e%ecution of cross2functional processes and a platform of &usiness process optimi4ation. You should e%pect to see a lot more from Oracle on that aspect of the solution going forward. Question :"ow has6is Oracle been in!ol!ed with the e!olution and standardi7ation of the '+#& spec? "ow does this relate to Oracle other integration and Web ser!ice3related standards efforts? Answer :: Oracle is a very active mem&er of the OASIS B-)0 committee. ,ith more than M"CEE developers using the B-)0 -rocess /anager" we are at the forefront of the adoption of B-)0 and can circle &ack the feed&ack we are collecting to the committee. Oracle is also actively involved of peripheral specifications: ,S2 relia&ility" ,S2message delivery" ,S2conte%t" ,S2security" 7S62@EN 7ava &usiness integration. All these standards are coming together to transform the internet into a messaging integration &ack .... Question :'+#& +rocess *anager 4as well as -$e! A$, %op&in( etc.5 run on any -8## ser!ers. Why is Oracle so committed to open standards and open interfaces? Answer :: Because they are good for Oracle in that they allow us to leverage the hundreds of man2years invested in &uilding a scala&le and relia&le container. And they are good for our customers in that they prevent them from &eing locked in. Question :What !ersion of the '+#& standard is supported by Oracle '+#& +rocess *anager? Answer :: B-)0 -/ ?E.?.@ and ?E.?.A supports B-)0B,S ?.?. 5owever" some features from ,SB-)0 @.E working draft have already &een implemented in the B-)0 -/ ?E.?.@ and ?E.?.A releases. ,e plan for full support for B-)0 @.E shortly after it is released and e%pect a smooth migration path. Question :"ow important is .9#% compatibility? %o what extent does '+#& +rocess *anager support it? Answer :: .$)( is pro&a&ly fourth or fifth on the list of systems customers want to integrate with" so it is fairly important. (he B-)0 -rocess /anager ships with e%amples showcasing how a B-)0 process can invoke a .$)( service as well as how a .$)( client can initiate a B-)0 process. ,e are looking at e%tending those samples to demonstrate security and relia&le messaging. Question :'+#& is cross3platform but is there any ad!antage to building the underlying ser!ices on a -8## platform? If so What are they? Answer :: (he 7@)) platform is maturing towards &etter support for clustering" :irtuali4ation and monitoring. By architecture the B-)0 -rocess /anager as a set of 7@)) components" we will transparently leverage those capa&ilities. :irtuali4ation" automatic deployment" on2demand scala&ility" and self2healing are notions that marry very well with &usiness processes so it will &e very interesting to see those developments come together.

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