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PSORIC miasm Often one finds in the history that there has been suppression of skin eruptions and

onset of asthma can be traced to a period after the suppression Symptoms- (a) More Spams and less secretions ( b) Sudden breath holding spasms (c) Expectoration is very scanty, mucoid, tasteless Exciting factors - Emotional and psychological conditions usually trigger Modalities- Better from (a) Reappearance of skin eruptions SYCOTIC miasm Usually, there will be a history of suppression of discharges from mucus membranes, suppression of sweat, and other discharges. Symptoms- (a) Cough, with marked secretions, scanty difficult expectoration (b) Expectoration is thick, greenish, yellow. (c) Cannot breathe through nose. Exciting factors- (a) Getting wet in rains (b) Rainy season Modalities- Better in dry weather and from re-establishment of discharges.

TUBERCULAR masm We, often, get a history of repeated upper respiratory infections leading to asthmatic attacks Symptoms- (a) Cough with excessive expectoration (b) Expectoration is purulent, muco-purulent or even bloody Exciting factors- (a) viral, or bacterial infections (b) cold air, exprosure to cold Modalities- Better under sun, or as the day advances SYPHILITIC miasm When irreversible changes has took place in lungs parenchyma. eg. emphysematous changes in lungs Symptoms- Barking cough. A well selected remedy may also fail to work, if the patient does not take care in avoiding the maintaining factors. So following points has to be followed by the patient :1. Take freshly prepared, light, nourishing foods. 2. Do not overload your stomach. 3. Avoid long intervals between meals 4. Do not drink milk at night 5. Avoid preserved tinned food, pickles, fatty and fried foods, spices 6. Diet should include salads, leafy vegetables, germinated grams

7. Non vegetarians should avoid egg, meat, but can take fish only if it agrees. 8. Dinner should be taken at least an hour before going to bed 9.Avoid allergens as much as possible 10. Avoid sudden thermal changes 11. Quit smoking and avoid smokers 12. Avoid keeping pets in the house Heart----

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