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R o l l N o . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 'Iotal N o .

o f Q u e s t i o n s: l 0 l

: 02 [Total No. of Pages

Paper ID [D01351
( l ' l e a s ef i l l f h i s P a p c r l l ) i n O \ l l t S h c r t )

B.Pharmacy(Sem.-7'n) PHARMACOLOGY - Ill (PHM - 4.',/.4\ Time : 03 Hours Instructionto Candidates: - A is Compulsory. l) Section 2) 3) - B. frornSection Attemptany Four questions - C. from Section Attemptany Three questions Section- A Maximum Marks : 80

a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) i) j) k) I)

(15 x 2 : 30) anddrugof choicefor it. syndrome? Whatis Zollinger-Fllison Mentiondiabetes related latecornplications. DefineEcobolics andTocolytics with examples. Definecretinism andthyrotoxicosis? Mentiona drugfor each. of anti-asthmatic corticosteroids Give few examples usedasaerosols. Whatis leprareaction? What is grey baby syndrome? Defineantidote andgive composition of universal antidote. of systemic Give few examples anti-mycotic agents. Give few exarnples of anti-cancer antibiotics. Mentionthe precautions thatareto be followed,while takingsulphonyl ureas. Whatis syphilis? anddrugof choice for it.

rrr) Ho'uv meclranisr^ on f a c t i o n o f t e t r a c y c l i n ed i f f e r s f r o m t h a t o f phen icoI? chlorarn n) o) resistance? Whatis insulin "prokine Defrnewithexatnples tic ?_gents". PT:O.

E-24r lr 20Sl

Section- B (4 , 5 : 20) Q2) Write a noteon cotrimoxazole. of actionof Qrrinolones. mechatrism Q3) Discuss Q4) Writea noteon insulinsensitizers. modulators. receptor estrogen Q5) Write a noteon selective of horrlonalcontraceptives. eff'ects variousadverse Q6) Discuss Section- C " I0:30) of H, blockers. pharnracology drugsand discuss Q7) Classifyanti-ulcer of ef-tects of actionand adl'erse rnechanism QS) Classifypenicillins;discuss penicillins. of INF{. pharmacology drugsanddiscuss Q9) Classiff anti-tubercular ureas. of sulphonyl phannacology drugsanddiscuss oralanti-diabetic QIL)C\assifo (3



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