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Go to the US Census site and look at population clock in lower left corner of home page: What is the population of the US?, the world?

2. Go to the DOE, Energy Information Administration (international) site. What is the world oil production for 2007 or latest year available?

In 2007, the worlds oil production was 84,347.0 (thousand barrels per day)

For 2012, the worlds oil production was 89,353.6 (thousand barrels per day)
3. Go to the DOE, Energy Information Administration (international) site. What is the world coal production for 2005 or latest year available (be sure you state the units, whether long tons, short tons, or metric tons)? Long ton = 2,400 lbs, short ton = 2,000 lbs, metric ton = 2,200 lbs.

6,526,927 Thousand short tons for the year 2005

8,440,256 Thousand short tons for the year 2011

4. What is US oil production (get latest year available)? What is the current US oil consumption? At $120/bbl what is the yearly cost for imported oil? The DOE, Energy Information Administration site has information.

US oil production for the year 2012 is 17,903.0. (thousand barrels per day) The US oil consumption is 22,930.0. (thousand barrels per day) 22,930.0 - 17,903.0= (5,027 x 1,000) = (5,027,000 bbl x $120/bbl) = $603,240,000 yearly cost for imported oil.

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