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The global economy of the day has endangered the survival of every organization and in particular those who want to have a competitive edge over the others. The competitive edge may be a distant dream in the absence of Superior Quality Products which otherwise is the function of well-trained employees. Today resources are scarce and have to be used carefully and trainers of all kinds are required to justify their position and account for their activities. Training activities, which are ill directed and inadequately focused, do not serve the purpose of the trainers. The trainees or the organization hence identification of training needs becomes the top priority of every progressive organization. Identification of training needs, if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training activities can be considered and will lead to multi skilling, fitting people to take extra responsibilities increasing all round competence and preparing people to take on higher level responsibility in future.

Every organization needs to have experienced and well-trained employees to Perform the activities. Rapid changes in the environment have not only made the Jobs more complex but have also created increased pressures for the Organizations to re-adapt the products and services offered to compete in this fast changing world. Therefore, in a rapidly changing society training is an activity, which is must for maintaining a viable and knowledgeable work force. Success of any training programme largely depends upon proper identification of training needs. Training needs are felt by the managers when they discover/perceive deviation between standard performance and actual performance of its employees. It is not that only workers need training. Simultaneously supervisors, managers and executives need to be trained and developed to grow and acquire maturity of thought and action. Ny organizations invest considerable resources in training and development but never really examine how and where this can most effectively promote organizational objectives and individual growth. The failure to analyze training needs within the organization will lead to lesser of benefits and huge investment in the training programme of the institute. Hence it would be pertinent to analyze training needs first and then impart training accordingly. Training is a long term investment in HR using the equation given below:

Performance = ability x motivation

Training can have an impact on both these factors. It can heighten the skills and Abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of Commitment and encouraging them to develop and use new skills.


In the early 1990s, the Indian government adopted a new economic policy aimedat improving India's competitiveness in the global markets and the rapid growth of exports. Key to achieving these goals was a world-class telecom infrastructure. In India, the telecom service areas are divided into four metros (New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata) and 20 circles, which roughly correspond to the states in India. The circles are further classified under "A," "B" and "C," with the "A" circle being the most attractive and "C" being the least attractive. The regulatory body at that time the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) allocated two cellular licenses for each metro and circle. Thirty-four licenses forGSM900 cellular services were auctioned to 22 firms in 1995. The first cellular service was provided by, Modi Telstra in Kolkata in August 1995. For the auction, it was stipulated that no firm can win in more than one metro, three circles or both. The circles of Jammu and Kashmir and Andaman and Nicobarhad no bidders, while West Bengal and Assam had only one bidder each. In 1996, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha, and the president officially announced the TRAI ordinance on 25January 1997. The government decided to set up TRAI to separate regulatory functions from policy formulation, licensing and telecom operations. Prior to the creation of TRAI, these functions were the sole responsibility of the DOT.

Telecom giant Bharti Airtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The Bharti Group has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in the telecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to export fresh agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. BHARTI AIRTEL LTD started in July 7 1995.Its head quarters is at Delhi. In 1998 company started their first land line operation. Airtel is the name of their brand. AIRTEL stands for Affectionate, Interested, Respectful, Tolerant, Energetic and loving .Their logo is Think fresh Deliver More. Their first company is Bharti Cellular Limited under the brand name of Airtel. Another one is Bharti Tele Sonic Ltd under the brand name of India One. Then Bharti Tele Net Ltd under the brand name of Touch Net. Another one is Bharti broad band Ltd under the brand name of Manthra Online. The companies Bharti Telenet Ltd and Bharti Broadband Ltd combined together and form Bharti Broadband and Teleservices Ltd. After sometime the companies Bharti Telesonic Ltd and Bharti Broadband and Teleservices Ltd combined together and form Bharti Infotel Ltd. In 13th September 2004 all the four companies combined together and form Bharti AIRTEL Ltd. Bharti Airtel is one of India's leading private sector providers of telecommunications services with more than 79 million subscribers as of November 2008. Bharti airtel limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa. The company offers mobile voice & data services, fixed line, high speed broadband, IPTV, DTH, turnkey telecom solutions for enterprises and national & international long distance services to carriers. Bharti airtel has been ranked among the six best performing technology companies in the world by business week. Bharti airtel had 200 million customers across its operations. Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless and unwavering determination to succeed. A spirit charged with energy, creativity and a team driven to

seize the day with an ambition to become the most admired telecom service provider globally. Airtel, in just ten years of operations, rose to the pinnacle of achievement and continues to lead.As India's leading telecommunications company, Airtel brand has played the role of a major catalyst in India's reforms, contributing to its economic esurgence.Today it touch people's lives with their Mobile services, Telemedia services, to connecting India's leading 1000+ corporates. They also connect Indians living in USA, UK and Canada with their callhome service. Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, Indias largest integrated and the first private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles. Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and services. The businesses at Bharti Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs) 1. Mobile Services 2. Airtel Tele media Services 3. Enterprise Services.

Airtel provides GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles in India, Srilanka, Bangladesh and now in 16 countries of Africa.Provides telemedia services (fixed line and broadband services through DSL) in 87 cities in India. Provides an integrated suite of Enterprise solutions, in addition to providing long distance connectivity both Nationally and Internationally. Airtel has won the Most Preferred Cellular Service Provider Brand award at the CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards in Mumbai. This is 6th year in a row that airtel has won the award in this category. Businessworld CSR award was instituted in 1999 to recognize exemplary responsible business practices by the Indian industry.


Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti Airtel or the Company) (formerly Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited - BTVL) was incorporated on July 7, 1995 under the laws of India for promoting investments in telecommunication services. Bharti Airtel together with its subsidiaries is here in after referred to as the Group. The Group is a leading telecommunication service provider in India. The Groups principal shareholders include Bharti Telecom Limited, Singapore Telecommunication International Pvt. Limited and Vodafone International Holdings B. v .The shares of the Company are listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Mumbai Stock Exchange (BSE), India. With effect from April 24, 2006, the name of the Company has been changed from Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited (BTVL) to Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti Airtel).

By 2015 Airtel will be the most loved brand, enriching the lives of millions. Enriching lives means putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. We will meet their needs based on our deep understanding of their ambitions, wherever they are. By having this focus we will enrich our own lives and those of our other key stakeholders. Only then will we be thought of as exciting, innovation, on their side and a truly world class company."

We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through: Error- free service delivery Innovative products and services Cost efficiency Unified Messaging Solutions Bharti Values

We will generate and implement entrepreneurial and innovative ideas, which will Continuously create new growth engines.

Customer First We are committed to delivering service beyond the expectations of the customer. Our quality of customer responsiveness clearly differentiates us from others. Performance Culture We benchmark our processes and performance against world-class standards. We distinguish between performers and non-performers by valuing achievement At the individual as well as the team level. Ours is a culture of inclusively where Feedback, learning and ideas are actively encouraged, sought and acted upon. Valuing Partnership" We are committed to building exemplary relationship with our partners, which Stand on the principles of mutual trust and mutual growth. Valuing People" We nurture an environment where people are respected and their uniqueness is Valued. We believe that people are our key differentiators. Responsible Corporate Citizenship" We are committed to making a positive and proactive contribution to the Community. As a responsible corporate citizen we will contribute to and abide by Environmental and legal norms. Ethical Practices We will uphold the highest ethical standards in all internal and external Relationship. We will not allow misuse or misrepresentation of any kind.


Training is a learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job. We typically Say training can involve the changing of skills, knowledge, attitudes or social Behaviour. It may mean changing employees, how they work, and their attitudes toward their work of their interaction with their co-workers or supervisors. Imagine any employee trying to do a job or task without any form of employee training. In a word it would be miserable for everyone involved with that person. The employee would be frustrated and those around him or her would be unable to accomplish their work related tasks. Chaos would ensue and basically nothing would be satisfactorily completed. So employee training is vital to the success of any business. Websters Dictionary defines the words employee training as providing systematic instruction and drill to a person hired to do a job or task for the purpose of successfully integrating into a process. In other words employee training makes it easier for all to accomplish their goals. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and an outstanding employee training program minimizes if not eliminates weak links. Its also been said that we train animals, but we educate people so you could say that employee training is better defined as the education of people, which technically is accurate, however for the purposes of this posting, we will refer to the education of people as employee training. A lot of companies spend a lot of money and time hiring the right people; however where the ball is often dropped is during the employee training portion of on-boarding employees. Basically employee training is like building a strong foundation on solid rock rather than a sand foundation. Granted, it will take longer to train an employee properly but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages of doing a quick or non-thorough effort at training of an employee. So employee training is synonymous to preparation. Proper preparation can make the job easier, more effective, and thus easier to accomplish a goal. There is the story of Abraham Lincoln who was challenged to a log splitting contest with a local townsman. The contest was to last for one hour; each man was positioned on opposite sides of a barn, and had a pile of

logs to split. The time keeper gave the signal to start and the local townsman began to furiously split logs. Abraham Lincoln took an axe sharpener and spent the first 15 minutes of the hour sharpening his axe. After of an hour of axe sharpening Lincoln was ready to start splitting logs. His competitor was 15 minutes ahead of Lincoln but as time went on his blows to the log were not as effective and he began to slow down, while Lincoln was splitting logs with precision and with much less physical effort. By the time the contest was finished, Lincoln had easily bested his competitor and the key to his success was preparation. Just as in job accomplishment and satisfaction, the key to success is a solid and effective employee training program. As in any endeavor you want to get off to a good start with the right plan. It may take a little longer in the beginning but in the long run you have more proficient employees, better retention, and a stronger company moving towards a commonality of accomplishment and growth.


Having identified the training needs based on the various analyses discussed above, the next logical steps are to set training objectives in concrete terms and to decide on the training strategies to be adopted to meet these objectives. The training needs basically highlight the gap between the existing and desire drepertoire of knowledge attitude and skills at individual, group and organization all level to enable the employees to contribute towards the realization of organizational objectives at optimum efficiency. The training effort thus will have to aim at filling in this gap by clearly stating the objectives in quantitative and qualitative terms to be achieved through training. Such an exercise will also enable the training specialists to evaluate, monitor and measure the extent to which stated objectives have been met through training intervention. As the training objectives are related to organizational objectives, the involvement of the top management will be necessary to ensure that the two sets of objectives are integrated.

It will be desirable to use the following criteria in setting training objectives:

I. Specific requirements of individuals and organizations so as to achieve Integration of the two.

II. Roles and tasks to be carried out by the target group.

III. Relationship with other positions vertically and horizontally and technological Imperatives.

IV. Relevance, applicability and compatibility of training to work situations.

V. Training as a means of bringing about a change in behaviour back on the job.

VI. Behaviour including activities that can be observed, measured and/or Recorded


VII. The expected change in behaviour must be useful, closely related to and Subject to maintenance in the work environment.

More specifically the following steps could be involved in setting training Objectives:

I. Identification of the behaviour where change is required.

II. Nature and size of the group to be trained in terms of prior training, situational Factors, formal education.

III. Existing behaviour defined in terms of ratio, frequency, quality of interaction And supervision, routines and repetitiveness, innovations, omissions, error etc.

IV. Desired behaviour aimed at improving the existing condition stated preferably in quantitative such as ratio, frequency of occurrence, reporting by exceptions, selfmonitoring mechanisms etc. V. Operational results to be achieved through training stated in terms of increase in efficiency and effectiveness criteria such as productivity, cost, down time, turnover, time for innovations and creativity. VI. Indicators to be used in determining changes from existing to the desired level in terms of ratio and frequency.


Depending on the objectives set, the next step is to decide on the strategy of training involving the following: Classification of objectives in terms of purposes : a) Corrective objectives b) Maintenance/status-quo objectives c) Problem solving objectives, and d) Innovative objectives

Classification of objectives in terms of levels of learning: a) Skills of motor responses, memorization and simple conditioning. b) Adaptation level where one is gaining knowledge or adapting to a simple Environment. c) Interpersonal understanding and skill. d) Values of individuals and groups. On-the-job or off-the job training. In house or external training. Individual or group training. Horizontal, vertical or diagonal/mixed group. Changes required, if any, in the existing work roles, organizational Relationships, work system requirements, process of supervision and Alternative structures.



ORGANISATIONAL ANALYSIS Identification of organizational objectives/needs/growth potential and Resources.

TASK ROLE ANALYSIS Identification of knowledge, skills and attitudes required.

MANPOWER ANALYSIS Identification /definition of target population and performance analysis.

STATEMENT OF TRAINING NEED Identification of gap between existing and required level of knowledge skills and attitude. Isolate problem areas amenable to resolution through training

SETTING TRAINING OBJECTIVES In terms of behavioral charges In terms of output/results



PLAN AND DESIGN TRAINING AND PROGRAMME Course construction Arrange resource



On-the job

FOLLOW UP AND EVALUATION Carry out evaluation at various phases against the training objectives set. Develop follow-up measures for monitoring.

VALIDATE Against measures of job proficiency





Management can determine the training needs by answering the following Questions:

What are the organization's goals? What task must be completed to achieve these goals? What behaviours are necessary for each job incumbent to complete his/her Assigned jobs? What deficiencies, if any, do incumbents have in skills, knowledge or attitudes Required to perform the necessary behaviours? It again depends on seeing the performance of an individual?

Based on our determination of the organization's needs, the type of work that is To be done, and the type of skills necessary to complete this work, the training Programme should follow naturally.

What kind of signals can warn a manager that employee training may be Necessary?

Clearly, the more obvious, ones relate directly to productivity; inadequate job performance assuming the individual is making a satisfactory effort, attention should be given toward raining the skill level of the worker. When a manager is confronted with a drop in productivity, it may suggest that skills need to be fine tuned. In addition to productivity measures, a high reject rate or larger than usual scrap page may indicate a need for employee training. A rise in the number of accidents reported also suggests some type of re-training is necessary. There is also the future element: changes that are being imposed on the worker as a result of a job redesign or a technological breakthrough. These types of changes require a training effort


that is fewer crises oriented; that is, a proportion for planned change rather than a reaction to immediately unsatisfactory condition.

When inadequate performance results from a motivation problem rather than a skills problem, the rewards and disciplinary action may be of greater relevance. Nor would training be the answer of the problem lies outside the job activity itself.

For examples, if salaries are low, if supervision is poor, if workers benefits are inadequate or if the physical work tryout is deficient, spending on employee training may have little or no effect on productivity, since inadequate performance is due to conditions that training cannot remedy. Training can enhance skills but does nothing to relieve monotony.

Once if has been determined that training is necessary, training goals must be established. Management should explicitly state what changes or results are sought for each employee. It is not adequate merely to say that change in employee knowledge, skills, attitudes or social behaviour is desirable, we must clarify what is to change, and by how much. These goals should be tangible, feasible and measurable. It should be clear both to the management as well as the employee.



For management development, several methods / techniques are used. These methods can be divided into two broad categories, namely, Internal or On the job methods, and External or Off the job methods. (A) Internal Training Methods / On The Job Methods Coaching: Coaching on the job coaching is a method by which a superior teaches job knowledge and skills to a subordinate manager. He briefs the trainee executive about what is expected of him and how it can be done. The superior also checks the performance of his subordinate and guides him to improve his shortfalls and deficiencies. The superior acts as a friend and guide of his subordinate. Coaching method favours learning by doing. Its effectiveness depends on the capacity and the interest taken by the superior and also by the subordinate. The superior should adopt a positive approach in the coaching process and help the subordinate in achieving self-development. Coaching has certain limitations. For example, a trainee manager cannot develop much beyond the limits of his own superior's abilities. Similarly, the success of coaching method depends on the interest and initiative taken by the trainee - manager. Counselling: Under this method, the subordinate wanting advice approaches his superior. Counselling is provided in matters relating to the job. However, on request from the subordinate, counselling may also be offered on matters not directly related to the job. There is two-way dialogue between the subordinate and the superior to find solution to his problem. Counselling provides emotional stability to trainee - subordinate. Understudy assignment: An understudy is a trainee-manager who is to assume the full duties and responsibilities of the position currently held by his superior, when the later leaves his post due to retirement, transfer or promotion. Here, a departmental manager (head) selects one of his suitable subordinates to become his understudy. As an alternative, the personnel department may make the selection of understudy. The departmental manager will guide him


(i.e. understudy) to learn his job and deal with the problems that confront the manager daily. The understudy will learn the job of his superior through observation and participation in the decision making. He may be given specific problems to study and to make recommendations for solving them. The understudy will be given wider exposure and an opportunity to develop capacity to deal with difficult problems and complex situations. Job Rotation: It involves transfer of executives from one job to another. The aim of job rotation is to broaden the knowledge, skills and outlook of executives. This method can be used in the case of management trainee and also in the case of an existing manager due for promotion. Job rotation method is also useful for providing variety of job experience to managers. Delegation: Delegation is one more internal method of management development. The performance of subordinates may not improve unless additional responsibility and authority are delegated to them. Making the subordinates to achieve a particular target through delegation is one way by which subordinates will learn to grow and develop independently. They will develop leadership qualities and decision-making skills, which are necessary for a good manager. Appointment as 'Assistant to: A junior executive may be appointed as 'Assistant to' senior executive for the purpose of training and practical experience. Here, the junior executive is given exposure to the job of senior executive and he teams new techniques while providing assistance to his boss. This broadens his viewpoint and makes him ready for future promotions. The superior executive also gets the benefit as he can delegate some of his responsibilities to the assistant and also acts as guide of his assistant. Membership of Committees: Inter-departmental committees are normally created for bringing co-ordination in the activities of different departments. Managers from different departments are taken on such committees. Junior managers are also given membership of such committees so as to give them a broader exposure to the viewpoints of other departmental heads. Ad hoc committee of executives is also constituted and is assigned a specific problem for study. Such committee assignments offer opportunity of training to junior executives, as they have to study the problem in depth and make recommendations.


Project Assignment: In the project assignment method, a trainee manager is given a project that is closely related to the work of his department. The project relates to specific problem faced by the department. Here, the executive has to study the project on his own and make recommendations for the consideration of the departmental head. Such assignment provides valuable experience to the trainee and develops problem-solving attitude, which is one essential requirement of an executive. Promotions and Transfers: Promotions and transfers are two more internal methods of management development. Promotion gives an opportunity to a manager to acquire new skills required for the job at the higher level. It motivates him for self-improvement. Transfer also facilitates the broadening of viewpoint required for higher positions. It gives an opportunity to work at different positions and develop.

(B) External Training Methods / off the job Methods Universities and Colleges: The universities and colleges, now, provide facilities of management education. Here, education is given through lectures, discussions, home assignments, tests and examinations. In India, Mumbai University (MU) has its Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) for various management development courses. Colleges affiliated to the Universities also conduct DBM, MBA and other management development programmes for the executives from business sector. Candidates working at managerial levels in companies are normally selected for such training programmes. Management Institutions : Along with the universities and colleges, there are management training institutions such as NITIE, Bombay Management Association, and Productivity Councils and so on. These institutes run special training courses for graduates interested in management education and also orientation programmes for existing managers from public and private sector enterprises. Companies can depute their managers for short orientation courses and update the knowledge and information of their managers in specific areas. Even seminars, workshops and conferences are arranged for the training of managers by various associations such as chambers of commerce and export promotion councils.


Role-playing: Role-playing has been defined as "A method of human interaction, which involves realistic behaviour in the imaginary situations." It is particularly useful for learning human relations and leadership training. Its objective is to raise the ability of trainee manager while dealing with others. In the role playing, a conflict situation is artificially created and two or more trainees are assigned different roles to play. For example, a male employee may assume the role of a female supervisor and the female supervisor may assume the role of a male employee. Then, both may be given a typical work situation and asked to respond as they expect others to do. Such role playing results in better understanding among individuals. It helps to promote interpersonal relations and attitude change. Case Study: Case study method was first developed by Christopher Langdell at Harvard Law School. A case is a written account giving certain details of the situation is relation to a specific matter. Such case study may be related to any aspect of management such as production, marketing, personnel, finance and so on. The case presented is always incomplete. This means the solution to the problem is not provided. The participants are supposed to identify the best available solution.

A small group of managers are asked to study the case in the fight of theoretical study already completed and is followed by open discussion in the presence of capable instructor, who can guide intelligent discussion and analysis. There is nothing like one correct answer to the case study.

Case study method has certain advantages like, (a) in-depth thinking about the matter by managers, (b) more perception in situation and greater respect for the opinions of others. Conferences and Seminars: Deputing officers for conferences and seminars is a method available for management development. Various matters are discussed systematically in such conferences and seminars. This provides new information and knowledge to the managers. The participants in such conferences and seminars are limited. As a result, more persons get an opportunity to participate in such conferences for self-development. Conferences may be directed or guided or may be for consultation and finally for problem solving. Simulation: Here, an executive or trainee is given practical training by creating situation / environment, which closely represents the real life situation at the work place. For example,


activities of an organisation may be simulated and the trainee may be asked to make a decision in support of those activities. The results of those decisions are reported back to the trainee with an explanation. The report illustrates what would have happened if that decision was taken. The trainee teams from this feedback and improves his subsequent simulation. Management / Business Games: A variety of computer and non-computer management / business games have been devised for training of managers. This training method is used in management development. It is a type of classroom method of training. The game is designed to represent real life situation. Employees for managerial positions are put in an exercise of actual decision-making. A problem is provided to them along with all the necessary information and constraints. The employee is asked to make a decision. The quality of this decision is judged by how well the applicant has processed the information provided to him. The processing of information is supposed to be guided by knowledge of the goals and policies of the organisation. Even if mistake is made in the game, the trainee can learn a lot out of his mistake. This avoids possible mistakes while taking decisions for his company. This method develops capacity to take rational decisions by managers. TV and Video Instructions: TV and Video instructions are used for training and management development programmes. At present, programmes on management problems are arranged on TV network regularly. Videotapes are also available on management training. Books and periodicals are published regularly on management. Audio-visual aids (film strips, Video, tape recorders, TV, overhead projectors, etc.) are now used for training of managers.


THEORY OF DEVLOPMENT Employee development is a shared, continuing endeavor on the employees part and the company for which he or she works. The purpose is to advance the employees knowledge, abilities, and skills. Successful employee development requires a balance between a persons career goals and the companys need to fulfill their mission and vision. Developing employees improves retention and supports a pipeline of talent to maintain and foster talent. One of the most, if not the most, valuable resources a company has is its human resources (employees), hence the abbreviation HR department. Employee development is critical to a companys success and an employees sense of work and career fulfilment. A companys leadership team and its training and development team work together to identify both company and individual needs and then create programs to address those needs. Identifying the strengths and opportunities of employees along with providing on-going feedback is crucial for employee development. Ultimately it is the employee who is responsible for self-development, and the employee must be open minded to critique, along with openness for improvement and change. Each is a critical link in the chain of employee development. A training and development plan must have job, work, or career related content based on operational requirements, and a clearly defined and quantifiable outcome. With this in place obtaining upper management support for training and development is more easily achieved. That in turn sustains adequate funding and staff support. As successful outcomes are realized for your training and development programs you can now offer them at regular intervals and make them accessible to a wide selection of employees. And finally the employee developmental programs become part of your companys strategy for long-range goals which in turns produces tangible benefits for your company. The effective use of employee developmental programs will also enhance your employee retention numbers along with benefiting your recruiting efforts. Research has proven that employee development ranks in the top three benefits offered by companies. When employees know that your company cares enough to help develop their skills and opportunity within the company, it invariably increases company loyalty. When your company becomes


known for its training and development programs, external candidates see your company as a preferred workplace environment. You not only see an increase in applicants seeking to join your company, more importantly you see higher quality candidates applying. In essence this creates energy of momentum injecting more and more talent into your work force. When I worked as a talent scout (recruiter) for a Fortune 500 company, our company was known (and still is) for its quality training and development programs. This enabled us to recruit the best-of the-best candidates we interviewed. I remember numerous times during college career and interview days when recruiters and executives from other companies would come over and discretely give me their business cards and asked if I would contact them if a position or opportunity became available at our company. So there they were recruiting for their company, but wanting to join our company. Thats the power of a company known for its training and employee development.

Employees with upgraded skills, working to their full potential and equipped to deal with the changing demands of the workplace; employees with higher morale, career satisfaction, creativity, and motivation; increased productivity and responsiveness in meeting departmental objectives

Career Development Management Development


Career Development

Career development is the ongoing acquisition or refinement of skills and knowledge, including job mastery and professional development, coupled with career planning activities. Job mastery skills are those that are necessary to successfully perform one's job. Professional development skills are the skills and knowledge that go beyond the scope of the employee's job description, although they may indirectly improve job performance. Since career development is an ongoing, dynamic process, employees may need encouragement and support in reviewing and re-assessing their goals and activities. You are in a key position to provide valuable feedback and learning activities or resources. Formal training and classes away from the job are effective in providing new information, but adult learners also need to practice new skills. Therefore, you can contribute significantly to your staff member's career development by supporting career development activities within your department. Guiding Principles Your support for career development is important because:

Current information about the organization and future trends helps employees create more realistic career development goals

Focus on skill development contributes to learning opportunities Opportunities for promotion and/or lateral moves contribute to the employee's career satisfaction

A greater sense of responsibility for managing one's own career contributes to selfconfidence

Career planning and development clarifies the match between organizational and individual employee goals

It's cost-effective to use your own staff talent to provide career development opportunities within your department

Career development increases employee motivation and productivity


Attention to career development helps you attract top staff and retain valued employees

Supporting career development and growth of employees is mandated by the Philosophy of Human Resources Management

How to Support Career Development

Refer to the Employee Development & Training catalogue for the career development course listings.

Annually, conduct an individual development plan and career discussion with employees and require other supervisors in your department to do the same.

Hold supervisors in your department accountable for supporting employee development efforts.

Create programs and activities to provide skill development, such as job rotation, cross-training, mentoring, internships, coaching, and career strategy groups.

Recognize that your role includes providing support and/or release time for staff members' development beyond their current jobs. .

Support requests for alternate work schedules from staff members. Serve as a role model by participating in career and professional development opportunities yourself.

See staff members' applications for other positions as a healthy sign of a dynamic workplace.

Support lateral moves within your organization. Refer employees to the Staff Internship Program to explore opportunities to apply for career development internships or self-initiate an internship in an area of special interest.

Create job vacancy listings that allow for the most diverse applicant pool while honouring transferable skills.


Roles You Can Play

COACH Helps employees identify strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values by maintaining open, effective communication and ongoing encouragement. You can improve your coaching by:

Encouraging two-way dialogue Showing employees how to identify their skills, interests, and values Scheduling uninterrupted career development discussions

ADVISOR Provides organizational information, realities, and resources to employees. You can improve your advising by:

Helping employees develop realistic career goals based on your department's needs and their individual development plans

Helping employees understand the current opportunities and limitations on the campus

Advising employees on the feasibility of various career options

APPRAISER Evaluates employees' performance in an open, candid way and relates this to potential opportunities. You can improve your appraisal skills by:

Providing frequent feedback in a way that fosters development Conducting performance appraisals that define strengths, weaknesses, and career development needs

Relating current performance to future potential in realistic ways


Using an individual development plan as a tool for continual feedback and development

REFERRAL AGENT Helps employees meet their goals through contacts with people and resources. You can improve your referral agent skills by:

Helping employees formulate development plans and consulting on strategies Providing opportunities for experience, exposure, and visibility, such as committees and task forces)

Using personal resources who you know and what you know to create opportunities Assisting in seeking employees' placement lateral or vertical


Management Development

The management and leadership development process is flexible and continuous, linking an individual's development to the goals of the job and the organization. Management development programs on campus give you the opportunity to develop a broad base of skills and knowledge that can be applied to many jobs on campus. D&T's management development curriculum is changing. The overarching goal is a comprehensive curriculum for managers and supervisors to develop the necessary core competencies to become excellent leaders. The Employee Relations Unit also provides training for managers and supervisors, along with performance management tools. Expanding management core competencies will enable campus managers to keep pace with the demands of a changing organization. Enroll in the Supervisory Certificate Program courses to learn more about supervisory core competencies and roles at the D&T Course Enrolment Catalogue.

Guiding Principles Management development activities can:

Encourage growth and career development of employees as stated in the Philosophy of Human Resources Management

Improve skills and knowledge that can be immediately applied at work Increase motivation and job satisfaction Create a network of colleagues for problem-solving and support Promote communication and planning throughout campus and department networks


How to Support Management Development

Model the behaviour you are encouraging; don't neglect your own development. Discuss and create a development plan during the performance planning cycle. Endorse employees attending classes and activities that support development plans and goals.

Discuss what the employee learned in classes and support integrating new ideas/methods.

Provide timely behavioural feedback on performance and discuss ways to improve and develop further.

Provide opportunities for your employees to develop through mentoring, crosstraining, internships, campus staff organizations, professional associations, committee and task force assignments, skill assessment programs, and university degree and extension programs.



RATIONALE OF STUDY The essential elements in any commercial enterprise are materials, equipment and human resource. Training allied to the other human resource specializations within management, ensures a pool of manpower of the required level of expertise at the right time. But firstly consider the attention given by an average organization to the provision of materials, machinery and equipment. Then compare the commitment to the third essential factor in the production cycle, viz: - human resources. One of the most important factors in his regard is the traditional view of training and trainers. They are seen as an expense, a service, as second rate to production or as a necessary evil. Training has tended to fall behind other management activities, especially in the planning phase. It is often carried out as a reaction to immediate needs, a patch up operation in many cases, instead of an ordered activity. Training and Development is especially designed to enhance the competency of managers and workers dealing with a variety of organizational functions. Training and Development is a process Through which the goals of management development can be achieved .Investment in Training and Development has come to be considered as an asset for organizational development or in other words, Training is indispensable for effective organizational development. Earlier, training was almost exclusively trainer oriented and it was not need based. The trainer (training institute) determined the objectives of the course, its duration, its contents and format etc. On many occasions training was of a pedagogic nature with the trainer incomplete control of the direction of the training. Moreover, the alignment of the corporate goal was missing. The views of the trainees were rarely sought or even if they were, it was with a condescending attitude. Due to all these reasons the bottom-line contribution of training or the organizational development was less.

All employees are expected to participate in company sponsored training Programs considered necessary for enhancing their work skills. We realize that in todays constantly changing environment, our services have to be better than those of our competitors. Therefore, training opportunities are offered through specialized training programs conducted by in-house instructors, instructors from the industry, or by experts in the field.


Training Need Assessment Training needs are assessed by the Human Resources Department in Consultation with the individual, his/her supervisor and the Head/Chief of the department. The performance management system as well as feedback by employees across the organization is used for collaborating the training needs.

Training Calendar A Training Calendar is prepared and circulated at the beginning of the year. This carries details about the training programmes that will be conducted during the course of the year. In-hour and external training are held on behavioural as well as specific job related skills.

Training Evaluations Training programmes are evaluated by Human Resources regularly to ascertain the value being added to the employees. Managers nominate employees for training. Attendance at the training classes is obligatory. You are encouraged to make the best use of these opportunities Provided by the company to enhance your professional skills. Training records will be maintained in the Personal File of each employee, for review at any time

METHODS USED FOR TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS Areas in which training is imparted Bharti provides training to all areas mentioned, however, the training imparted to the employees depends on the level of organizations. The training needs analysis is done generally by discussion with superiors And departmental heads. However, the participants themselves also play a vital role in identifying their own training needs. Also, performance appraisal sessions and customer feedback are two important ways through which training needs can be analyzed.


Frequency of training programme Training programmes are conducted at Bharti throughout the year. The duration depends on the type of the training. Training for computer basics are for 3-5 Days, and for executive trainees are for 1 year.

Changing trends in T&D today

Focus on right attitude and overall development of the employee. Focus on sophistication of technologies Trainer-trainee cooperation Elements for making training programme successful Clear objectives, good faculty, right training method, physical arrangements, Duration of training programme, contents of TP, and rewards/incentives after TP. They have used the method of Moving Averages to determine the rankings.


Benefits of Training & Development

(A) Benefits of Training to Employer / Management Training raises the efficiency and productivity of managers. It also improves the performance of workers due to their motivation. Training improves the quality of production. It also reduces the volume of spoiled work and wastages of all kinds. This reduces cost of production and improves quality. It reduces accidents as trained employees work systematically and avoid mistakes in the work assigned. Training reduces expenditure on supervision as trained employees take interest in the work and need limited supervision and control. Training brings stability to labour force by reducing turnover of managerial personnel. Training raises the morale of employees. Training creates skilled and efficient manpower which is an asset of an industrial unit. Training moulds attitudes of employees and develops cordial industrial relations. Training reduces absenteeism as trained managers find their job interesting and prefer to remain present on all working days. Training facilitates the introduction of new management techniques and also new production techniques including automation and computer technology. Training creates a pool of trained and capable personnel from which replacements can be drawn to fill up the loss of key personnel due to retirement, etc. Training provides proper guidance and instructions to newly appointed executives and assists them to adjust properly with the job and the organisation.


(B) Benefits of Training to Managers / Employees Training creates a feeling of confidence among the employees. It gives personal safety and security to them at the work place. Training develops skills which act as valuable personal assets of employees. Training provides opportunity for quick promotion and self-development to managers. Training provides attractive remuneration and other monetary benefits to employees. Training develops adaptability among employees. It updates their knowledge and skills and keeps them fresh. It actually refreshes the mental outlook of employees. Training develops positive attitude towards work assigned and thereby creates interest and attraction for the job and the work place. Training creates an attitude of mutual co-operation and understanding among the managers. Such attitude is useful not only at the work place but also in the social life.


Training analysis is done with the view of both the superiors and the criminals. The common feeling is that the thrust in future should be on developing people skills and not only functional skills. IT would be a key focus area. Many trainees are not satisfied with performance. Most of the times trainees involved in various programmes. Thus we conclude that Bharti's effort towards training and development has been successful. We also feel training should be imparted on current issues like change Management etc. Training sessions should not to be long and self directed learning should be encouraged. They also do changes the following points for the future requirement:

Training need identification. Selecting the right training programmes Preparation of training calendars. Finalizing about the training programme and sending the information to the concerned employees. Organize effective training programme. Deliver course and validate training. Take a training programme feedback.




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