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Addition Day 1 Presentation Problems 1. Ned had 72 songs on his MP3 player. He downloaded 11 more songs.

How many songs does Ned now have on his MP3 player?

2. Antonio was 66 inches tall. Antonio now?

ast year! he grew "ive more inches. How tall is

3. Marisol had #$$. A"ter she earned #1% more &a&ysitting! how m'ch money did Marisol have?

Addition Day 1 Assessment Problems 1. Mariah scored an %7 on her test! &'t she also got "ive &on's points. (hat was Mariah)s "inal score on the test?

2. illian had #%%. Her grandmother sent her #1* in a card as a present. How m'ch money does illian have now?

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