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Roll No. ...................... Total No.

of Questions: 101

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.Pharmacy (Sem. " 8'h) - VIII PHARMACETJTICALCIIE1VIISTRY (MedicinalChemistry- VIII) SUBJECTCODE : PHM - 4.8.3

PaperID :'[D0139J
fill subjectcodcsnd paper ID on OMRI [Note : Plcase

Tirne : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 Instructionto Candidates: - A is Compulsory. t) Section - B. 2') Attemptany Four questions from Section - C. 3) Attemptany Three questions from Section Section- A QI) a) b) c) d) *) f) g) h) 0 j) k) l} Definether following: (i) (i) Phase-I reactions Carb,utamide (ii) Diagnostic agent (ii) Thiotepa Givethe s,tructure anduses of foilowingdrugs Writedovrn theclassification of sulfonamides. Givethe synthesis anduseofAmantadine. Whatareoral hypoglycemic andclassiff them. agents Writedownthe mechanism of actionof metronidazole, Give the structure of PurineAntagonists. Write dornnM.O.A. of drug6*mereaptopurine. Definethetermimmunosuppressive andimmunostimula^nt. DefineAmebiasis andgivetwo examples of antiamoebic drugs. Givethe stnrctures of Sulfasalaine andsulphacetamide. (15x2=34)

Givethe two drugsusedasantineoplastics agents. m) Givethetwo dirrgs used as 'emulsitying agents. n) o) J-864 TUrite dawnthenameof Inhibitorsof viral uncoating. flsfine termPeptidomimetics.
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Section - B

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Q2) Write the MOA and SAR of sulfonarnides. of antiamoebic Q3) Discussthe life cycleofE.histolyticaandgive the classification drugs. Q4) Discussthe PhaseII reactions. QS) Discussin brief about: (a) Pyrimidine antagonist. (b) Hormonesas anticancer. Q6) What are thyroid and Antithyroid drugs. Section - C

(3*10=30) Givetheclassification Discuss theMOAof anti-HIV. Q7) Whatareanti-HIVdrugs. with structures. thefollowingin detail: QS) Discuss (a) Antileishmanialdrugs. (b ) Alkylatingagents. andgivetheMOA ofimmunosuppressive agents theimmunosuppressive QD Classify drugs. 1 reaciions. in detailthePhaseQ\D)Drscuss



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