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Al Noor Centre of Education

ENGLISH 2nd Year (R,G,B,Y) Ch # 14 - 18

Time: 1:00 Hr Name: ____________ (OBJECTIVE)
"#1 $a% Tick $ % mark t&e correct o'tion#
1# !# 3# 3# 5# 6# C&i's felt (er) fit* t&e actual +ork +as not ta,in-# $a% Deli-&tin$a% Amuse $a% Acce'ted $a% Dan-er $a% 2ou-&l) unctuousness# $a% 9ride ;# $a% Harmful =# ?# 10# $.% 2es'ect $.% Defecti(e $c% E,cellence $c% /roken $d% :isdom $d% <ndama-ed 7n old a-e* C&i's faculties remained unim'aired# $.% Tirin$.% Deli-&t $.% 2aced $.% Destruction $.% Ha'l) $c% Amusin$c% Ad0ust $c% T+isted $c% Cr) $c% 5tran-el) $d% /akin$d% A(oid $d% Dre+ .ack $d% An-er $d% Minutel) C&i's said t&at &e +ould continue as a Head if t&e) refrain to a''oint &im officiall)# 1rom t&at &onour +it&in &is reac& at last* &e s&rank instincti(el)# T&ere +as t&e s&rill +&ine of anti aircraft s&ells# /rookfield &ad &is 4uaintl) &umorous sa)in-# 7n old a-e C&i's reali8ed t&at t&e teac&ers s&o+ed less 'om'osit) and t&e students less

Marks: 35 Date: 03 03 !011


>inford &ad an e,'ression of an,ious timidit)# $a% 7nformation $a% /eautiful $a% 5+eet $.% A+areness $.% 5orro+ful $.% >oud $c% Ha''iness $c% 1ormal $c% 5in-in$d% Ner(ousness $d% Deli-&tful $d% Trem.linC&i's .e-in &is usual ritualistic .lendin- of tea# C&i's .e-an a faint and 'al'itatin- c&uckle#

1# !# 3# 3# 5# 6# "#3

Ans+er an) 17@E of t&e follo+in- 4uestions in 3 3 lines#

:&at +ere t&e circumstances t&at forced t&e -irl to lea(e &er carA :&) did t&e second man accuse t&e first man of l)in-A :&at is t&e t&eme of t&e 'oem BT&e 2ainCA :&at do t&e s&ee' do-s do at t&e arri(al of t&e trainA Ho+ does t&e fearer tr) to discoura-e t&e farerA :&) did t&e -irl ask for &el' from t&e first manA :rite an essa) on t&e to'ic BA Cricket Matc&C#



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