Angrier (Angry) Busier (Busy) Clumsier (Clumsy) Crazier (Crazy) Dirtier (Dirty) Happier (Happy) Luckier (Lucky) Noisier (Noisy)

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Group 2 Spellings

Week beginning Monday 3 March, Test on Friday 7 March 2014 Who for? Angel, !cy, "o#inik, $cott, Tiannah, $o%hie, ois, &ai, 'arry, o!is, Ashton
rd th

$%elling 3nfor#ation4

All yo!r ,ords are co#%arati-e this ,eek, they are !sed to co#%are t,o ob5ects or %eo%le or li-ing things etc. The r!le is to think of the root ,ord (they all ha-e a y ending) and the y ending is re%laced ,ith 6ier7.

Word to learn

Copy it once

Copy it twice

Cover and write once

Cover and write twice

Rainbow write it!

angrier (angry) b!sier (b!sy) cl!#sier (cl!#sy) cra*ier (cra*y) dirtier (dirty) ha%%ier (ha%%y) l!ckier (l!cky) noisier (noisy)
Turn over to practise spellings using; Rainbow writing, the spelling word in a sentence. t ho!e you could try S"y Writing and #ac" Writing to help practise. $.T.% Re!e!ber +n yo!r test, yo! ,ill ha-e & e'tra ,ords to s%ell. These ,ill ha-e the sa#e %honic and s%elling %attern as the / yo! ha-e learnt this ,eek. This ,ill hel% !s find o!t ,ho has learnt the %honic and s%elling %atterns0 Group 2 Spellings
Week beginning Monday 3rd March, Test on Friday 7th March 2014 Who for? Angel, !cy, "o#inik, $cott, Tiannah, $o%hie, ois, &ai, 'arry, o!is, Ashton

$%elling 3nfor#ation4 All yo!r ,ords are co#%arati-e this ,eek, they are !sed to
co#%are t,o ob5ects or %eo%le or li-ing things etc. The r!le is to think of the root ,ord (they all ha-e a y ending) and the y ending is re%laced ,ith 6ier7.

Word to learn

1ainbo, ,rite it0

2se it in a sentence

angrier (angry) b!sier (b!sy)

cl!#sier (cl!#sy) cra*ier (cra*y) dirtier (dirty) ha%%ier (ha%%y) l!ckier (l!cky) noisier (noisy)
Re!e!ber +n yo!r test, yo! ,ill ha-e & e'tra ,ords to s%ell. These ,ill ha-e the sa#e %honic and s%elling %attern as the / yo! ha-e learnt this ,eek. This ,ill hel% !s find o!t ,ho has learnt the %honic and s%elling %atterns0

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