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Grzelak World History Racism Intro Assignment March 27th, 20 2

Racism - South African Apartheid:

!irections com"lete the research sca#enger h$nt %elo& %y $sing the internet. . What is racism' (ind a de)inition and "lace it into yo$r o&n &ords.

2. What are some glo%al e*am"les o) racism in history'

+. ,n &hat continent is -o$th A)rica located'

.. Insert a "ict$re o) -o$th A)rica %elo&.

/. What are the ca"itals o) -o$th A)rica today'

0. What ty"e o) go#ernment does -o$th A)rica ha#e today'

7. Who is the 1resident o) -o$th A)rica today' What race is he'

2. What does a"artheid mean' Who does this relate to -o$th A)rica'

3. What is the most "o"$lar s"ort in -o$th A)rica'

0. !escri%e an A)rikaner and A)rikaans.

. 4et&een &hat years did a"artheid e*ist in -o$th A)rica'

2. 5*"lain ho& yo$ %elie#e a"artheid re"resents racism.

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