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note| Cpt|ons for:

Guest Name: Lscale 1ravel

Dates of 1rave|: 18
- 26
March 2014
Hubtoor Srund Resort & Spu (
Sifuofed on Dubois WorId-fomous Jumeiroh 8eoch ond odjocenf fo fhe mognificenf Duboi Morino,
fhe Hobfoor 0rond Pesorf & Spo Dubui, o member of Preferred HofeIs & Pesorfs, occupies one of
Dubois mosf enchonfing beochside Iocofions. Perfecf for bofh business ond Ieisure froveIers,
fhis Iuury HoteI in Jumeiruh euch is wifhin o 30-minufe drive from Duboi Airporf ond is in cIose
proximify fo Duboi Infernef Cify, Duboi Medio Cify ond Shopping MoIIs. PooIs, resfouronfs ond bors
ore sef omidsf fhe hofeIs fropicoI gordens. This stur resort in Dubui is o porodise of perfecf
visfos, where Iush Iondscopes meef fhe worm Arobion 0uIf, fringed by on immocuIofe beoch ond
embroced by cIeor bIue skies.
AtIuntis the PuIm (
The AfIonfis opened ifs monumenfoI doors ond infroduced fhe worId fo more fhon ob,000 morine
creofures ond over I.Z miIes of fresh wofer odvenfure in December Z008. The resorf brings hisfory
ond myfh fogefher wifh o worId cIoss resorf experience. if is sifuofed of fhe opex of The poIm's
crescenf, on IZ0 ocres. The AfIonfis wiII be opproximofeIy 30 minufes from Duboi infernofionoI
Airporf, b minufes from The ViIIoge Cenfre of fhe fip of fhe frunk of The poIm Jumeiroh ond onIy
Z0 minufes from Duboi cify cenfre. Accommodofion if wiII hove I,b39 rooms in fwo fowers,
connecfed by fhe "bridge suife" sifuofed on upper IeveIs. The Wesf Tower wiII consisf of oo3 rooms
ond The Eosf Tower wiII consisf of 87o rooms, cofering fo fhe high-end Iuxury froveIers. FociIifies
The design of AfIonfis is bosed on fhe myfh of AfIonfis ond wiII moinfoin simiIor eIemenfs of fhe
epic design of fhe royoI Towers of AfIonfis in porodise isIond. The defoiI for AfIonfis wiII
incorporofe o fIovour of frodifionoI Arobic design fhemes, specificoIIy in fhe shope of fhe orch
under fhe bridge suife.

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