RTWP Analysis For Dual Carier Radios

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2nd Carrier Sites RTWP increase case UTRAN Optimization Dept.

UTRAN Optimization Dept.

2nd Carrier Sites RTWP increase case

Problem description:
There is slight increase : 1- Site N_Maadi_3 type is BTS3812 (Macro NodeB), its radios (MT !"M#$!) are %&'att capa(le radios, noticea(le increase in its T)* synchroni+ed 'ith 2nd carrier acti,ation-

2- Site Maadi_.ha(iri2 / site Basatin_center types are 0BS38&&, their radios ( !) are %&'att capa(le radios, noticea(le increase in their T)* synchroni+ed 'ith 2nd carrier acti,ation-


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UTRAN Optimization Dept.

3- Site 01S_Sa2anat_34_Maadi is 0BS38&&, its radios ( !) are 5&'att radios, and its T)* ha,en6t any change a7ter adding the 2nd carrier cell-


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UTRAN Optimization Dept.

Cause Analysis:
#s there is no T)* increase in site 01S_S#.#N#T_34_Maadi 'hich its !s are 5&'att, 'e ha,e to isolate 'hether %&'att capa(le radios are the only a77ected 'hen it carries 2 carriers, 'e can go 7or (elo' actions: 1- #dding another MT !"M#$! in the 7irst sector o7 site N_Maadi_2 and to carry $2 o7 the 7irst sector, (y this 'ay MT !&"M#$!& 'ill carry $1 o7 7irst sector and MT !1"M#$!1 'ill carry $2 o7 sa8e sector 2- 39pand another site 'ith 5&)att radio and 8onitor its T)*-


eplace %&'att ! 'ith 5&'att and 8onitor the RTWP

! in one o7 the a77ected sites :e9: Maadi_2ha(iri2;

Root Cause:


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UTRAN Optimization Dept.

T)* decreased 7or Maadi_.ha(iri2 sector 3 7or $1/ $2 cells a7ter replacing the %&) ! capa(le 'ith 5&) ! capa(le as (elo', 'hich pro,es that the root ca<se o7 the illogical increase o7 the T)* a7ter adding 2nd carrier is the %&) adios the8sel,es


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UTRAN Optimization Dept.

Huawei Feedback:
Please find the below feedbacks to the RTWP of 2nd carrier. The sli ht increase of the RTWP is due to the chan e of reference fre!uenc" #oint after introducin the 2nd carrier. Howe$er% it will not brin an" affect on the sites #erfor&ance or 'P(s. The )ode* calculate the RTWP as follow: RTWP + &easured si nal #ower after the #ower a&#lifier , #ower a&#lifier ain - co&#ensation $alue Here: The #ower a&#lifier ain is the ./ branch ain &entioned in the abo$e tablel. The co&#ensation $alue de#ends on the reference fre!uenc" #oint% when there is onl" one carrier0 the reference fre!uenc" #oint is 1222 which is the center fre!uenc" #oint of this carrier. 3fter addin the 2nd carrier% the reference #oint chan e to the center fre!uenc" of the 2 carriers% which is 1244.5. 5o the co&#ensation $alue chan es with the reference fre!uenc" #oint. Wh" we add the co&#ensation $alue6 There is no #ower a&#lifier without i&#erfection% so we need to add this $alue to co&#ensate the &inor error fro& the a&#lifier. The ./ branch ain indicate the ca#abilit" of the #ower a&#lifier% different $alue &eans different &odel. 7a"be so&e &odel is better than others% so the RTWP chan e is s&aller than others.


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