Interest Profiler

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Josue Mata B3 3/5/2014 Interest Profiler On this survey it graded or profiled you in six different categories.

The first being social and it graded you by how people with social interests like work activities that assist others and promote learning and personal development. They prefer to communicate more than to work with objects, machines, or data. The second is Investigate and that is people with investigative interests like work activities that have to do with ideas and thinking more than with physical activity. The third is Artistic and that is people with artistic interests like work activities that deal with the artistic side of things, such as forms, designs, and patterns. The fourth is Realistic, people with realistic interests like work activities that include practical, hands on problems and solutions. The fifth being Conventional people with conventional interests like work activities that follow set procedures and routines. The last category is Enterprising, people with enterprising interests like work activities that have to do with starting up and carrying out projects, especially business ventures. On social I scored a 14. On investigative I scored a 14 as well. On realistic and artistic I scored a 4. On conventional I scored a 1. On enterprising I scored a 0

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