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1. Dont use an with own. Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.) Id like a phone line of my own. (NOT an own phone line.) . !se or rather to "orre"t yourself. Shes #erman $ or rather% &ustrian. (NOT Shes #erman $ or 'etter% &ustrian.) Ill see you on (riday $ or rather% Saturday. ). !se the simple present $ play(s)% rain(s) et" $ to talk a'out ha'its and repeated a"tions. I play tennis e*ery Saturday. (NOT I am playin+ tennis e*ery Saturday.) It usually rains a lot in No*em'er. ,. !se will % not the present% for offers and promises. Ill "ook you supper this e*enin+. (NOT I "ook you supper this e*enin+.) I promise Ill phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.) -. Dont drop prepositions with passi*e *er's. I dont like to 'e shouted at. (NOT I dont like to 'e shouted.) This needs to 'e thou+ht a'out some more. (NOT This needs to 'e thou+ht some more.) .. Dont use a present tense after Its time. Its time you went home. (NOT Its time you +o home.) Its time we in*ited /ill and Sonia. (NOT Its time we in*ite /ill and Sonia.) 0. !se was1were 'orn to +i*e dates of 'irth. I was 'orn in 120-. (NOT I am 'orn in 120-.) Shakespeare was 'orn in 1-.,. 3. 4oli"e is a plural noun. The poli"e are lookin+ for him. (NOT The poli"e is lookin+ for him.) I "alled the poli"e% 'ut they were too 'usy to "ome. 2. Don5t use the to talk a'out thin+s in +eneral. /ooks are e6pensi*e. (NOT The 'ooks are e6pensi*e.) I lo*e musi". (NOT I lo*e the musi".) 17. !se had 'etter% not ha*e 'etter.

I think youd 'etter see the do"tor. (NOT I think you ha*e 'etter see the do"tor.) 8ed 'etter ask 9ohn to help us. 11. !se the present pro+ressi*e : am playin+% is rainin+ et" : to talk a'out thin+s that are "ontinuin+ at the time of speakin+. Im playin+ *ery 'adly today. (NOT I play *ery 'adly today.) ;ook< It5s rainin+< (NOT ;ook< It rains<) 1 . !se for with a period of time. !se sin"e with the 'e+innin+ of the period. for the last two hours = sin"e 2 o5"lo"k for three days = sin"e >onday for fi*e years = sin"e I left s"hool I*e 'een learnin+ ?n+lish for fi*e years. (NOT I*e 'een learnin+ ?n+lish sin"e three years.) 8e*e 'een waitin+ for a+es% sin"e ei+ht o"lo"k. 1). Don5t separate the *er' from the o'@e"t. She speaks ?n+lish *ery well . (NOT She speaks *ery well ?n+lish.) &ndy likes skiin+ *ery mu"h. (NOT &ndy likes *ery mu"h skiin+.)

1,. Don5t use the present perfe"t : ha*e1has seen% ha*e1has +one et" : with words that name a finished time. I saw him yesterday. (NOT I ha*e seen him yesterday.) They went to #ree"e last summer. (NOT They ha*e +one last summer.) 1-. ?n+lish (the lan+ua+e) normally has no arti"le. Aou speak *ery +ood ?n+lish. (NOT Aou speak a *ery +ood ?n+lish.) 1.. &fter look forward to% we use :in+% not an infiniti*e. I look forward to seein+ you. (NOT I look forward to see you.) 8ere lookin+ forward to +oin+ on holiday. (NOT to +o on holiday.) 10. Information is an un"ounta'le noun. Ban you +i*e me some informationC (NOT Ban you +i*e me an informationC) I +ot a lot of information from the Internet. (NOT I +ot a lot of informations from the Internet.) 13. !se :in+ forms after prepositions. I dro*e there without stoppin+. (NOT I dro*e there without to stop.) 8ash your hands 'efore eatin+. (NOT 8ash your hands 'efore to eat.) 12. !se this% not that% for thin+s that are "lose.

Bome here and look at this paper. (NOT Bome here and look at that paper.) Dow lon+ ha*e you 'een in this "ountryC (NOT Dow lon+ ha*e you 'een in that "ountryC) 7. !se a plural noun after one and a half. 8e waited one and a half hours. (NOT 8e waited one and a half hour.) & mile is a'out one and a half kilometres. (NOT & mile is a'out one and a half kilometre.) 1. !se the present perfe"t% not the present% to say how lon+ thin+s ha*e 'een +oin+ on. I5*e 'een waitin+ sin"e 17 o5"lo"k. (NOT I5m waitin+ sin"e 17 o5"lo"k.) 8e5*e li*ed here for nine years. (NOT 8e li*e here for nine years.) . The ma@ority is normally plural. Some people are interested% 'ut the ma@ority don5t "are. (NOT ... 'ut the ma@ority doesn5t "are.) The ma@ority of these people are *ery poor. (NOT The ma@ority of these people is *ery poor.) ). !se too mu"h1many 'efore (ad@e"ti*e E) nounF use too 'efore an ad@e"ti*e with no noun. There5s too mu"h noise. I 'ou+ht too mu"h red paint. Those shoes are too e6pensi*e. (NOT Those shoes are too mu"h e6pensi*e.) ,. !se that% not what% after all. I5*e told you all that I know. (NOT I5*e told you all what I know.) De +a*e her all that he had. -. Don5t say a""ordin+ to me to +i*e your opinion. I think it5s a +ood film. (NOT &""ordin+ to me% it5s a +ood film.) In my opinion% you5re makin+ a serious mistake. (NOT &""ordin+ to me% you5re makin+ a serious mistake.) .. Don5t ask a'out possi'ilities with >ay you ...C et". Do you think you5ll +o "ampin+ this summerC (NOT >ay you +o "ampin+ this summerC) Is 9oan likely to 'e here tomorrowC (NOT >ay 9oan 'e here tomorrowC) 0. !se who% not whi"h% for people in relati*e stru"tures. The woman who li*es upstairs is from Thailand. (NOT The woman whi"h li*es upstairs is from Thailand.) I don5t like people who shout all the time. (NOT I don5t like people whi"h shout all the time.) 3. !se for% not durin+% to say Ghow lon+5. 8e waited for si6 hours. (NOT 8e waited durin+ si6 hours.) De was ill for three weeks. (NOT De was ill durin+ three weeks.) 2. !se to ...% not for ...% to say why you do somethin+.

I "ame here to study ?n+lish. (NOT I "ame here for study ?n+lish.) She telephoned me to e6plain the pro'lem. (NOT She telephoned me for e6plain the pro'lem.) )7. !se refle6i*es (myself et") when the o'@e"t is the same as the su'@e"t. I looked at myself in the mirror. (NOT I looked at me in the mirror.) 8hy are you talkin+ to yourselfC (NOT 8hy are you talkin+ to youC) )1. !se a present tense to talk a'out the future after when% until% as soon as% after% 'efore et". Ill phone you when I arri*e. (NOT Ill phone you when I will arri*e.) ;ets wait until it +ets dark. (NOT ;ets wait until it will +et dark.) 8ell start as soon as >ary arri*es. (NOT 8ell start as soon as >ary will arri*e.) ) . /efore most a'stra"t nouns% we use +reat% not 'i+. I ha*e +reat respe"t for her ideas. (NOT I ha*e 'i+ respe"t for her ideas.) 8e had +reat diffi"ulty in understandin+ him. (NOT 8e had 'i+ diffi"ulty in understandin+ him.) )). Dont use the with a superlati*e when you are not "omparin+ one person or thin+ with another. BompareH Shes the ni"est of the three tea"hers. Shes ni"est when shes workin+ with small "hildren. This is the 'est wine I*e +ot. This wine is 'est when its three or four years old. ),. 4ut enou+h after% not 'efore% ad@e"ti*es. This soup isnt hot enou+h. (NOT This soup isnt enou+h hot.) Shes old enou+h to walk to s"hool 'y herself. )-. Dont use a stru"ture with that after want or would like. >y parents want me to +o to uni*ersity. (NOT >y parents want that I +o to uni*ersity.) Id like e*ery'ody to lea*e. (NOT Id like that e*ery'ody lea*es.) ).. &fter link *er's like 'e% seem% feel% look% smell% sound% taste% we use ad@e"ti*es% not ad*er's. I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.) This soup tastes stran+e. (NOT This soup tastes stran+ely.) )0. !se than after "omparati*es. >y mother is three years older than my father. (NOT >y mother is three years older that1as my father.) 4etrol is more e6pensi*e than diesel. )3. InIuestions% put the su'@e"t immediately after the au6iliary *er'.

8here are the 4resident and his family stayin+C (NOT 8here are stayin+ the 4resident and his familyC) Da*e all the +uests arri*edC (NOT Da*e arri*ed all the +uestsC) )2. !sed to has no present. I play tennis at weekends. (NOT I use to play tennis at weekends.) 8here do you usually ha*e lun"hC (NOT 8here do you use to ha*e lun"hC) ,7. !se throu+h% not alon+% for periods of time. &ll throu+h the "enturies% there ha*e 'een wars. (NOT &ll alon+ the "enturies% there ha*e 'een wars.) ,1. !se "ant% not mustnt% to say that somethin+ is lo+i"ally impossi'le. It "ant 'e the postman at the door. Its only 0 o"lo"k. (NOT It mustnt 'e the postman at the door. Its only 0 o"lo"k.) If & is 'i++er than /% and / is 'i++er than B% then B "ant 'e 'i++er than &. (NOT then B mustnt 'e 'i++er than &.) , . !se the present perfe"t with This is the first time et". This is the first time I*e 'een here. (NOT This is the first time Im here.) This is the fifth "up of "offee I*e drunk today. (NOT This is the fifth "up of "offee I drink today.) ,). !se 'e% not ha*e% to +i*e peoples a+es. >y sister is 1- (years old). (NOT >y sister has 1- years.) ,,. !se 'etween% not amon+% to talk a'out position in relation to se*eral "learly separate people or thin+s. SwitJerland is 'etween (ran"e% &ustria% #ermany and Italy. (NOT SwitJerland is amon+ (ran"e% &ustria% #ermany and Italy.) The 'ottle rolled 'etween the wheels of the "ar. ,-. 8e dont normally use the 'efore a''re*iations that are pronoun"ed like words (Ka"ronyms). >y "ousin works for N&TO. (NOT >y "ousin works for the N&TO.) The money was +i*en 'y !N?SBO. (NOT 'y the !N?SBO.) ,.. ?*ery'ody is a sin+ular word. ?*ery'ody was late. (NOT ?*ery'ody were late.) Is e*ery'ody readyC (NOT &re e*ery'ody readyC) ,0. !se any% not some% in ne+ati*e senten"es. She hasnt +ot any money. (NOT She hasnt +ot some money.) I didnt see any'ody. (NOT I didnt see some'ody.)

,3. !se interested for feelin+sF use interestin+ for the thin+s that interest people. The same +oes for 'ored1'orin+% e6"ited1e6"itin+ et". Im interested in history. (NOT Im interestin+ in history.) Distory is interestin+. Im 'ored in the maths lessons. (NOT Im 'orin+ in the maths lessons.) I think maths is 'orin+. ,2. !se 'y% not until1till% to mean Knot later than. Ban you mend this 'y TuesdayC (NOT Ban you mend this until TuesdayC) Ill finish the 'ook 'y toni+ht. (NOT Ill finish the 'ook till toni+ht.) -7. !se like% not as% to +i*e e6amples. I prefer warm "ountries% like Spain. (NOT I prefer warm "ountries% as Spain.) I eat a lot of meat% like 'eef or lam'.

-1. !se whether% not if% after prepositions. 8e talked a'out whether it was ready. (NOT 8e talked a'out if it was ready.) Its a Iuestion of whether we ha*e enou+h time. (NOT Its a Iuestion of if we ha*e enou+h time.) - . !se the present pro+ressi*e passi*e% not the simple present passi*e% to talk a'out thin+s that are +oin+ on @ust around now. Our flat is 'ein+ de"orated this week. (NOT Our flat is de"orated this week.) Aour 'ill is @ust 'ein+ prepared% sir. (NOT Aour 'ill is @ust prepared% sir.) -). 8e dont normally use must to talk a'out the past. I had to see the dentist yesterday. (NOT I must see the dentist yesterday.) 8hen I left s"hool% youn+ men had to do military ser*i"e. (NOT 8hen I left s"hool% youn+ men must do military ser*i"e.) -,. 8hen you put two nouns to+ether% 'e "areful to +et the ri+ht order. I like eatin+ milk "ho"olate. (NOT I like eatin+ "ho"olate milk.) 8hats your phone num'erC (NOT 8hats your num'er phoneC) --. !se the whole of% not whole% 'efore the name of a pla"e. The whole of 4aris was "ele'ratin+. (NOT 8hole 4aris was "ele'ratin+.) De knows the whole of South &meri"a *ery well. (NOT De knows whole South &meri"a *ery well.) -.. 8e dont normally use pro+ressi*e forms of 'elie*e. I dont 'elie*e him. (NOT Im not 'elie*in+ him.) Do you 'elie*e what she saysC (NOT &re you 'elie*in+ what she saysC)

-0. Dont use in front of to mean Kfa"in+ or Kopposite. She sat down fa"in+ me and looked into my eyes. (NOT She sat down in front of me and looked into my eyes.) Theres a hotel opposite our house. (NOT Theres a hotel in front of our house.) -3. !se it% not I% he% she et" to identify people. (on the phone)H Dello. Its &lan 8illiams speakin+. ((NOT Dello. Im &lan 8illiams.) K8hos thatC KIts 9ohn. (NOT 8hos thatC KDes 9ohn.) -2. 4eople (meanin+ Kpersons) is a plural word. The people in this town are *ery friendly. (NOT The people in this town is *ery friendly.) 8ho are those peopleC (NOT 8ho is that peopleC) .7. !se althou+h or 'ut% 'ut not 'oth to+ether. &lthou+h it was late% she went out. It was late% 'ut she went out. (/!T NOT &lthou+h it was late% 'ut she went out.)

.1. 8ith if% we normally use the present to talk a'out the future.

If I ha*e time% Ill phone you. (NOT If Ill ha*e time% Ill phone you.) Ill 'e surprised if she answers my letter. (NOT Ill 'e surprised if shell answer my letter.) . . !se almost% not nearly% to say that one thin+ is *ery like another.

She is almost a sister to me. (NOT She is nearly a sister to me.) I almost wish I had stayed at home. (NOT I nearly wish I had stayed at home.) .). If you dont do somethin+ any more% you stop doin+ it.

The do"tor told me to stop smokin+. (NOT The do"tor told me to stop to smoke.) Im +oin+ to stop workin+ so hard. (NOT Im +oin+ to stop to work so hard.) .,. & sin+ular "ounta'le noun must normally ha*e a determiner (e.+. a1an% the% my% that).

She 'roke a1the1that1my window. (NOT She 'roke window.) 8here is the stationC (NOT 8here is stationC) .-. 8e dont often use would in su'ordinate "lausesF instead% we use past tenses.

8ould you follow me where*er I wentC (NOT 8ould you follow me where*er I would +oC) I would tell you if I knew. (NOT I would tell you if I would know.) ... 8ith when% use the past perfe"t to make it "lear that one thin+ finished 'efore another started.

8hen I had written my letters% I did some +ardenin+. (NOT 8hen I wrote my letters% I did some +ardenin+.) 8hen he had "leaned the windows% he stopped for a "up of tea. (NOT 8hen he "leaned the windows% he stopped for a "up of tea.) .0. Dont use "an to talk a'out the "han"e that somethin+ will happen.

It may1mi+ht1"ould rain this e*enin+. (NOT It "an rain this e*enin+.) I think 9ane may1mi+ht1"ould "ome tomorrow. (NOT I think 9ane "an "ome tomorrow.) .3. Dont use an infiniti*e after think.

Im thinkin+ of "han+in+ my @o'. (NOT Im thinkin+ to "han+e my @o'.) &re you thinkin+ of +oin+ home this weekendC (NOT &re you thinkin+ to +o home this weekendC) .2. !se a sin+ular noun after e*ery.

I play tennis e*ery 8ednesday. (NOT I play tennis e*ery 8ednesdays.) De wrote to e*ery "hild in the *illa+e. (NOT De wrote to e*ery "hildren ) 07. 8hen you say what some'odys @o' is% use a1an.

>y sister is a photo+rapher. (NOT >y sister is photo+rapher.) Im studyin+ to 'e an en+ineer. (NOT Im studyin+ to 'e en+ineer.)

01. !se at last% not finally% as an e6"lamation. &t last< 8here ha*e you 'eenC (NOT (inally< 8here ha*e you 'eenC) Shes written to me. &t last< 0 . #et "an mean K'e"ome% 'ut not 'efore nouns. Its +ettin+ "old. Its +ettin+ to 'e winter. (/!T NOT Its +ettin+ winter.) 0). Dont use ne+ati*e Iuestions in polite reIuests or enIuiries.

Bould you help me% pleaseC (NOT Bouldnt you help me% pleaseC) Aou ha*ent seen 9ohn% ha*e youC (NOT Da*ent you seen 9ohnC) 0,. One ne+ati*e word is usually enou+h. She looked% 'ut she didnt see anythin+. (NOT She looked% 'ut she didnt see nothin+.) I ha*e ne*er heard of him. (NOT I ha*ent ne*er heard of him.) 0-. >u"h and many are unusual in affirmati*e senten"es (e6"ept in a *ery formal style). De has a lot 1 plenty of money. (NOT De has mu"h money.) >y father has tra*elled to lots of "ountries. (>ore natural than >y father has tra*elled to many "ountries.) 0.. Dont use sin"e to talk a'out the future. Ill 'e home from three o"lo"k. (NOT Ill 'e home sin"e three o"lo"k.) The shop will 'e "losed for two weeks from >onday. (NOT The shop will 'e "losed for two weeks sin"e >onday.) 00. Sin+ular fra"tion E plural nounH use a plural *er'. & third of the students are from a'road. (NOT & third of the students is from a'road.) & Iuarter of the trees ha*e 'een "ut down. 03. Aou listen to somethin+. She ne*er listens to me. (NOT She ne*er listens me.) ;isten to this< (NOT ;isten this<) 02. Dont use the past pro+ressi*e for past ha'its. 8hen I was 7 I smoked 1 I used to smoke. (NOT 8hen I was 7 I was smokin+.) I played 1 I used to play a lot of foot'all at s"hool. (NOT I was playin+ a lot of foot'all at s"hool.) 37. Dont use most of dire"tly 'efore a noun. >ost of these people a+ree with me. >ost people a+ree with me. (/!T NOT >ost of people a+ree with me.)

31. In Kunreal "onditions with if% use would% not will. If I knew the pri"e% I would tell you. (NOT If I knew the pri"e% I will tell you.) It would 'e 'etter if he told the truth. (NOT It will 'e 'etter if he told the truth.) 3 . Dont use later with an e6pression of time to talk a'out the future. Ill see you later.

Ill see you in a few days. (/!T NOT Ill see you a few days later.) 3). Dont use in "ase to mean Kif. BompareH Ill take an um'rella in "ase it rains. (= K 'e"ause it mi+ht rain.) Ill open the um'rella if it rains. (NOT Ill open the um'rella in "ase it rains.) 3,. !se so 'efore an ad@e"ti*e% 'ut not 'efore ad@e"ti*e E noun. I lo*e this "ountry $ its so 'eautiful. (NOT I lo*e this so 'eautiful "ountry.) Thanks for your help. That was so kind of you. (NOT Thanks for your so kind help.) 3-. Only use unless to mean Ke6"ept if. BompareH Ill see you tomorrow unless I ha*e to work. Ill 'e really upset if I dont pass the e6am. (NOT Ill 'e really upset unless I pass the e6am.) 3.. !se 'e with ad@e"ti*es% not ha*e with nouns% to talk a'out physi"al sensations like "old% hun+er% thirst et". I am thirsty. (NOT I ha*e thirst.) 8e are "old in this house. (NOT 8e ha*e "old in this house.) 30. Dont use to:infiniti*es after "an% "ould% will% would% may% mi+ht% shall% should or must. I "an swim. (NOT I "an to swim.) >ust you make so mu"h noiseC (NOT >ust you to make so mu"h noiseC) 33. !se not% not no% to make senten"es ne+ati*e. Im not asleep. (NOT Im no asleep.) 8e are open on Saturdays% 'ut not on Sundays. (NOT 'ut no on Sundays.) 32. 8e dont usually use present tenses after past reportin+ *er's. She told me she had a heada"he. (NOT She told me she has a heada"he.) I asked him what he wanted. (NOT L asked him what he wants.) 27. !se to after married% en+a+ed. Des married to a do"tor. (NOT Des married with a do"tor.) >y sister is en+a+ed to a "omputer en+ineer. (NOT >y sister is en+a+ed with a "omputer en+ineer.) 21. !se whi"h% not what% to refer 'a"k to a whole senten"e. She passed her e6am% whi"h surprised e*ery'ody. (NOT She passed her e6am% what surprised e*ery'ody.) >y father has @ust "lim'ed >ont /lan"% whi"h is pretty +ood for a man of 0-. (NOT what is

pretty +ood for a man of 0-.) 2 . Dont use the with so"iety when it has a +eneral meanin+. 8e all ha*e to li*e in so"iety. (NOT 8e all ha*e to li*e in the so"iety.) Mousseau said that so"iety makes people e*il. (NOT Mousseau said that the so"iety makes people e*il.) 2). !se a to:infiniti*e after want. I want to +o home. (NOT I want +o home.) The "hildren want to stay up late. (NOT The "hildren want stay up late.) 2,. !se make% not do% with mistake. I ha*e made a mistake. (NOT I ha*e done a mistake.) Aou "ant speak a lan+ua+e without makin+ mistakes. (NOT without doin+ mistakes.) 2-. Dont repeat a relati*e pronoun with another pronoun. Theres the man that I work for. (NOT Theres the man that I work for him.) She saw a do"tor who sent her to hospital. (NOT She saw a do"tor who he sent her to hospital.) 2.. &fter a superlati*e% use in with a pla"e e6pression. 8hi"h is the 'i++est "ity in the worldC (NOT 8hi"h is the 'i++est "ity of the worldC) This is the 'est restaurant in the "ity. (NOT This is the 'est restaurant of the "ity.) 20. Aou e6plain and su++est somethin+ to some'ody. 4lease e6plain to me what you want. (NOT 4lease e6plain me what you want.) Ban you su++est a +ood restaurant to usC (NOT Ban you su++est us a +ood restaurantC) 23. 8ork is an un"ounta'le noun. Im lookin+ for work. (NOT Im lookin+ for a work.) >y 'rother has found a new @o'. (NOT >y 'rother has found a new work.) 22. /e "areful of the word order in ne+ati*e infiniti*es. Its important not to work too hard. (NOT Its important to not work too hard.) I asked her not to make so mu"h noise. 177. 4ossessi*es repla"e arti"les. 8e stayed in 9ohns house at the weekend. (NOT 8e stayed in the 9ohns house at the weekend.) Shes 'een studyin+ /ritains forei+n poli"y sin"e 1237. (NOT Shes 'een studyin+ the /ritains forei+n poli"y sin"e 1237.)

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