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(Green Light Review)

Fantastic Voyage
Bio Scientic Scenario
l've declded Lo choose Lhe lern Llfe
Cycle because Lhe sllmy scenarlos
dldn'L do anyLhlng for me and lern
sLood ouL more Lhan Moss.
Chosen Audience
Aer looklng aL my Cycle, l goL Lhlnklng
of how l could make Lhls lnLeresung
for chlldren. l wenL for kS2 because
aer researchlng abouL how Lhey learn
sclence everyLhlng ls very vlsual wlLh
blg plcLures and brlghL colours.

l used 88C 8lLeslze as reference whlch
showed brlghL/plcLured dlagrams wlLh
clear labels and LhaL's whaL l wanL Lo
show ln my anlmauon, buL make lL less
borlng for Lhem by addlng some
characLer Lo Lhe lern Cycle.

Visual Concept
lor my vlsual concepL l wanL Lo keep lL
very brlghL and colourful wlLh
characLer. l looked aL lms LhaL lnvolve
a garden for lnsplrauon looklng aL
AnLz, Cver Lhe Pedge and A 8ug's Llfe.
1he colours whlch Lhey use are very
engaglng and brlghL.

l also looked aL lms LhaL have snalls ln
for lnsplrauon Lo make my characLer
fun for chlldren. llushed Away and
1urbo make Lhere characLers have a
comlcal/fun slde Lo Lhem whlch l Lhlnk
would work well for my anlmauon,
keeplng Lhe chlldren engaged wlLh Lhe
Inuence Maps
varlous Lypes of lern lanL's and Lhelr envlronmenLs - l
found ouL LhaL Lhey can grown almosL anywhere from
your back garden Lo woods/[ungles.
varlous Lypes of Lhe key Words for Lhe lern Cycle, and
also how Lhe Cycle can be presenLed ln dlerenL ways.
!usL a few lnlual skeLches worklng ouL how l'm golng Lo presenL Lhe lnformauon,
and worklng ouL how Lo make Lhe cycle more chlldren frlendly and noL as scary.
l Look my skeLches furLher and sLarLed Lo Lhlnk abouL colour and varlous dlerenL vlews
also whaL some of Lhe key sclenuc words may look llke ln Lhe cycle.

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