Journal Reading

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Journal Reading

The Role of Rheumatoid Factor and Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody in Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
M Mobini, Z Kashi, MR Mahdavi

Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal (IRCMJ) 2010; 12(2) 100!10" Rheu#atoid arthritis (R$) is a chronic #ultis%ste# disease o& un'no(n cause, it is a&&ecting a))ro*i#atel% 1+ o& the (orld,s )o)ulation- It causes )ersistent s%novitis, )ain, .oint destruction, and &unctional disabilit%- /ecause irreversible .oint destruction can be )revented b% intervention during the &irst #onths o& disease, earl% diagnosis o& rheu#atoid arthritis is i#)ortant- Rheu#atoid &actor (R0) is an antibod% directed against the 0c region o& Ig1 that has been used as a diagnostic #ar'er &or rheu#atoid arthritis- $nti!c%clic citrullinated )e)tide antibod% ($nti!CC2) can also be used to con&ir# the diagnosis o& R$ in )atients (ith uncharacteri3ed chronic in&la##ator% arthritisIn this case control stud%, the )atients and controls (ere recruited &ro# June to 4e)te#ber 2005- 6he blood sa#)les (ere obtained &ro# 77 )atients (ith established R$ and 77 health% controls- $nti!CC2 and R0 (ere #easured b% 89I4$ and ne)helo#etr%- 6he )atient:s de#ogra)hics, disease duration, ;M$R;s usage, 84R and radiogra)hic abnor#alities (ere recorded6he result o& this stud% &ound that 77 R$ )atients and 77 health% age and se* #atched controls (ere enrolled- <dd ratio (<R) (as 5=->2 (CI?11-2!@50-1) &or R0 and 2=->5 (@A05!12>A0B) &or $nti!CC2- 0ive )atients had used #ore than " ;M$R;s; all o& the# (ere R0 )ositive and > (ere also anti!CC2 )ositive- 8leven )atients had erosions in their radiogra)hs; 10 o& the# (ere sero)ositive &or R0 and B )ositive &or anti!CC26he conclusion is ins)ite o& the s)eci&icit%, R0 continues to be a central )art o& the de&inition o& R$ due to &avorable sensitivit% )ro&ile and the co#bined use o& R0- $lso, anti!CC2 is a #ore )o(er&ul diagnostic and )rognostic tool-

Cill be )resented b% $&i& 0ai3i $ssa&&ah <n 6hursda%, Ma% "1, 2012

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