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abroad (adv) ache (n & v) achieve (v) afford (v) allow (v) aloud (adv) amazed (adj) ancient (adj) ankle (n) annoy (v) antique (adj & n) anxious (adj) apologise (v) apply (v) argue (v) arrange (v) as well as (prep) ashamed (adj) at last (prep phr) at least (prep phr) at once (prep phr) attach (v) attend (v) available (adj) avoid (v) awful (adj)

breath (n) breathe (v) brick (n) bring up (phr v) She was brought up in ondon. brush (n & v) bucket (n) burglar (n) burglary (n) burn (n & v) bury (v) butcher (n) by all means (prep phr)

crowded (adj) curly (adj) curtain (n)

daily (adj & adv) damage (n & v) damp (adj) deaf (adj) deal $with% (v) decrease (n & v) deep (adj & adv) degree (n) &' degrees a degree in maths delay (n & v) delighted (adj) deliver (v) delivery (n) deserve (v) design (n & v) despite (prep) develop (v) dig (v) disappear (v) disappoint (v) dive (v) doubt (n & v) draw (v) to draw a picture of someone or something to draw the curtains to draw near drawer (n) drop (n & v)

cabbage (n) cage (n) call for (phr v) !"ll call for you at #. call in (phr v) She called in to see a friend. canteen (n) carpet (n) ceiling (n) century (n) cereal (n) chain (n) chair (n & v) chalk (n) challenge (n & v) cheerful (adj) chess (n) chest (n) childhood (n) chimney (n) chin (n) choice (n) choose (v) clap (v) clever (adj) cliff (n) climb (v) coin (n) comb (n & v) come (v) complain (v) complaint (n) cool (adj & v) cough (n & v) crew (n) crossroads (n) crowd (n)

backpack (n) backwards (prep) bake (v) bald (adj) bare (adj) beach (n) behave (v) bend (n & v) beneath (adv & prep) beside (prep) beyond (prep) bin (n) bite (n & v) blame (n & v) blanket (n) blind (adj & n) blow (n & v) bottom (n) bowl (n) brake (n & v) break up (phr v) When does school break up? The pop group has broken up.

earn (v) earring (n) earth (n) edge (n) elderly (n & adj) employee (n) engaged (adj) to be engaged to someone The phone was engaged. engine (n) equipment (n) escalator (n) exchange (v) expect (v)

explain (v) explanation (n)

facility (n) The hotel has excellent facilities. faint (adj & v) fare (n) The return fare is ()*. farm (n & v) fasten (v) fear (n) fee (n) feed (v) fence (n) ferry (n) fetch (v) field (n) find out (phr v) ! must find out when he"s arriving. fit (adj & v) keep fit (adj) These shoes don+t fit. (v) flag (n) float (v) flood (n & v) flow (n & v) fold (v) follow (v) fond (adj) to be fond of something,someone foreign (adj) foreigner (n) forgive (v) forward$s% (adv) frighten (v) frost (n) further (adv & adj)

shirt. grass (n) greengrocer (n) grocer (n) guess (n & v) guest (n) guilty (adj)

indoors (adv) in0ure (v) instead of (prep) insurance (n) insure (v) involve (v) iron (n & v)

hairdresser (n) hairdryer (n) hammer (n & v) handle (n & v) hang (v) to hang a picture hang up (phr v) She hung up at the end of the phone call. harbour (n) hardly (adv) hardly any time .e could hardly wait. hat (n) headline (n) health (n) heat (n & v) hedge (n) hire (v & n) to hire a boat (v) for hire (n) hitch/hike (v) hold (v) hold up (phr v) .e was held up in the heavy traffic for over two hours. hole (n) honey (n) huge (adj) hurry (n & v) hurt (adj & v)

0am (n) strawberry 0am traffic 0am 0ar (n) 0ewellery (n) 0og (v) to go 0ogging 0oin (v) The rivers 0oin there. to 0oin the army to 0oin $in% a game 0oke (n & v) 0ug (n) 0ump (n & v)

keen (adj) .e+s keen on cycling. to be keen to do something kettle (n) kick (n & v) kitten (n) knee (n) kneel (v) knife (n)

lack (n & v) ladder (n) lamb (n) lately (adv) laugh (n & v) lawn (n) lay (v) lead (v) to lead someone by the hand Where does this road lead? leaf (n) leather (n) lettuce (n) lie (n & v) likely (adj)

gain (v) gap (n) gate (n) get rid of (phr v) glad (adj) glance (n & v) go with (phr v) -our tie doesn+t go with your

illness (n) improve (v) in (adv & prep) in the end (prep phr) in half (prep phr) in order to (prep phr) in stock (prep phr) income (n) increase (n & v) indeed (adv)

lively (adj) load (n & v) loaf (n) loan (n) loose (adj) lorry (n) loud (adj) lovely (adj) luggage (n)

to read a notice (n) until further notice (n) 3id you notice anything wrong? (v) nut (n)

obvious (adj) oh dear2 (int) on foot (prep phr) on holiday (prep phr) on loan (prep phr) on purpose (prep phr) onion (n) out of date (prep phr) out of doors (prep phr) out of order (prep phr) out of stock (prep phr) outdoors (adv) oven (n) overnight (adj & adv) overtake (v) owe (v) owner (n)

main (adj) make sure (phr v) matter (n & v) !s anything the matter? (n) !t doesn+t matter. (v) mean (v) What do you mean? What does it mean? melt (v) mend (v) mild (adj) mind (n & v) .is mind was on other things. (n) Would you mind if ! called tomorrow? (v) ! don"t mind (v) 1ind your head2 (v) Who+s minding the baby for you? (v) mist (n) motorway (n) mushroom (n)

an electrical plug plug in (phr v) polite (adj) pollution (n) pot (n) pour (v) press (v) to press a button to press a suit proper (adj) proud (adj) prove (v) pull (n & v) purpose (n) .e did it on purpose. $deliberately% push (n & v) put off (phr v) The meeting was put off until the following week.

quay (n) queue (n & v) quit (v)

pack (n & v) an information pack (n) to pack a case (v) packet (n) pain (n) pale (adj) pan (n) partly (adv) pastry (n) path (n) pattern (n) pavement (n) peel (n & v) pet (n) pick (v) pick up (phr v) ! picked up a pencil. !"ll pick up my sister from the station. pie (n) pillow (n) pin (n & v) pity (n) plenty (pr n) plug (n) a plug for the bath

rail (n) to go by rail railway (n) raise (v) to raise your arm to raise prices range (n) raw (adj) raw meat reach (v) reasonable (adj) receipt (n) recipe (n) refreshments (n) regret (n & v) relation (n) to visit a relation relative (n) a relative came to stay relax (v) relaxation (n) reliable (adj) remind (v) rent (n & v) ripe (adj) rise (v)

nail (n) fingernail hammer and nails narrow (adj) nearby (adj & adv) nearly (adv) neat (adj) neck (n) needle (n) neighbour (n) neighbourhood (n) nephew (n) niece (n) notice (n & v)

The sun rises in the 4ast. 5rices are rising. river (n) roof (n) roundabout (n) rubber (adj & n) ruin (n)

sad (adj) safe (adj) to be safe from harm safety (n) sail (n & v) sale (n) sand (n) scissors (n) search (n & v) seldom (adv) sell (v) sensible (adj) sew (v) shallow (adj) shame (n) shape (n) share (n & v) sharp (adj) a sharp knife a sharp corner a sharp picture sheet (n) sheets on a bed a sheet of paper information sheet shelf (n) shine (v) shore (n) shoulder (n) shower (n) a shower of rain to have a shower shut (adj & v) shy (adj) sight (n) .er sight is better with glasses. in sight6 out of sight sightseeing (n) sign (n & v) a road sign (n) to sign a document (v) no sign of life (n)

signs of winter (n) silk (adj & n) skill (n) skilled (adj) skin (n) sleeve (n) slice (n) slip (v) to slip on the ice slope (n) mountain,ski slope smell (n & v) smooth (adj) a smooth surface $level% a smooth ride in the new car $comfortable% soil (n) sour (adj) a sour taste spade (n) spare (adj & v) spare cash6 spare time (adj) to spare the time (v) spill (v) spoil (v) spoon (n) stage (n) stain (n & v) stall (n) market stall steal (v) steep (adj) sticky (adj) stiff (adj) stir (v) storm (n) straight (adj & adv) to go straight on (adv) a straight road (adj) stream (n) strict (adj) sudden (adj) sunbathe (v) sunset (n) sweep (v) to sweep the floor sweet (adj & n) sweet food (adj) a sweet face (adj) a sweet smell (adj) to eat a sweet (n)

swing (n & v) to play on a swing to swing backwards and forwards

table/cloth (n) tap (n) a cold/water tap (n) taste (n & v) to have good taste (n) to taste food (v) !t tastes good. (v) tear (n) Tears ran down her cheeks. tear (v) to tear a piece of paper thick (adj) thief (n) thin (adj) thirst (n) throat (n) throughout (prep) throw (v) throw away (phr v) .e threw away the old T7. thumb (n) thunder (n) thunderstorm (n) tidy (adj & v) tight (adj) tight shoes tin (n) a tin of peas made of tin tiny (adj) toe (n) towel (n) travel (v) trip (n) a weekend trip trust (v) to trust someone truth (n) try (v) to try to do something to try $out% something try on (v) to try on shoes twin (n) tyre (n)

unless (& nj) until (prep) up to date (prep phr) update (n & v) upset (adj) upstairs (adv)

valley (n) value (n) van (n) view (n) a beautiful view village (n) visa (n) voyage (n)

wild (adj) windscreen (n) wire (n) an electrical wire a wire fence wise (adj) wooden (adj) wool (n) worth (adj) wound (n & v) wrap $up% (v) to wrap $up% a parcel wrong (adj)

youth (n)

wage$s% (n) wallet (n) warm (adj) warn (v) waste (adj & v) waterfall (n) wave (n & v) waves at sea to wave goodbye way (n) !s this the way? the wrong way a long way to stand in the way That"s the way to do it. way of life way in6 way out weak (adj) to feel weak a weak excuse weigh (v) weight (n) wet (adj) wet clothes wet weather wheel (n & v) wheelchair (n) wide (adj & adv) a wide road (adj) with his mouth wide open (adv) to feel wide awake (adv) width (n)

zone (n) zoo (n)

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