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eo i Army Ba Saco a ere e or ee ok re’ 3a ate te ny eakenh’s ‘This i a companion volume to the very succesful Army ‘Badges. and Insta of Werld War I lo riten And ilastrated by Guido Rexgnol ‘More than 2000 badger of the ric of ‘Canada, South “Arica, Inia, Brita Overseas Teritores Finland France, Japan, Netherland Yurstavia: China, Denmark and Gaecheslovakia are ilstrated in meticulous accuracy and super our Entrains Gor mater wiley com tinues unabated particularly in r= Inton tothe era of World War 1 Here are documented in fascinating detail the eap badges, cviionl signs, ‘campeign flashes and other insignia ‘shigh il evoke sharp memories of Many’ ofthe great campatgns ofthe 1938-1043 periods and recall deeds of daring and! prowess in every etn spe ar heater vome covered he of Bain, Germany, the USA a Banie cieg le orem tod together with hse they Fee Seat thet complet proetat o thetadges an inden ever publi {n't pice rangecA book hich wll ppeal othe waganer and mary SSinaat a rec oe fo te gence fader, infact anyone wha hes been eval the cater Ue erat et Word Warf Mr, Resgnol's magoiicent ihe tradons the Buk of palttaing scare, ae complemented by an or tative text whlch Intec rial toes nthe rics of enc coun Army Badges and Insignia of World War 2 Book Two Brith Commonwealih, Canad, South Aftica Bish Afran Terrors, Ind, Beth Overseas Testes, ‘Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, Yugosavs, China, Denmark, Cechoslorakia ' Army Badges and Insignia of World War 2 Book Two British Commonwealth, Canada, South Aftica, British African Territories, India, British Overseas “Territories, Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, ‘Yogoslavia, China, Denmark, Czechoslovakia by Guido Rosignoli BLANDFORD PRESS sua 0.7197 0747 & All sights reserved. No part of this book may be Fepnoduced or timid In any form or by an? [eans, electronic or mechani, including phowo- Copying, recording or by any information storage Gnd revival rem without person ia wing ‘rom the publisher. rise Sa Great Briain by ‘Richard Cay (Phe Chaucer Pres) Lid ‘Bungay Sule To Friedhelm Ollenschlager ons onpaassaggsares ii Ulidalndid Aca, P.M. Parasori Lieut -Col Royal Vogl Arr ;Presidenof the on enniny G-Coniwnet Avoca Dra Mali a ritish Commonwealth For farther ders ee drm Bais and iia of Worl War 2, Bok t a 4" toon afer the outbreak of World War 1 Canadian coningene were to the United Kingdom and eventually formed the st "Army, under the supervision ofthe Canadian Miltary Head- 38 closely flowed the pater of Beish Army uni= re I epimentl and i : i May 1893, "The Canaien Ensinccr Corp andthe Ordnance Store Corps were naiaedon#Jly 1993 thefrner evenly was reesenated the ‘Royal Canaan Engineer and the later became the Royal ‘Canadian Ordoance Corp. ‘The Canadian Army Service Corps wat fnsttted in December 19:3 andthe Royal” was added to the tie in 1919. The Canadian Sigualieg Tostrucional Stall, later to become the ‘Royal Canadian Corps of Sigs, was als formed in 1915. “The Canadian Army Pay Corps was orgaised on t January 1907 and the prt Rapa at nde to i in 1920 “The Royal Canadian Army Medial Corps was formed on 2 July 1904 snd the Royal Canadian Dena Corp in 1939, aldhough the mila come ponent ofthe Corps had en ia extence tnce 1915. The Canadian leerial and Mechanial Engineers was instituted on t Febraity 1944 fd became ‘Repl less thn thes months ltr. The Canadian Provost (Corps was orpanised in May 1040 "The Nord West Police wes formed in May 1873 to keep lw and ordet in the trois of western Canada, I took active part a quelling the 18 Rebelion and ae, in 1899, 245 members ofthe force Yunteced to take par in the South Aftcan War. The North-West Police became ‘Rapa fn 1904 and in 1920 the force was renamed the Royal Canadian ‘Mounted Police and is jarisicion was extended to the whale of Canada. ‘A geet umber of ‘Mounted volunteered for service orcas Ging ‘World War 1 bur only in 1918 were two squadrons ofthe Royal Nore ‘Wet Police seat overseas coe ro France and the othe 0 Siberia, Uns of mounted policemen aso saw active service during World Wat Plate . Cap Badges Arms ond Serves ‘The Canadian Postal Corps was rsed in May 1911 and provided postal {haites forthe tee services during both world war, while the Corps (ot Miiary Staff Clerics has been employed ia its administrative re snce ‘World War 2 only. The Canadian Invligence Corpe was instuted in Otaber 1943. “The badge ofthe Canadian Genera Service x probably the best known | and the most rpial amongst the Canadian exp badges, The sme badge ‘was in use during Woeld War f. There are two sila variations of the badge of the Royal Miliary Calicge, respectively with an Engh and a French moto, The later has been Musate, while the moo ofthe nglih badge reads Trath« Duty «Valour. "The Chaplains wote the usual Bish exp badges, with Chisian and Jewish vations. The tadger of the Canadian Armoured Ping \Vebides Training Center and of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps ako resemble two well-inown Britsh badge, The Canadian Armoured ‘Corps was formed on 13 Anguit 1940 and was granted the prefix Royal” ‘on 22 March 1945. The formation ofthe Canadian Infantry Cops tas Sushocsed on 2 September 1942, The Canadian Parachute and the 6 f, {gh Princess Louis's Dragoon Guards Al the eter cavalry regiments Shere raed during the Year preceding Wood Wart. Plate 5. Cap Badges Gacary "The rhs Mounted Ries, usd in 1907, was redsinated the Masizoba ‘Mounted Risin 192th cap badge ofthe at Butalion was made of ‘ras with an addinal Tet between te forelegs ofthe bulldog, "The 27th Light Horse wa formed in 1910 and became the 14th (Canadian Light Horse in 193 later bocmingehe eh Reconalsance Regiment la-1939. The prancing horse badge was then replaced by ‘ypical Canaan mot the maple let Asinslar badge ws ed by the ort Garry Horse: it shows the gateray of Fore Gary lathe cente of ‘Winnipes on a maple lea, This repiment absorbed the Manta Horse, formety the a2nd Light Hors, in December 1996 end wa redesigned ‘the 1th Armoured Reginent (The Fore Garty Horse ia to, During ‘the Normandy landings i as pare of the and Canadian Armoured Brigade, supporting the Sth Infunry Brigade of the 3rd Canadian Divion, ‘The 96th Prince Edward Island Lighe Horse was the last ofthe old (Canadian cavalry repent, Te was rascd in 1919 and Beare # motoe ‘machine-gun brigade afer World War 2 “The motor machine-gun brigades were teramed armoured cat rep: sent in 1936, The lai three cap badges were worn by aoured Woops tnd never had any connection With the cavalry. hate 6. Cap Badges Derinnng ofthe ninctenth ceatury. The ‘Hasty P¥ fought in Tay and North-Western Europe, ‘Montmagny, The Sain John Fuses, Le Regiment ¢ Chtevoguay sand the North Nova. Scotia Highlanders were all ns. Te sar inthe eap badge of the former comes from, cme nize of the fst budge lutated, An aogether dileent badge was fmoduced fn 1940 when the regiment became part of the Canadian ‘Plate 10. Cap Badges ‘Active Service Fore. — Iefeiry “The Royal Montreal Regiment served in Nonh-Wester Europe at ‘The Three Rivers was tank rogiment while the regiments de Québec ‘Calas in 194,00 the Sch and the Leopold Cana. The last badge, of| And dea Chavdiere were machine-gun unis. The later took part in the {he Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders shuld not be confused ‘Normandy landing on D-Day and te ensuing campaign in Europ. ‘oth the Igao-33 badge ofthe Stormeat and Glengarry Regiment which "The baige of Lex Fealirs du St-Laurent wat made of Bronze; its Js the leters°S & Gin ts centre. The repent agopted an entirely entre scroll shows the epimental ein Engh "St Lawrence Fuses. dierent badge in 194% israted in the following plate |The cap badge ofthe Royal Winnipeg Ries was incoduced in the late tose withthe previous badge a fr centre; the moto below the devil ‘ade Hote Ace Nomina. World War 1 ate Bonours are plced oa {he wreath and the ‘South Atria 1899-1900" atthe botom, centre. The Geary the Edmonton Regiment originate fom the rors Infantry Regimen; the later was renamed the Loyal Edmonton Reginent in 1943. Stary the CGalpury Repiment and the Highlander oripinae from the tofed Rep ‘ent tnd were divided in 1924, Later the Calgary Regiment was con~ ‘ered fos armoured rele while the Calgary Highlander remained ‘The fest Boropean settlement in Southern Aiica was merely «staging fost forthe use of the ships ofthe Dutch East Toda Company on the Foyegebetecen Europe and the East Indies. Daring the second al of the eveneenth century a militia was raed by the seers for thet own ose of regiments whose history star before the extabliahment of the Union fod thove ofthe repiments raised after 1910. Plate 12. Cap Badges ‘Arms and Series ‘Anum of dierent cap budges have been worn by the Ariliery persca- ‘el daring the present century. The xp bee ofthe Cape Pld Aery as adopted in tga: this unt originates from the 1s Field Regiment Prince Alted's Own Cape Feld Artiley) South Aftican Artery, a ‘badge exists aswell The personel ofthe S.A Instructional Corps were the fist cap badge on the lef frm 192310 194 when anew badge was adopted, which however was later discarded. “The Special Service Butalion was formed on $ May 1939 and its badge epics © prove, «plant particularly common inthe Western Cape Province. The bavalon betame an armoured unit in 1043 and ie cep badge was changed o white mel and ler aftr ue wa, the sae ‘etal badge was used by the Special Service Batalion which had Boome {Vining regiment. At the same time the brass badge wat worn BY personel of the General Services Caps “The Pincers wore white meal and bronze cap badges from 1934 t9 {40 when the pesnnel af the Ponce Batalion was absorbed ito the Special Service Butalion. The round ‘spring exp badge was worn BY several unis and was made in diferent see and metal some example ‘ofthis badge exis with a coma above. The bronze badge of the General Services Cosps caried the iingual motto—Union i Stength— -Bendracht Mankt Macht—surrounded by a wreath. The sare baie, bat ‘ade in brass was also worn during World Wart by the voluateers of the Imperial Service Contingent, anda white metal variation of this badge ‘was used bythe Cadets ntl 1049. "The first pater of te 8.A, Tank Corps badge was adopted in 194 for the newly-formed No, Armoured Car Company but in September 1941 ‘new badge was adopted, wor until 19,2 The Technical Services Corps ” ‘the Dutshana expeition ofr, bat oficial I was formed on 29 Api 1885 although fs origias could be uaced os far back as December 1862, ‘The cap badge iarrated en the left was troduced In 1935 although 4 Jagger versio of the same badge was worn unl us before World War 1 ‘The numeral on the right, stands for 3rd Mounted Rides and was worn ‘on the coloured fash on the lft side ofthe elm, unt about 1940. "The Unies Mounted Ries wat formed in September 1865 la Natl ‘The me cap badge, which ergy was made white metal, hasbeen worm since 1892. The Royal Durban Light Infincry had badges ofthe ‘Durham Light Infatry wl 1919 and it tide was changed to Royal ‘Durban Lin 1935; This anit wa formed ip Neal on 16 Apel 1873. "The Plt City wat raked on 4 October 1875 as arepiment of the Cape ‘Colony and the cap badgeistated was adopted Ia 1924. This cp badge ‘eat wor onthe blmeral ona patch of Graham of Montrose tartan singe ‘hour apgi Inthe period 19495 during the Teaan cama the as “gent smalgemated withthe Capo Town Highlander andthe personne ‘henew unt wore a yellow (op) and green feathers ache instead of «cap badge. Te Kimberley Reine tac rs to 177 bt wat auly red from exiting unt of te Cape Colony in 1899. Although bess fap badges were wed before and after the war, for 1939 0894S bronze [Gages ere worn aswell The Karin Riles enther uni of Cape ‘Golony whi was formed on 29 November 1883, The oficers wea oaly ‘aims, on ard cord bss. The Queen's Own Cape Town Highlanders ‘as formed on 15 July 1885 and dope te cap badge ilseted in about pez. Beant badges were usually wor, but bronze badges were also ‘ed during the war and whi meal badges ater toys dae tthe borage wat acon yan vom unt ofan ee epiace y fealar Tig or wearin pone Sa on tn ek tres The fret Bdge ots feginet served in Madauecr an ne ia Taly wah he 6 SAL Fine sce in aap = ie SA ‘Armoured Division. ine 7 “The Roman IV wat «badge made in Egypt and was worn onthe beret by peronnel of te th S.A. Ampoured Brigade, which wed 4 be part ‘ofthe British 7&h Ammoared Divison. ‘After the amalgamation of the Witwatersrand Ries and the Dela Rey a the personnel of the new wit wore plain shoulder ttle type ‘Badge on the Bree “the Pretoria Highlanders wa aware regent, ised in 1939, crgialy formed the 6th S.A Infary Beaade, oper with the alone. Later wat tse a & replacement unt for he Royal Carabiners aod Umvot) Mounted. Ride. The Natal Seotaah formed the 3rd Butalon ofthe 1st Reserve Brigade patch of Mackenzie tartan was wor ser the todge. The South Allen Tish was abutalion faised in Trancaa in December 1939, and with the gd Traneral Soot {ih aod the Repinent Botha formed the th S.A. Brigade, The South ‘Mian Tesh ltr vere part of the 18t SA. Infamy Divison in North ‘Attia where evenly che survivors were defted othe Bocha Regiment ag3p = part of the Active Citizen Force; it contributed with drafts to tier regimens. The ap badge ofthe 1st Mounted Commando Regiment ‘ras wom onl from December 19 the flowing February. The motto {nthe scroll reads: ‘Vestiga Nulla Retosun’. The 1st Reserve Brigade ‘sre a the beginning ofthe war ab «Line of Communications wait aad was formed by a numberof separite batalions. Thve without tele ‘own badges swore that of the tignde. The Nate Miltary Corps was, fumed in rgyo snd comprited penonnel of the Noa-Eurepean Ary Services, A aration ofthis badge hus the Imperial Grown a the fp, ENGC. exis os well and its snare the Bash engineer’ badge, wth ‘wreath and crown an with thease badge forming centre. Theater fap badge: i made of brass. British African Territories 1 would take mote than few pages to wrt even the refs torical ‘count relevant to dis chapter A glace atthe pole rap fa tiry~ {ea-old sn woul help to undcrtan the situation facing Great Brain before Worid War 2. The Heth teres ia West Aa were seatered Abog the cout andy ia the Eas, Abyoinin and Telian Somaliland ‘parsed Bish Sooulland from the bl ofthe British tetris, ihe 1/1 KAR, a KAR and 3 (MG) KAR. The shy om the 7h wo the 3st KALR, were progresively numbered. On A June 1943 a new system of designation was introduced by which the oblique stake ofthe dupliated battalions was said end abrevia= ‘ame of the recruiting trtory were added. Thus for sample the 11 KAR. was redesignated 1 (Ny) K-A.R, the 2 became heat (Ny) KAR and thet (MG) KA. became the 31 4) (MLG) KAR. These thre bcalions were ecuted in Nyesaand, Ober aDore~ atone were “TT for Tangeaika, "U” for Uganda, "K’ for Kenya and "Son for Somaliland. The 1/3 KCAR. became 3 EA.) Reece Regt and Ist an armoured car regiment. The 4t Ny) QUG.)RA. Ba, RAR. was formed in 1044. “The bugle and crown badges were worn by officers onthe service dress prisons edt the tran aura Artie ce Alam iy i tie sand edbwtalions ofthc ater were withthe Lh Aza in South East Aa, ‘The cap badge of the Rhodesian African Riles depicts two spats ‘rose wth a naive cub, on an Afdcan sield. This regiment was formed on 1 July 1940. * : * ‘The Somali Guards came loo being in 1941 a units detaled to the ‘of PLOW. comps. They were fedesigated the Somali ‘Guards in toga sod th Somaliland Scouts te Jae ur. "A mamber of oter series corps balge have Ben seated; tl were fj ue during the war only. No.1 Signal Training Company was ibaaded {1947 andthe Suan Defence Force cated to exist when Sodan became "Tn sbeldshaped badge of the 70h Bary, th SA. Pld ‘ase ‘as made in Tay daring the wa this was a forma ‘Gon ofthe eth S.A. Armoured Division. The badge depicts a Rhodesian [Spmbol a these gunner were infact Rhodesian. India ‘The Honourible Batt India Company ad inthe seventeenth century pened fo mn trading poss in Nudes, Bombey tnd Calcuta and ‘eeded arned guards to protect is warehouses and propery and its trom ‘hee anal Beginning hat the present Indian Army derived "Due to distance andthe act thar hey ould nly beseached bs sea hree separate armies rere ferme cach Presidency having is oth respestive sommanderinchich "These id not come together at One ‘ray unc 1903 "Wh the excrption of the Gurkha Rifle ll infantry regiment cone sisted of one batalion only and his led o considerable diel in sup- Dying reinforcements during Woeld War tv that in 1923 the whole of {he infantry was formed ito twenty repiments each of fou, Bie or sx Iatalons with ene more acting asthe Dep batalion. "The 3d Maras Regiment was subsequent divbanded ts axe baalion appearing in 1928, and the aod Burma Ries was wansered to that ‘country when it was separate from India ‘At the sume dae the number of cavaly regiments as reduced by smlamation and Before Woeld War 3 ll the Ploncer Reginets had ‘been dabanded. Plate 18 Cap Badges Coeairy Skinner’ Hors (1s Duke of Yo’s Own Cavalry) wat ried in 2809 by ‘Captain J. Skinner and was then known ss Skinners Corps of Teel Hlors, The repiment became astocated withthe Duke of York in 1895 ‘hur the White Reve in the badge Tieuteant-Colonel W. L Gardner raised anacher corps of ieglar Ihre in toy later to merge with the ath Cavaly formed in 1838, The stand the Sth Cavalry, reapectivey, were alsed im 141 and 1846 athe ‘rand the 17th regimens of Bengal Ieglar Cavalry. Hodson's Horse ‘ras sed in 1857 and was pl into we regents the year after, These elem were amalgamated in 1923, "The sth King Edad VI's Own Lancers Probyn's Hors) andthe 3th Caley were ried in 1857 athe tnt and the and regiments of SB ‘vegule Cavalry. The 4th Sikh Tregular Cavalry, le to become the 49h Duke of Connaught’ Lancers (Watson's Hore) was raised in 1858 bil the 16d Cavalry is 1gaa merging partner, was ane in 1885 a the 16h Bengal Cavalry. ” ? L i Deccan Horse and the 2pth Lancers (Decean Hors) ‘Deccan Howe (th Horse in 1922 were both unis ‘Another unit fom Hyderabad was che 3ech Lancers ‘which was ealsed in 1836 asthe th Repent Niza ad in p23 contributed tothe formation ofthe th King George ‘of Guides was formed in 1846 and after numerous re- it bocme the Guides Cavalry (toh Queen Vistori’s Own Force) in 1933, whe the Prigce Albert Vicor's Own Caray rotier Force (i) was fie in 18 a8 the Ist Pura Caley tovocated with Prine Albert nly in 1890, The 3d Punjab ralied in rhgy and war renamed 23td Cavalry (Proner Jb Cavalry wat ab raised in 1849 and later became the ‘Cavalry (Protir For) and ally, in 1904 was redesignated the i" il aU ei : ‘Alary Hors, which was redesignated the Poona Autllary Horse in $808. The gd became afated to Queen Vitoria in ty while the ther teiment became the Prince Albert Vic's Own in 1890. "Th fh and the 1th Benga ereguae Cavalry were ised ia 1843 and 1846. Te former becarne a Bengal evary regiment ater the Mutiny and {he 6th (Prince of Wale) Regent of Bengal Caray in 1883. In 1926 ies reed the Gh King Eatery Ov Ceara a 1932 with the 7th Harina Lancers to fom the r8uh King Edward Vite Own Casi. “The 18th King George's Own Lancers andthe 19th Lancers (Fane's Hors) joined rants ina to form the 19th King George V's Own Lancers. The former was the and Mahratta Hore of 1858 and the later was Fane’ Horse, rie in 1860, “Tc ow rpiments that smalgamate in 1922 form the sath Lancers were asd in 1857 and 1858 the former asthe Jt Horse Yeomanry and {the ter asthe Multan Regiment of Cavalry. ‘The Cental India Horse 21st King George V's Own Horse wat formed by the 3803 and apth King Geoege's Own Central Horse. Both {opment were itodin 185, te former ts Mayne's Horse andthe ater {ts Bostaces Horse and both became Prince of Wales regiments in 1906 ‘tnd the 3th and goth King George's Own Central India Horse in 1910, “The Governor General's Body Guard was rane in 1773. The Pata st (linda) Lancers were part of the a3ed Indian Division, one of fcr eran ofthe Tan Sates oe tht Tua aly a ‘World War feu ‘The infantry regiments, a the cavalry, were reorganised and had thee ‘les changed fever tines during thelr extence. The supply and fe- ‘egipping ofthe Zndlan unis fad proved a difical task daring World ‘Wart and therfore in 2923 all te exiting tepla btalion were re= srouped a part of large revinen "The cap badge, kstesed of the 1st Panjab Regiment is an ofcer's ‘badge made of sve and pt; white metal badges were sed bythe other aks. The ‘rag’ win granted oo fis Datallos for sevice inthe (Chins War. "The hirtory and tradions of cach ballon provides fascinating reade fing, For instance the 1st Batalion, 1st Panjab Regimen, was the former ‘and Punjabis (igo) sel at Nadas in 1759 fom waits already in fexinence. Ie was ten the 3rd Batalion of Coast Sepoys, became the 2nd ‘Gamatc Btaion in 1769 and, suecessvely the 20d Maden Bavalio in ‘pty the tat Batalon ofthe and Repent of Madeas Nate Iaatey in ‘pt, the and Regiment of Madras Naive Infantry in 1824 the 20d * ‘Regiment of Madras Infutry in 1885 and the and Madeas Infitry intocr. i gaz the 1st Panjab Regiment was formed of six batalion but the .gé Batlion was later disbanded this batalon had originated from 8 {hic ralsed in 1776 by te Nawab of Oudh and became the 1st Babamas inwes. The other brains ofthe 1st Punjab Regiment and of the 2nd Puna Hoh Inte th Iafcey eth Bataion “The sth Battalion was disbanded in 1923, the 3rd and thin 1930 and ‘the 10th became part of another regiment. “The sh Mahratta Ligh Ifa eignates fon nis ofthe Bombay ‘ative infantry which became Mahratatartalions in 1903 ‘Plate 20. Cap Badges Infos ‘The cap badge ofthe Gh Rajputana Rifles was made of Whckened meta and the badge ofthe 1th Bauch Regiment, ustrated, was the fice ‘arr, silver pated, Te offers also wore plain Reman on acre fin cord boron the service cap. Tse Set Se battalions of the 6th Faiputana were ciginally from the Bombay Native infty. Te 20th artalon wat wt from Bengal ‘After 186 the battalions ofthe 7th Rejut Regiment (1gaa) all were ‘Bengal ative infantry regimens; the las the Toth, was Known a8 the epiment of Lucknow becuse, formed by loyal men of the 13, 48th and 71st Bengal Native Intantey, i took parti the defence of Lacow. "The batalions of the 8th Punjab Regiment were ergially Madras ” fatantey that all but one, became Punabis batons in 1903 Tn 1891-3 they iad "arma added to thei tide and the las, the 330d Regiment Ged Bursa Bacalion) Madras Infantry was redesignated gard Burma Taney in 1903 "The 15 and the 3d batalions of the oth Jat Regiment derived frm Bombay naive Tul the 2nd from the tous Native Tafanry {in 1857 and became the 3th, sn and 33d Pu nanny Yt. Te ‘sh Baan (Bhopal wa rnd in 1859 he Bhopal Ley and bec {he oth Bhopal Infrzyin 1903. The oth Bao, the 4th Pans faivd in 1807, the and in 1858 and the 3rd 19, The year alter they ‘ecame the 37th, ith and ist Dogra Intute, redesignated 37th, 3803 ‘ata, fet Dogs In ty they became pe of te same gine 1022. "The it Baralion, rch Royal Gahval Rifles was ated in 187 athe ‘ath Punhb Taney or the Hazara Gurkha Ballon. Ic was numbered ‘the thin 1861. “Te Gin and the geh were mse in 187, the former a the Cutack ‘Legion, while te later was Known asthe Mainpra Levy ine 1819, The » British Overseas Territories ‘Awide ary of bages hasbeen del with in this chapter, spanning from fe cap badges of Jeney and Guerssey units to thos wor 6 oa is Jn th Far an ond lande ofthe ace Oca. 1 apologi he ender Ef prhps, some of ter ny eval tum ato be pre-war nga {and | welzme, and a aivays senching for, any Fetes Information ‘which could ears my koowtcige ofthis fcinuing bet In pst centre, Betsh colon, protectors, manda, ce. Were spread all ver the word, Some wer lrg eo and sme nal (ocr, inclaing inland, which were sed ms staging ports by the Royal ‘Ninyontad sols rsp alse forthe defense hele Eni Plate 25. Cap Badges Micelawa ie ina: Dec Fe we rn Mach 939 ray ih an rtlery role, Ia 1944 after the return ofthe evan ad ten prevy cn a dsm rete [GE became compulory forall izes. Regiment, “The King's Own Malta Regiment chims descent from the Maka ‘Miia ofr8s2-7altbough other military units existed eater. Wadopred the presen ide in t93r and was previously known as the King’s Own ‘Malta Regineot of Nii. Tis cap badge sa re-adaptation of the helmet plate centre and wes worn on a fod and whe acting which appeared bchind the cross. Those were the colour of the Norman House of Hiauterile which tock Malt from the Arab in 190. The Maltese Cross ‘the Daca t hecp tade o hs Royal ia Arey. Wea formed in September 1942 by Beth, To Arcs wanna te he nga ea Sse. "The Falkland Inlands Defence Fore was mobilised in 1939 and was “ ‘tation on the sand of Ascension, north of Se Heng; later the nd ‘became a United Stes Oe "The Marius Toland fn te Tndan Ocean cast of Madagascar, pro- vided two miltary nits Terral Force andthe Mauriar Regiment. ‘Mila riley nits were ated in Jamaica nd Beith Guiana, a well as intary. They wed cap badges slr tothe RA. pattem but with dierent inscriptions in the seals. Plate 24 Cap Badges ‘Mclloee ‘The Bekich Guiana Mila was the warine infantry unit of the eclony, ‘which in 1948 was redesignated the Beth Guiana Volunteer Force. The ‘ap badges of both unis have been Iustated. eminia was discovered by Chritoper Columb and, as was the ‘ae with other Cartean islands, ie was a bone of contention between ‘iain and France alter the deine of Spanish power wat it Bally be- ‘ame British in 1783, In 1871 Dominica and some other islands in the ‘orth were jlned to forma the federation ofthe Leeward Islands Colony. {In 1542, Dominisa became one ofthe Windward Iniands Group. Colac ‘bos dicorered Montserat in 1493 and the Bay of Honduras in 1502. ‘Some seers from St Christopher (St Kits) nnd oa the ferme in 1632, whl the Best Bet seerents in Honduras were et up i 1638. ‘akish Hendaras became rmporant for is Jopwood trade and in 1817 the Prince Regent coaferred the ile of Pence Regents Royal Honduras ‘Mila upoa ta oa mi: Thea Honduras te emememorte i the cap badge ofthe Bish Honduras Defence Force. “The Antigua Defence Fore ha had thre Badge, ltoogh cay to sf hese have ben lsat. The tied badge depicts a plaepple, (as {he centre of the fist one sre) above a scroll inscribed “Antgu ‘The Bermads Volunteer Rile Compe vas rated in 1895 and the Barbados Volunteer Force in 1902. After World Wat 2 both tits were ARMY BADGES AND INSIGNIA sive 3 a 8 Ciena “7 OB LUxIFORMS oF THE AMERICAN BB REVOLUTION owe Jno Melis an Mak MacGngo * ows LMIFORMS OF WATERLOO IN govoun > * Bit arth SBN 071370747 land Pre Lid {ik Hoan, Wes Sie, Fine Des BIS TL

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