Resume 2014

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27 35 Normandy Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0L4 Te e!hone" #$%7& 334'77%2 sarah(ri)hardson*yesnet(yk()a +,-.AT/0N 1 .+RT/2/.AT+3
2011-2014 Yukon Nati4e Tea)her +du)ation 5ro6ram #YNT+5& Yukon College; Whitehorse Yukon Currently completing final semester with 3. ! "#$ -ni4ersity o7 Leth8rid6e9 %eth&ri'ge( $) )achelor of $rts an' *cience - Complete' .5R Le4e . A+, .erti7i)ation, 3t( :ohn Am8u an)e 9 Whitehorse, YT

200 2010

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2014 + i>ah 3mith + ementary .oo!eratin6 Tea)her" ,ar8y Ne?nham Whitehorse, YT "ra'e 4 4 month #rofessional +nternship ,ecei-e' ./utstan'ing0 on final e-aluation + i>ah 3mith + ementary .oo!eratin6 Tea)her" ,e8 +d@ert@a Whitehorse, YT "ra'e 4 1 month #racticum 1aught a -ariety of su&2ects inclu'ing a full 3irst 4ations cultural unit 53ur 1ra'e6 Ro8ert 3er4i)e 3)hoo .oo!eratin6 Tea)her" A ison Aarton ,a?son .ity, YT "ra'e 3 2 week practicum 1aught a -ariety of lessons in multiple su&2ect areas Takhini + ementary' .oo!eratin6 Tea)her" Linda Lamers Whitehorse, YT "ra'e 789 "irls 4 week practicum 52 weeks in fall an' 2 in spring6 1aught a -ariety of lessons in multiple su&2ect areas Galbraith Elementary Cooperating Teacher Wilma Clack Leth8rid6e, AA "ra'e 283 10 week practicum 1aught lessons an' worke' one-on-one with stu'ents as nee'e' /&ser-e' teaching metho's( lesson plans( 'iscipline( etc.





27 35 Normandy Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0L4 Te e!hone" #$%7& 334'77%2 sarah(ri)hardson*yesnet(yk()a

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2012 : #resent 3u8stitute Tea)her Whitehorse, YT ;<perience in all gra'es from 2-9 ;<perience in multiple Yukon schools inclu'ing= o ;li2ah *mith ;lementary o *elkirk ;lementary o 1akhini ;lementary 2013 > 2014 .oordinator Co ey8a Yukon .ham!ionshi!s Whitehorse, YT Coor'inate' Yukon Championships for all Yukon communities Create' tournament sche'ule "enerate' coaches package /r'ere' me'als( sponsorship a'-ertising( etc. 2010 - #resent . erk, Whitehorse ;ea th .enter Whitehorse, YT "reeting clients( Customer *er-ice )ooking chil' health an' tra-el -accination appointments Creating( organi?ing an' maintain client files 2011- 2013 3er4er, Aurnt Toast Whitehorse, YT *er-e 'inner an' &runch *er-e pri-ate Christmas parties *er-ing( &arten'ing an' &ussing

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2012 3u8Dero Co ey Aa . u8 Assistant .oa)h Coache' 14 an' 1@ year ol' girls team Coache' an' chaperone' trip to ;'monton for tournament #ractice 4 hours8week Resear)h Assistant, -ni4ersity o7 Leth8rid6e Leth8rid6e, AA /rgani?e 'ata from sur-eys onto ;<cel; -iew 'ata correlations Ase 'ata to create results write-up( in-ol-e' 'ata comprehension( attention to 'etail an' long work hours without super-ision;


27 35 Normandy Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0L4 Te e!hone" #$%7& 334'77%2 sarah(ri)hardson*yesnet(yk()a
,esearch paper pu&lishe' in the Bournal of ;-olution an' Cuman )eha-iour.

,ar8y Ne?nham Cooperating 1eacher :;li2ah *mith ;lementary 5 796 779-@!!2 Ai Ro8erts Y41;# #rofessor 5 796 77 - 9 3 Linda Lamers Cooperating 1eacher- 1akhini ;lementary 5 796 332-4022

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