Letter and Rubris

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Dear Parents and Guardians, For the past several weeks, your child has been studying the

impact of inventions introduced to American society in the 1800s. Most recently, we have been investigating what life was like before and after these inventions were introduced. The goal for this unit is for students to understand that inventions have the power to change the future. The local Childrens History Museum, located in Harrisonburg, Virginia is hosting a grand opening event for their newest exhibit: Inventions Throughout History!, on November 27, 2013 at 12:00 PM. In order to promote this new exhibit, the museum is asking for students to create art pieces that portray the impact of inventions in American history. Your child will choose one of four inventions (the cotton gin, the reaper, the steam locomotive, and the steamboat) to focus on in their artwork. The museum is asking that students include what life was like before and after the invention was introduced, in their creative piece. Students have the freedom to use whichever materials they have access to, however I will provide paint, markers, crayons and construction paper for them to use as well. In addition, the museum is asking for students to provide a one-word title for their artwork, which best summarizes the impact of the invention on American society. For the next ten days, students will be given at least twenty minutes a day, in class, to work on their art work for the museum exhibit. The final deadline for this assignment is November 20, 2013. This is a strict deadline due to the fact that all artwork needs to be delivered to the museum and displayed in the new exhibit. This awesome opportunity provided by the local Childrens History Museum also serves as a great way for me assess your childs understanding of this topic, without the use of a typical test. Through the use of this performance- based task, I will be able to asses students understanding of this topic and their ability to apply knowledge gained throughout this unit. The directions and rubric for this assignment are located in your childs Social Studies folder. If you have the time, please review the directions and rubric with your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Again, the grand opening of this exhibit is November 27, 2013 at 12:00 PM. We will be taking a school bus to and from the Childrens History Museum in Harrisonburg. We will depart John Wayland Elementary School at 11:00 AM and return at 2:00 PM. Parents and guardians are more than welcome to join us in this exciting event! Thank you very much for your support, Ms. ONeill (540-945-3456, oneillra@jmu.edu) __________________________________________________________________________________ **Please sign and return this section by November 20, 2013.** I, _______________________, give permission for my child, _____________________, to participate in the event at the Childrens History Museum, on November 27, 2013.

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