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BW at7-2 ee ae oe aS SRE TIER * SCRA RR BUS UCOUDC eee ue as Grammar Exercises MRE MPS LE © AAMRARRHMSS | ee conforms to the Japanese Language Proficiency Tet ‘est Content Speciieations OLB LSRR RACBRRR ives conjunctive forms as well as explanations and meanings in English OS RECHG LAREME Practice exercises almed at individual grammatical structures RU T-a-2 Shc Be 63, Sug sto-chme Cab, Ty 10-008 atone bol HORNA RR RIS HSL a ONS EA EOP OMARERD OFM EMI, PERCE MIAME LE ERRES ESI S RERMS METER AMA TOSLI TT. RETA BIRR ORRIN) 2-2 CE TH, 2 BOF CMSA TOR TH, SRTEME LI EBRORIEOLO, ET MAREN TRY Ete ELLE RIOR RS ERR HET ORE TRAY BREDH GOOLE I CT RBEBEAT BHC HRE Lhe PATI, CERRORE RR UAGN [ORATIC (2002 FURIE Ss RUINS HR LAUT) CMTE RTO STEER [RSE, RIRERE (790 HERE L fee AR OMMRMLE, AROMMESSICL EHS, Ok, MMT SMM ERICA To ARLE Utes Bf, BCMA TSMR, RETR FS ire ecred RECHMOT CEUTA SS CUE, RUE LaEE Cee, B15, AR MRM, OK, BAL CERL, MUMMCRA ERTL OCR SIEM T, RRC LSWAOMFINE EON SE COR, MEL TORT. PRIMEY ELC, AME ky ATF OMRMESL, ROE Dh, AWE SL ECDC T WMI RY EL ORM EO ELE PELAIUE, SCIe Tm COUPLE ET, HENGE TRIM EDL COSTA. BK. CCM Rb MSREBIIL CERES. EHTEL OORT MORE R EA, SARSHEMUETH, BRITOA, TALEC CREM MEEOTH, ser 2005 45 9 wens aus Introduction ‘The numer of people taking the Japanese Language Proiiency Test JLPT) is increasing every year. Simulaly the number of Japanese learners who have Snisot suyng bai panes grammar and wis 0 conte thelkuowledge by taking the Level 3 exam before moving to more advanced study is also increasing. ‘Complete Master Seis texts covering grammar exercises for Levels | and 2 of ‘the ILPT were published a numer of years go, and this ested in many people asking why thre wasn sia eype of book for Level 3. Tas this prammar exerci textbook was published 1 meet he demand of people wing take the Level 3 teat well tee techs “This book i oughly divided iat seven sections based onthe Test Content Specifications forthe Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Revised Eaton), ‘which was created and edited by the Japan Foundation andthe Assocation of International Education, Japan, and published by Boojnsha. The wxage of Sapncse nd tn example questions fave ben drawn p by ting previous et as ‘reference and by amicipating the questions to be encountered in the fue Moreover, the vocabulary and expressions from the pevowly entoned book have boon sed as mich possi This book is designs for wea etbok in las, bu an ao be wc by people who sty Japanese alone, The meanings, grammatical consritions, ‘example sentences, and adic are given in sich a wy thatthe Ferner ean judge is own ability by doing he practice questions. To use the textbook more easy, there ate explanations in English and wetten kana alongside the Chinese Characins We would ket particulary thnk Ms Aiko Fuji Ms. Yoshiko Tsutsumi and Ms. Tomoko Sano, amongst thes, at 3 Corporation for thoi helpful and insets advieon completing this book, 1 hs took eps people to pss the Level 3 exam, a8 well thir teacher, we wil edeigted. IF you have any comments or opinions concerning thi bok May 2005 Mie higeno Kaoru Sekt Shige Nishiki ABESRWCBSALN | PELE ABET RRI ROR EDT AH, MOCCR X8ORR ABE L6G IE MII EON OSC 5 EHTEL IRL HLS CORT HAAS CTOOPARTICR ON TOET, PARTI V TER, IEE SEA HOMMOLVOR MMS CIB OM LTH PARTY UMP, £6, PART TEOROREMME RS TORT, ORE GG 1~ 10 CORFEOU, MAMET LOSMOMONTER! 2 Ute EH, MBORAC HK > CH, ARORMMM (EE 1995 F008) £ [2RADRRLMER! CHEAP I (HALE SL) OA, PAKMICCAM, BATES ECHMMHERAL, £O5KTHE MECROASLOERI ENE Lt 1, OMmReRE 5S) ROMMMM SEIS 7, AK. AMM RIMM LC [ORME] CR KE IRM OUPERML TORT. (ORE GMM IED I AFAR SH. AAO BRE LEO TR LORY CHAI ERK) Re. RIEBIL Ch, (REE SAMAR] OTA 8 ORC CTE UTMRRIEL. EAVUOL ONY HIRI LE LE. ELT REOES PORT LAMY CRPMERPTI SEF, MELEE CRIME IO THIET, ERTOMEOSEN TET. UH, Loom A cMROReS CORY, CLERICS HOE J ebayer EMM fawwIE, TE, Teta Ue GEE ABCRL THIET. oomA-ARORREH BOLI. OW, B, CERNE Lh, BREN CERES EREE, Hae MROFA GEORGI, WHE PEARTRLE Lice AED et, eh), RE Oa), HE Coad BEN) OFRMIOWTRLE LI RROSRMOBCOWTH, ATL LGROTREBE RORY LOTR. HEURES A TH ARSENE TRS MOAMLAICT SS ERDKS BECHLELE. 2) BR em, Me LCROL IE tom (vi Veesfom, Seton VeSfoom(—) VET oem oat VET Iomm( FA) Os lito orm we ¥fonn sot Vifonn sot Lona (aa) va ere adie) et (ene@e (eoa)) tea vee teag(—%) UE [am (N)) ! N by SETI BBE OTL, PARTI (6) AA (p50) M28. CHEM (ead) BLUSH () OF BH BACOWTIEROL RRL TAI ETS Pisin fom aon gust ad) oar va bak Be RACK ARMOMICRAL TAY ET, (ARMM) AE LCEMBORKC, LOMBOMAY, RM. Ah 2x, SAOCNEAM ERT SL OOMNMM EOS Lites (MRORD G2 CO THUMM OH THEBEL at) £Oth ck. HORTOSLONE, MAMBEBITEMEH, cf THLE L fee ERNE COMRMIL, BORLA Le EMBOMMCOUT, #ORLE LI 3. mm MB LORMAN, SLORY IAI, LOK FH ML AMMO MRE CEM RMS REM ME ARMENA (25 A) OUTST, THK, GRCLSPUMROE LOL CERAM RRMA DAOUTHE, ROMB. FF, MMOL A nna. 4 me HEL LTRARA EO TET | LORBMMELUERORSREAMOMEL LD, MEO SS EREL, SMOMORKED AL. fo Users of This Textbook | —Explanatory Notes— “Tis bok is designed foe apne langage ers ming tke Level othe Japanese Language Proficiency Tet Kena hem oinprove hr prficieney in Japanese easily and with cetany by cevising basic grammar and sentence peters, This bok const of 7 Pan Pars E40 ¥. the erratic iems or stares carat according tthe vt conjugation found in he sentence pate ois Function; Pat VI expats pices: and Pat Vil her grammatical pas Ech grammatical strstr sumed (1~120) fo easy erence In the process of slsctng the grammatical strictures, past est questions 1095) were analyze and else acoriag to aly el 3 grammar and expression ptr (ometies Level aerial wee also Incl) a ised in the Japanese Language Profiieney Test Test Content Specitication, The clawifcaion chou fcitaesiem recognition with all Ingtant items sing covered in his bok 1. Vocabulary and Writing Stem. tn det be clone a ile acl est questions, example sentences md spears inthe Vocabulary List for Level 3 and of he Jepapese Language Profceney Test (exceptions being katakana words and names of driaks, food. te. often used in daily compensation). With pads ote writing stem, Kanji characte a ited fo ‘hove of Levels 3 and 4 with hirgana being wen lace of more vanced Kan A Kani chars ae shown with their rama ratings soa anes who are weak in Kanji can concentrate the grammatical points 2. Structure Presentation ich grammatical steture is presen follows Where ferences exit ach item Hed and mumbo (1, 2, [an eae india Meanings AIEEE The meaning of the structure or item is given in English. When & strctre my hive more thn one weaning, hee ar own Separly (GB, ©), Adina explanation is ven in <> where comidrsd necessary to mae thems sivalen exis ing clearer of where exact English onjunesive forms EEE 1) The way of connecting the sem and ending forms he strate i shown bse onthe following four prs of spss er (Vane (6nd), saadjetve (ad) and noun (); however this does not always cove all possible ways of connosting the strastare. Oly ‘sci way of eonectig the item fr gramme questo at Level 3 ofthe gneve Language Pofceney Tes ae shown 2) Pants of speech and conjunctive forms, a6 a ele, are shown fas 1 vee fom wana (sb 4) VEU orm (==) iva ob) V2 Foon ima (1) VET om(~a8) i was Veli form i 3) oto or ioe (ows) Yorn ine 0 Vor ina Won) [esaajetve(U-a0))) Sa yal (PT) Sah) ase OT) Ueadjetve (1208) teas) mane (0 1) teas) me (BBD Inoon (NN sme (40) 5 For the pt frm and plain form, ee Pa (6) Pi oem (p.4). “Te non-stplin Frms of naajetives (rad) and ouns(N) ate stow as follows inform non past 42-45 binads (2 A texs(-#8) tine (0) N ameds (BHF) NOM) ame (BH) Example Sentences PIED Exanple sentences are shown nthe same mdr a the part of speech in ‘which the connections are posible, verses exercises atthe end of cach stractre examined to ‘infin basi waderstanding of conupatins and meanings. There ae some cases where exercises appeals Severalstucres nd relate 19 allo them Related structures sich a similar expression whee comparison sould be made ae shown ert ®_Aadiowat explanations such ana dference of wage berween expressionsaresbown afer @ regula forms for conjnations are shown ater ‘serch 1 ation to the exerises fr each grammatical stacte, athe end of every jon, thre ae practical exercises which include 25 questions that check for

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