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PROFICIENCY - Extra Practice

Name: ................................................

Part I Read the two texts below. Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key oints !rom both texts. "se your own words as !ar as ossible# and in$lude your own ideas in your answers. Write your answer in %&'(%)' words. Text 1 Nuclear Energy- At what cost? Giving the go ahead to a nu$lear lant is a great ste ba$kwards !or mankind. Nowhere in the world has anyone been able to guarantee the sa!ety o! nu$lear lants or !ound an ade*uate method o! dis osing o! nu$lear waste. +owever# many a government today seems to be willing to ex ose its o ulation to su$h risks. ,ven the argument that there would be no de enden$e on any !oreign ower !or energy su lies !alls !lat when one $onsiders we may have to im ort uranium and also the te$hnology re*uired to build and run a nu$lear ower lant. In !a$t# the initial $a ital ex enditure to !inan$e su$h a lant is astronomi$al and would $ertainly involve international borrowing to bodies like I-. and the World /ank. And who else but the tax ayer is to !oot the bill0 Text % A better record than other energy industries Ado ting nu$lear ower is one o! the most sensible de$isions a government $an take nowadays. It guarantees an endless su ly o! $hea energy with no worries about what ha ens the day $oal and gas run out. Peo le1s un!ounded emotional !ears may soon dissi ate on$e restri$tions on their ersonal $onsum tion are li!ted. -oreover# no longer will we wat$h $oal mines s$ar our lands$a e and ollute our air# not to mention the diseases miners run the risk o! $at$hing. /ut the strongest argument is that nu$lear sa!ety re$ords are good ones# whi$h $annot be said o! other energy sour$es. In today1s day and age I see little alternative to meeting our energy needs outside nu$lear ower. ( Write your essay in %&'(%)' words.

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