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0 Introduction Education in its broadest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual (e.g., the consciousness of an infant is educated by its environment through its interaction with its environment); and in its technical sense education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to another through institutions.[1] Teachers in such institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. This technical process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the compulsory education of youth.[2] Teachers in specialized professions such as psychology,may teach only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also instruction in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, e.g., at museums and libraries, with the Internet, and in life experience.

1.1 Background of the study A tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture; a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task. Depending on the context a tutorial can take one of many forms, ranging from a set of instructions to complete a task to an interactive problem solving session (usually in academia). Tutorial class In British academic parlance, a tutorial is a small class of one, or only a few, students, in which the tutor (a lecturer or other academic staff member) gives individual attention to the students. The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is fundamental to methods of teaching at those universities, but it is by no means peculiar to them; Heythrop College (University of London), for instance, also offers a tutorial system with one-on-one teaching. It is rare for newer universities in the UK to have the resources to offer individual tuition; six to eight (or even more) students is a far more common tutorial size. At Cambridge, a tutorial is known as a supervision. In Australian, New Zealand and South African universities, a tutorial (colloquially called a tute or tut in South Africa ) is a class of 1030 students. Such tutorials are very similar to the Canadian system, although tutorials are usually led by honours or postgraduate students, known as 'tutors'. At the two campuses of St. John's College, U.S. and a few other American colleges with a similar version of the Great Books program, a "tutorial" is a class of 1216 students who meet regularly with the guidance of a tutor. The tutorial focuses on a certain subject area (e.g., mathematics tutorial, language tutorial) and generally proceeds with careful reading of selected

primary texts and working through associated exercises (e.g., demonstrating a Euclid proof or translating ancient Greek poetry). Since formal lectures do not play a large part in the St. John's College curriculum, the tutorial is the primary method by which certain subjects are studied. However, at St. John's the tutorial is considered ancillary to the seminar, in which a slightly larger group of students meets with two tutors for broader discussion of the particular texts on the seminar list. Some US colleges, such as Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, offer tutorials almost identical in structure to that of an Oxbridge tutorial. At Williams, students in tutorials typically work in pairs alongside a professor and meet weekly, alternately presenting position papers or critiques of their partner's paper. Tutorial Schools There are also specialised schools for tutoring such as Kumon and EduHub. These supplemental hands-on learning programmes are especially popular in Asia. Conference Tutorials Conference tutorials are one example of a continuing education activity sponsored by a technical and professional association as a service to its members.

Internet Internet computer tutorials can take the form of a screen recording (screencast), a written document (either online or downloadable), interactive tutorial, or an audio file, where a person will give step by step instructions on how to do something. Tutorials usually have the following characteristics.

Computer-Based tutoring In computer-based education, a tutorial is a computer program whose purpose it is to assist users in learning how to use (parts of) a software product such as an office suite or any other application, operating system interface, programming tool, or video game. There are 3 kinds of software tutorials: 1) video tutorials that the user views, 2) interactive tutorials where the user follows on-screen instructions (andin some caseswatches short instruction movies), whereupon he/she does the tutorial exercises and receives feedback depending on his/her actions; and 3) webinars where users participate in real-time lectures, online tutoring, or workshops remotely using web conferencing software.`

1.2 Statement of the Problem For our students in public schools, the playing field is not level. It never has been level. It is less so now than ever before. Our current systems for placing students in instruction and for advancing students were designed for populations that were much less diverse than our student populations of today. What may have more or less worked one hundred years ago is now a failure for the overwhelming majority of our students. There are some fundamental assumptions built into the way we educate in Americas public schools today. These assumptions are all false, and declaring them politically correct will not make them true.

IT IS NOT TRUE THAT: 1. All children are already using computer in our generation. 2. Some of the children spend more time using computer than reading books. 3. Nearly 70% of children said that they much more likely play computer games than studying.

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