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Charlotte Kislevitz 3/4/14 Step 2 Component for Text Special Olympics !

o"th an# Schools

English 7

This reso"rce #emonstrates acceptance of people $ith #isa%ilities in a variety of $ays& 'irstly( the special olympics enco"rages #isa%le# )i#s to #o activities li)e sports( comm"nication( an# team$or)& *n the article +Special Olympics !o"th an# Schools,( on paragraph -( the $riter states that( +.o$( /a%riela0s parents feel her frien#ship $ith Christina ma)es her a %etter person( $illing to #efen# her o$n %eliefs&, This 1"ote sho$s ho$ the Special Olympics teaches )i#s to ma)e frien#s so that they can %e $ho they $ant to %e& There are n"mero"s examples $hy people $ith #isa%ilities sho"l# %e accepte#& 'irstly( people sho"l# %e accepte# %eca"se everyone is special an# "ni1"e in their o$n $ay& Secon#ly( people $ith #isa%ilities sho"l# %e accepte# %eca"se they are a%le to comm"nicate an# %e $ith people $ho they tr"st& *n the article +Special Olympics !o"th an# Schools,( on paragraph 4( the $riter states that( +Special Olympics0 free /et *nto *t learning c"rric"lim for schools K21-( implement in co"ntries aro"n# the $orl#( cele%rates the #iverse gifts of every st"#ent( $hatever his or her a%ility( an# intro#"ces yo"ng st"#ents to comm"nity service thro"gh a gro"p service2learning pro3ect&, This 1"otes sho$s ho$ special the Special Olympics is an# ho$ m"ch they help the )i#s $ho have #isa%ilities& 4lso( the Special Olympics accept the people $ho have #isa%ilities %eca"se they are a%le to %e aro"n# people li)e them& *n concl"sion( $hether #isa%le# people are in a Special Olympics program or not( people sho"l# still %e accepte#& This relates to a %oo) * rea# $hen * $as little calle# the +5gly 6"c)ling,& The +"gly #"c)ling, $as consi#ere# "gly an# $eir# %eca"se it co"l#n0t s$im as $ell as all the other #"c)lings co"l# an# he $as a #ifferent color then the other ones $ere& * thin) that the "gly #"c)ling an# people $ith #isa%ilities are very similar %eca"se thy may not +fit in, %"t $e sho"l# al$ays accept them %eca"se of all the goo# #ifferences that they have insi#e of them&

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