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Self-Evaluation Form for Group Research Project

Name: __________________________ Team: _______________

Be concise, coherent, truthful, polite, and specific! A portion of your grade is based on these thoughtful, individual responses.

1.) Describe your specific individual contributions to the research project.

2.) Explain how your specific individual contributions to the presentation (e.g., research, handouts, interviews, additional multimedia such as video or photos, etc.) made the group effort a successful collaboration.

3.) What area of the group investigation would you have liked to pursue an area that your group did not or could not pursue due to time, energy, available resources, etc.?

4.) What were your personal responses to this experience? Please add a personal reflection regarding (a) the groups success and (b) the TWU organization/group you now know so well.

5.) Any other comments or suggestions for instructor to consider for future team assignments.

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