Reflection Counseling Reflection

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Reflection is a part of our assignment for Guidance and Counselling for Children ( EDU 3107) subject this semester

.All the trainee teachers were stationed at the Microteaching Room 1, on the ground floor. In this essay, I would reflect on the whole experience of completing this coursework, the challenges faced and the benefits that I have gained throughout the accomplishment of this assignment. Initially, I was not very apprehensive with the idea of counselling because this is a very new subject to me and i have no idea why would people meet counsellor.I grew up surrounded by children my whole life. I am the eldest daughter with two siblings, so we always sit and talk about our problems. As the eldest in the family i will always lend my active ears to my siblings and will always be there for them to share their problems. I have already started tweaking them even back when I was a child! So i have only very little input and experience in this subject area but i manage to integrate my readings and childhood experiences as well as input from lecturer to complete this task. During my primary years in Sekolah KebangsaanTunku Malik, I used to be a member of Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya but not an active member. Somehow, i know little patches of tricks to make people share their problems and i am a good listener as well.

In conclusion, I positively feel happy and elated that I managed to finish up my coursework successfully. There are immeasurable benefits i gained and i will definitely put all the knowledge and experiences gained into practice in my future. There are always room for improvements as well as weaknesses to be overcome, so I will definitely work hard on that as well, for the benefit of my future clients. I would like to thank Mr. Marzuki my lecturer for the guidance , Mr. Shurkri counsellor of SK Seri Nilam for his cooperation and not forgetting Nur Aziyah Bt Azib my colleague who was willing to share her ides and opinions.

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