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PDHPE Games and Sport Fundamental Movement Skills Term 1 2014 Stage

!ut"omes and #ndi"ators

Knowledge and Understanding Skills Values and Attitudes GSS $% &pplies movement M!S $4 ,e+ines and applies ./ 0ommits to realising t'eir skills in games and sports t'at movement skills "reativel- to a +ull potential$ re(uire "ommuni"ation) variet- o+ "'allenging .1 2illingl- parti"ipates in "ooperation and o*servation o+ situations$ regular p'-si"al a"tivit-$ rules$ Student Assessment Program Evaluation 3 !*serve student parti"ipation in lessons$ 3 Do students en7o- games lessons8 3 !*serve students4 demonstrations o+ t'e 3 2ere students a"tivel- involved in ea"' stage sele"ted skills$ o+ t'e lesson8 3 &sk students to design a"tivities t'at 3 2as t'e time allo"ated su++i"ient +or all in"orporate sele"ted skills$ students to parti"ipate and pra"tise t'e skills8 3 Have students identi+- and name t'e most 3 &re t'e a"tivities appropriate +or t'e level o+ suita*le e(uipment +or various a"tivities$ development and interests o+ students8 3 &sk students to design a"tivities5games 3 Did all students 'ave e(ual a""ess to t'at in"orporate sele"ted skills$ e(uipment8 3 !*serve students at pla- to see i+ t'e3 &re t'e students s'o9ing improvement in t'eir in"orporate t'e skills into t'eir pla-ground p'-si"al and so"ial skills8 games$ 3 2as t'e e(uipment used suita*le to t'e 3 6se skills "'e"klist to *uild up a skills developmental stage o+ students and su++i"ient pro+ile o+ ea"' student$ +or t'e planned learning e:perien"es8 3 Have students *een given opportunities to e:perien"e various roles) eg leader o+ a team8 3 #s t'ere a *alan"e *et9een girl5*o- leaders) student demonstrators) e(uipment monitors8 3 Have a variet- o+ tea"'ing strategies5learning e:perien"es *een emplo-ed8 Resources: - Tea"'ing Fundamental Movement Skills; &n overvie9 and stage<spe"i+i" lesson e:amples$ Good +or =ids$ Good +or >i+e) 200?
GET S=#>>ED; GET &0T#.E$ & =</ resour"e to support t'e tea"'ing o+ +undamental movement skills @S2 Department o+ Edu"ation and Training) 2000 Fundamental Motor Skills &n &"tivities ,esour"e For 0lassroom Tea"'ers$ Department o+ Edu"ation) .i"toria) 1??%

Learning Experiences Catc < < < < : !utline t'e six skill "omponents >ink to sports5a"tivities 9'ere t'e "at"' is used Skill<Spe"i+i" 2arm 6p; Aean *ag BAAC +un Guided Dis"over-; DE-es +o"used on t'e o*7e"t as it4s "oming to9ards -ou4 and D,ea"'ing to9ards t'e o*7e"t as "at"'ing4 < Tea"'ing t'e Skill; Demonstration) Partner 0at"'ing &"tivities) 0orner Sp- and @an-ima$ < Pra"tising t'e Skill; Egg<*all) Eig Eag Aall and ,e*ound 0at"'$


"alance: < !utline t'e #ive skill "omponents < >ink to sports5a"tivities 9'ere t'e *alan"e is used < Skill<Spe"i+i" 2arm 6p; 2'istle FreeFe < E:ploration G Guided Dis"over-; DHead sta*le) e-es +o"used4 and D@on<support leg *ent) not tou"'ing t'e support leg$4 < Tea"'ing t'e Skill; Demonstration and DTea"'er4 Sa-s < Pra"tising t'e Skill; T9ister FreeFe and Statues

Side < < < <

$allop: !utline t'e #ive skill "omponents >ink to sports5a"tivities 9'ere t'e side gallop is used Skill<Spe"i+i" 2arm 6p; Dragon4s Tail E:ploration G Guided Dis"over-; D=eeping 'ead sta*le and e-es +o"used +or9ard4 and D2eig't on t'e *alls o+ t'e +eet4 < Tea"'ing t'e Skill; Demonstration) Hold Hands Slide) Aean Aag Slide and Follo9 t'e leader < Pra"tising t'e Skill; 0'i"ken 0rossing

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