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The baking process is a series of steps that involves making carefully balanced mixtures of 3 CATEGORIES OF INGREDIENTS: - TOUGHENERS: are

also called STRUCTURE BUILDERS. - TENDERIZERS: are opposite of tougheners. - MOISTENERS: are ingredients that are high in water Once ingredients are weighed accurately, they must be combined in a specific manner and at a specific temperature.

Three stages occur : MIXING, BAKING, COOLING

What occurs during mixing?

1. Ingredients are distributed evenly. 2. Air is developed. 3. Certain ingredients dissolve or hydrate when they come into contact with water. 4. Other ingredients break down into small particles and bond with other ingredients to form an EMULSION .

What occurs during baking?

1. Fats melt. 2. Gases form and expand. 3. Microorganisms die. 4. Proteins coagulate. 5. Browning occurs. = caramelization

What occurs during cooling?

1. Gases contract or escape. 2. Fats resolidify and sugars recrystallize. 3. Over time, moisture and flavor is lost.

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