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Intellectual property Intellectual property refers to any product of human intellect that is uni$ue and has value in the

mar%et place. This covers ideas, inventions, uni$ue name, computer program codes and many more

UNETHICS- refers to any code of conducts that are not confirming to approved standards of social or professional behaviour.

ETHICAL COMPUTER CODE OF CONDUCTS xamples! - sending warning about viruses to other computer users -as%ing permission before sending any business advertisements to others - using information with authori#ation

COMPUTER ETHICS- is a system of moral standards or values used as a guideline for computer users.
UNETHICAL COMPUTER CODE OF CONDUCTS With the advancement of ICT, it is easy for anyone to retrieve your information from the Internet. You may not realise that when you fill a form on the Internet, your information may be exposed and stolen. xamples of unethical computer code of conducts include! -modifying certain information on the Internet, affecting the accuracy of the information - selling information to other parties without the owner"s permission - using information without authori#ation - involvement in stealing software - invasion of privacy

0arta intele%tual 0arta intele%tual meru.u% pada setiap produ% a%al manusia yang uni% dan mempunyai nilai di pasaran. Ini termasu% idea-idea, penemuan, nama yang uni%, %od program %omputer dan banya% lagi

Tida% -ereti%a-meru.u% pada setiap %od eti%a yang tida% mengesah%an dengan standard menyetu.ui perila%u sosial atau profesional.

TI&' &()*+T , &od ti%a Contoh! - )enghantar peringatan tentang virus bagi pengguna %omputer lain -)eminta i#in sebelum menghantar i%lan perniagaan untu% orang lain - )engguna%an ma%lumat dengan %ebenaran

TI&' C()*+T , -adalah sistem standard moral atau nilai-nilai yang diguna%an sebagai pedoman bagi pengguna %omputer.

Tida% eti%a C()*+T , &od ti%a /engan %ema.uan TI&, mudah bagi sesiapa saha.a untu% mengambil ma%lumat anda dari Internet. 'nda mung%in tida% menyedari bahawa %eti%a anda mengisi borang di Internet, ma%lumat anda boleh ter%ena dan dicuri. Contoh %od %omputer tida% bereti%a eti%a meliputi! -)emodifi%asi ma%lumat tertentu di Internet, yang mempengaruhi %etepatan ma%lumat - )en.ual ma%lumat %epada piha% lain tanpa i#in pemili% - )engguna%an ma%lumat tanpa %ebenaran - *englibatan dalam mencuri software - *encerobohan privasi

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