Education in Pakistan

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Education in Pakistan Problems, Trends and Development Proposals Unesco ERM/34 INTRODUCTION ‘This Report is a confidential document prepared for the Government of Pakistan under the Co-operative Agreement between Unesco end the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Its object is to study the development of the educational system and to identify educational projects considered essential for the economic and social development of Pakistan and which could be financed by external aid, particularly by the Bank and the Internattonal Development Asscoiation. The recommendations presented, however, are those of ‘the Unesco Secretariat and in no way commit the Bank or the Association. The Report presents ‘the conclusions reached by the Unesco Secretariat after consideration of the information provided and the visws expressed by the Project Identification Migaion which visited Pakistan in May-June 1970. Tho Mission consisted of Mesars, D. Carelli, Mission Leader, M. Hervé, Deputy Mission . Leeder, L, Costa and 8. Allebeck, all from Unesco, 8. Futagamt and R. Johanson, IERD, R. Lyman and 0. Nordstrand, ILO, C. Goth and A. Kehoe, FAO end R. Romain, Conaultant. I trust that this Report will contribute usefully to the efforts of the Government of Pakistan to plan and finance the development of its educational system. René Maheu Director-General, United Nations Educational, Soientific and Cultural Organization ERH/34 ~ page 1 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION. «2 - soe eee wens ee GLOSSARY, 6. cee e cece cece rc eeccrcersreves ix PROJECT AND COST SUMMARY. «2 + ee eee eee eer eee cw eee x PART I CHAPTER I: Socio-economic background and educational financing - present situation and prospects. CHAPTER II: Main characteristics of the educational and training system. +s eee eee reer ees CHAPTER III: Evaluation of Pakistan's quantitative and qualitative targets tor educational development: 25 PART IL CHAPTER IV: East Pakistan: An analysis of educational evelopment proposel®s ces cce scree ecsres 37 CHAPTER V: West Pakistan: An anslysis of educational development proposals... + eee eee eee ee ee BL CHAPTER VI: Pakistan: Educatienal broedcesting end related media - prospects for future development... 79 PART IIT CHAPTER VII: ‘The strategy proposed for external financing a of Pakistan's educational development...-..-+-.- 87 CHAPTER VIII: Projects proposed to the Central Government. - +--+ 9% CHAPTER IX: Projects proposed to the Government of East Pakintan. . 22-2 ee Doo CHAPTER X: Projects for Wast Pakistn sess esse sees 1g

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