Problem Set Conservation Laws

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ChE 147 Problem Set Conservation Laws 1.

Air is flowing at a constant mass rate through a constant mass diameter horizontally arranged air heater. The temperature is increased from 70 OF to 144OF. The pressure of the air dropped from normal barometer by 1-inch H2O. The air enters at a velocity of 20 fps. If the mean specific heat of air is 0.24 BTU/lbm-OF, calculate the velocity of the air at the exit stream and the net heat absorbed by the air. (Ans. v2 = 22.8486 ft/s, Q = 17.7624 BTU/lbm) 2. Calculate the power generated by a 1-inch pipe delivering 50 ft of water head on an 80% efficient water wheel driving an 88% efficient generator. (Ans. Power = 1.2357 hp) 3. A pump takes water at 60OF from a large reservoir and delivers it to the bottom of an open elevated tank 25 ft above the reservoir surface through a 3 ID pipe. The inlet to the pump is located 10 ft below the water surface and the water level in the tank is constant at 160 ft above the reservoir surface. The pump delivers 150 gal/min. If the total loss of energy due to friction in the piping system is 35 lbfft/lbm, what is the power requirement to do the pumping? The pump motor set has an overall efficiency of 55%. Also, find the pressures at the entrance and exit of the pipe. (Ans. Ws = 7.379 hp, Pentrance = 1.2733 atm, Pexit = 4.9536 atm)

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